
I hate lying to a woman that I'm in a relationship with. Let's face it, with the shit that many of us do with strippers we can never be completely truthful with woman that we date. I certainly can't, and I bet that's true for lots of,you guys as well. I find myself lying frequently, and I don't like it. Also, the one I'm with now is very smart, unlike the wife. It's harder to get away with lying to her. It takes more work, and there's more chance that she'll find out.
I know that a few of you are with women who you can tell about your stripper adventures, or who go with you to strip clubs. I think your unicorns are awesome, and I'm envious. But the vast majority of women anywhere close to my age won't tolerate sex with anyone else, and a lap dance counts as sex to them. I already have a unicorn stripper, I don't have time to search for a unicorn civie. So I honestly don't see any option but to lie.
I don't like lying. I really like this one. But I know of no viable alternative. Does anybody else face this conflict? You must. How do you guys handle it? This didn't bother me too much with the wife but it sure does with the MILF.
last commentTwo choices - 1) dump the DS's and other pussy or 2) dump the milf
If you do one of those two things then you don't have to lie. I think you know what to do ...
I haven't got involved with a stripper in a long time, but you already know the answer. Question is, are you man enough to do the right thing?
I think that's the problem for you. Which way do you go; keep the MILF, or dump ALL the DSs and strippers.
"I find myself lying frequently, and I don't like it. "
This is why you will never make a living as a stripper.
"I find myself lying frequently and I don't like it."
How the hell did you ever make a living as a lawyer if you don't like lying??????????????
I avoid lying. I also try to put myself in positions where I won't need to lie.
Warhawks makes an excellent point! Seems like a part of your day job!
Aye Aye Cap'n Jackslash.
Should've expected the lawyer jokes. But if you have a gf/wife/so and you play with strippers then you're most likely lying too. If I can do it cause it's part of my job how do you guys justify it.
I only lie here on TUSCL I'm truthful everyplace else.
Coming home from a weekend away from the wifey, "oh how was your weekend away with Joe?" "It was awesome, we just partied at his house, went out to eat and drank a lot." Yep, all true but we did it in a strip club, 225 miles from his house.
Why decide? Just tell the truth and let them decide. You don't risk losing the DSs as long as you have money. The milf may walk, but at least you won't have this nagging at you.
@JohnSmith69, clearly you have somehow missed the primary requirement for any man to remain in a relationship with any woman. Do these questions register?
Do you like my chicken frufru?
Do I look fat is this?
Were you looking at her tits?
Do you think she is prettier than I am?
Do you want to go shopping with me?
Wouldn't it be great to hang out with my mom today?
Would you like to just cuddle?
To be in ANY relationship with any woman, EVERY guy must lie!
Your real issue is about quantity and topic. How much do you lie. What subjects do you lie about -. AND - How to keep the lies straight and consistent.
I don't bother lying. It's hard enough for me to keep reality straight anymore without having to keep some made up version consistent. Lying just has the potential to make things worse at some point if the victim finds out. Not worth the trouble of remembering who I told what.
If I don't want to reveal something, I just don't answer the question, or tell them "nunya bidness," depending on who it is and how I feel about them.
My wife gets a truthful answer to every question she asks, to the best of my ability to actually know the truth, anyway.
Whereas my wife has Alzheimer's I don't need to lie there. If I tell her the truth she forgets anyway. My ATF and I used to lie to each other about other sex partners but a couple of years ago I said why lie? We both know the others seeing others.
So I tell her about my CF and that she's a swallower which is sooo nice. She tells me about the 24 year old dealer who wears his pants 10 inches below his waist, looks like a fool, but is a sex God, who made her cum 8 times in 4 hours.
It was a little weird at first, but the story time is like Penthouse Forum now.
Until you Define the relationship with someone, you're not sexually exclusive. Generally it's accepted you Don't Ask, Don't tell, with the other people you're dating and fucking. Your milf doesn't tell you about her other dude (s).
Lies of omission are honestly different than full lies. In business the former is far more forgivable than outright lying.
Seriously though, you do not need to be in a sexually exclusive relationship right now.
The DS won't tell me about sex with guys but she tells me stories about her having sex with other young women all the time. I can't tell her my wild sex stories because they all involve other strippers which just doesn't seem right.
GMD, so if you go to a strip club one night and the next day your wife asks you what did you do last night, do you tell her that you went to a strip club? If so how do you stay married?
Dallas, yes lying is unavoidable with a woman. Good point. But it doesn't change the fact that I feel guilty about it.
"Which way do you go; keep the MILF, or dump ALL the DSs and strippers." That's an impossible choice. It's like saying do you want to cut off your right leg or your left leg. I need them both.
Well, first off, she probably won't do that, because we've already had the discussion about the types of things I do, and what she would prefer I didn't do. However, if she asked, I'd ask her if she wanted details or generalities. Then tell her.
As for how we stay married, we didn't get married for sex, and we're sure not going to split up over it.
The options are so clear that it feels trite to discuss them: stop SCing, get rid of the significant other (SO), tell the civilian the truth and hope for the best, keep lying and just deal, find a way to rationalize it all away.
We both know you're not going to do any of the 1st 3. As much as I try to live my life with honesty and integrity, in this one area of my life, I have to admit I've chosen the last two options -- just lie and deal with it, and/or rationalize it away when i can (I especially hate rationalizing,even worse than just lying, but I also believe denial is a river in egypt :) ). I rationalize how lies of omission are not as bad as full-blown lies, I rationalize how I'm able to compartmentalize sex (with strippers) from love and emotional attachment (with my SO), rationalize that my SO won't indulge some of my sexual kinks and that I need an outlet, etc.
No easy way out, man...
Maybe I was hoping that somebody would have a really good rationalization that I could use to fool myself. But yes subra I acknowledge the truth of everything you said.
GMD, you have a unique relationship. Most women wouldn't have that perspective I don't think.
I am a fortunate one. I'm honest with everyone involved. The wife is glad to get me away from her once in a while, it gives her a break. I am diligent in sticking to the few simple rules and we have no trust issues. Sorry this can't work for everyone, the world would be a better place if it did!
Why lie to yourself Subra just accept the fact that is the way we are wired and make your peace with it. I personally, believe it is more important how we treat the people in our lives, than what we do when we are not with them.
JS: the rationalization that puts me most at ease is: sex drive is as primal an emotion as any there is, and it just doesn't make sense to fight millions of years of evolution and be miserable. I get it that my SO doesn't want to have sex 3 times a week, nor will she let me fuck her in the ass and then drink the cum out of the condom, nor will she have sex in the back seat of a car in a public parking garage, nor take a load on her face, nor let me put clothespins on her pussy lips and nipples until she calls me master and begs for mercy, etc. -- all just the tip of the iceberg as far as things I've done with strippers. So I rationalize that my most primal sex drive is for the strippers, completely compartmentalized from love and making-love which are saved for the SO. Of course, the "love is reserved for my SO" is true for me -- as someone in love with your stripper, you can't use that one :)
With regard to the "lawyers lie" stuff...
Everyone in America has a right to legal representation, even if they are a "bad guy." And it is a lawyer's job to represent these clients. Without that being possible, the justice system would not be possible and people would be assumed guilty until proven otherwise, and without someone to prove otherwise, their guilt would be uncontested.
So you're saying it's okay for lawyers to lie to get their clients off?
just so you know I'm just busting JSs balls, he always comes on here with his moral dilemmas while he's banging 7 girls at the same time.
Yeah idk what kind of law JS69 practices, but I'd expect more from a man who claims to have been a lawyer for 33 years.
More lawyer jokes in 3... 2... 1...
I'm pretty sure every single guy lies to his girl at times.
It's more than lawyers lying. It's that they lie to purposefully inflict pain on an innocent person. A family law attorney will sometimes paint an innocent man as a lying, thieving, child molester just to get his female client more money. By all means get money for your client but don't try to purposefully ruin a mans life just because you are a lying lawyer and the judges allow it because they use to be lawyers too!
Fuck all attorneys! Many have no real skill. They just know how to work the legal system. They are leaches who don't improve anything. They are living off the blood of others.
JS sounds like a guy I would like to have a beer with but him and Skibum work in the slime and muck. They just make more money than us because they are a necessary evil.
And John seriously, you sound like a fun guy and I enjoy hearing about and learning from your exploits. Keep the MILF and good luck with the DSs. These people know you are a lawyer and the MILF is well aware of the risk she is taking by dating you.
"The DS won't tell me about sex with guys but she tells me stories about her having sex with other young women all the time. I can't tell her my wild sex stories because they all involve other strippers which just doesn't seem right."
Maybe by telling you stories of her escapades with other women she is asking for stories about you and other guys
If you dont have any stiries like that, make shit up and lie your ass off. It just may turn her on
Awesome second comment crazyjoe!
Thanks PontiacGuy
JS69, can you clarify? Are you currently in an exclusive relationship with anyone?
If it's just the MILF pushing to be exclusive and you debating if you should go for it and lie about it or say no, please say no. Dating her is fine, but you don't need another monogamous relationship. Right now you should keep fucking strippers for money while playing the civvy field.
Don't get tied down until you find a woman worth giving up the DS for, if ever.
Please, do her a favor and dump her. Obviously, you don't even like her that much if you keep messing around with strippers. She deserves someone who is into her.
Also some lawyers are horrible cocksuckers. (Not you, John). My previous immigration lawyer convinced me to file for Green Card and said that even if I get rejected, US government won't order me to get deported. And voila - my case was not approved and I had to file for appeal. Or else they would put me in deportation proceedings. Completely opposite of what he told me. So now my case is pending and I am waiting for court's hearing which can order to get me deported any time.
So yeah - fuck most of lawyers.
Sorry that happened to you Dancer, but keep in mind you got bad advice from an obviously unqualified attorney, you need to be very careful when looking for, and interviewing attorneys, there are lots of unqualified practitioners out there. Best advice you can use, is get recommendations from another attorney who practices in a different specialty, who would they use given your circumstances, and even then you need to exercise good judgement.
Thank you, dear. Yeah, now I know better. I found new attorney, really good one. But back then I was silly. And in a rush.
Thinking the new attorney will be a good one is probably a flaw in logic. Saying you have a good attorney is like saying it was a good robbery. A good attorney is a unicorn. Law can't be predicted with certainty. If it was we wouldn't need lawyers.
Most lawyers suck and I'm sorry about your experience but check out my earlier comment about most of them not having any real skill.
My relationship with the milf is evolving. Nothing has been said about being exclusive. Yet.