
talking topics with full time strippers with no life

New York
Friday, April 15, 2016 4:39 AM
Many strippers I pick turn out to be [fake or real] college girls. Their majors and why they picked the local uni provide many minutes of small talk. Yesterday I encountered a 22 year old stripper, no tats, skinny and short as hell, girl next door, probably younger than 22 with fake ID but whatever. But when I asked what she does during they day she responded "I am here every day, during the day I sleep, then goto [this club]". This lead to a long pause since I didn't know how to push the convo further. This SC is open from 5 PM to 2 AM. Most dancers dont come until 9PM at this SC. So was she just being her stripper persona and doesn't want to reveal anything? Do I ask "you smoke up? have a lil fun?". I know my ATF's days off/afternoons before work consistent of getting high or going to the salon. How would you handle a stripper you want to talk with that has no life except sex work? The only topics I can think of is start talking about my home city SCs and compare it to hers which I eventually did that night but it has a high risk of friend-zoning strippers (it didn't in this case, she lightly grabbed my dick during the good bye hug on main floor).


  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Friend zoning a stripper is like friend zoning a hooker they will still dance/fuck you as long as u pay up ooooo and Plus your friends
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Also does it really matter what this stupid slut even thanks ? Answer is no she is a Bitch not a man
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    s88 - I can't remember how old you are but I feel your pain. It has happened to me so many times. I'm in my mid-30's and you run into a girl that's similar in age as the one you described. I don't think it's just because she's a stripper, if you ran into her at Starbucks you probably would have the same difficulty talking to her as well. Sometimes I ask how they got into stripping, talk about music, local sports teams, TV shows, what they did before they became a stripper, favorite food, what they like to drink at the club. Eventually you'll hit a topic that they are passionate about and that can fill some otherwise awkward silence between you two. I don't know if Juicy was joking or not, but if he has that attitude when he goes into a club, it's no wonder I am getting OTC for next to nothing and sometimes even free when he hasn't even ever done it. What guys never realize is, if you treat strippers as an equal (which they are) you'll get a lot further and more of what you want in a club.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    That's happened to me, and it is kind of awkward! Finally, I have resorted to asking bland questions about various things, like sports, her hair, local places to visit, or even furniture - whatever I can think of - just to keep her responding until I find something she will talk about. It doesn't always work, but when it does, I usually find out the dancer does have some "life" besides drugs and clubs.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Conversations is deginitely an art
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Tell her to pull your finger
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Strippers are just like any other women. Some are cool, and some are cunts- like Nina. There are done that you'll hit it off with, talk forever, and lose track of time. There are others with who conversation is more painful than a door canal. Then there was that strange girl at SG in OP that just wanted to stand behind me and run her fingers through my hair.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't go to the strip club to have conversations with these strippers.
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    I fucked ninas cunt this one time
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If you met DS III, you'd probably say that she has "no life." But you'd be very wrong. It took me a while to figure her out. But she has just been dealt a very shitty deck of cards in life, and she's doing her best to somehow rise above her desperate circumstances. All dancers have a life even if it's very different than most of us. You just have to take time to get to know them if you want to know what that life is like. And if you are not interested in getting to know them that's perfectly understandable. But you shouldn't criticize them for having no life just because you dont understand or identify with them.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ good for you John. many people are put off by trailer park culture
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Any time the girl will sit and talk with you, especially for free, it is good. You learn how to talk to different types in strip clubs. And as always, girls who like you will make you feel like King Herod The Great in how attentively they listen to you. So I'm not complaining. SJG Awesome James Carter Organ Trio - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2004 [view link]
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @JS69 You described my ATF. I can talk with her about her kids, her shitty family, how she runs out of $ (and she never asked me for above minimum SC prices), housing/landlord problems, beauty and style advice, stripper clothing, worst customer of the week, manager drama, transportation to and from work problems, accidents and poor choices when she is high, all kinds of negative, tragic, otherwise not nice stuff, and neither of us are offended by it. Alot of these topics are personal between me and her, and I can't say it to anyone else since that would be gossip. I almost never criticize her judgement or choices. But I can't talk to a random stripper I never met before like that. I dont think I can. I'd look a judgement condescending hypocrite and probing too hard into her outside the club life. When I say "no life", it means she won't say what she does 24-5-2-7=10 hours a day on work days or on her off days. Shopping/clothes? no Concerts/live music? no school? no kids? no. Whether she tells me the truth, or complete fiction, IDK and IDC, but I dont want to start talking about myself with her nodding, smiling, and going uh huh for half an hour but that seemed like all she wanted me to do. Was that all I was going to get that day?
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    s88-->"So was she just being her stripper persona and doesn't want to reveal anything?" Obviously, no idea, but I think you're asking the right question. Maybe she truly has no life, or probably more likely, she doesn't want to go through the effort to share it with YOU, for any number of reasons. I know from previous discussions that you tend to ask some pretty personal questions, questions I wouldn't ask a stripper unless I'd connected with them pretty well first. I think your two options are, either get better at connecting with the strippers so that they'll open up faster, or talk about things all strippers like to talk to customers about, starting with sex and partying.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Once while wintering in SoFlo, I stopped into downtown Miami's club. It was a slow late afternoon and this skanky, skinny dancer attached herself to me hoping I'd buy dances from her. We talked at length about her university studies. She was a broadcast major and we discussed the business, production values and story selection. I hope she now works somewhere in the country as a worker in TV news. I don't see her as as a broadcast person, but maybe she is. More power to her.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    If she can't carry a conversation, she better be hot and dirty
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "san_jose_gay" is an impersonation troll, so please check carefully before reading anything. SJG
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