OMG i need to rant

avatar for poledancer83
OMG I wanted to go tf off on a girl the other day. So this bitch at a meeting I had to go to decided to be my best friend well at least try. It all started when she asked what I did for a living. I was honest and told her. Her response set me off. She said oh I could imagine doing that. I could never expose myself like that. Plus just knowing how dirty it is would make me leave but its great that you have the ability to do that though. I wanted to go off but couldn't so I will now lol. The ability? I wasn't born with a goddamn g string on,. Its a job I learned to do. I cant imagine working at mcdonalds for 8 dollars and hour or living on welfare. And being exposed guess what its a body. Its not a big secret. Guys walk around topless and most don't hesitate to show off there junk why the hell are ladies so afraid to do the same. Non dancers wear skirts, bikinis, short shorts, all kind of things that pretty much leave just a little to the imagination but they shame dancers. I have heard it my entire career. this BS story of girls living with whoever they can because they don't have the cash to pay rent because there dead broke from their minimum wage job well guess what not me sweet heart. I didn't want to dance but I did want to make money. Its not an ability and its not about what jesus or dad would think. Its about bettering yourself. If you make enough money doing a non adult entertainment job then congrats that's great. But if your not and then you wanna throw stones at me then fuck off. Your body got you government food and 4 baby daddies. Mine got me my own place my own food, car and just about anything I need or want within reason. And all I had to do is take off clothes. If your jealous of me or wanna be like me then guess what girl go to the gym tan and get hot and get on a stage swallow that bs story you have and get naked. You are no better then any other dancer that does it. If you don't then just keep practicing "would you like fries with that". Meanwhile ill be taking all your mans money. Sorry just pissed me off and I always rant to all of you lol love ya my fellow pervs.


last comment
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
i like you. you've got grit. not that fake grit so many other dancers have but you have true grit

Illegitimi non carborundum
avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
Feel better now?

Remember some people need help to, "get a clue," then there are the people with ideals and brains on a 10 story pedestal and an elevator than only reaches their 3rd floor. (Their mouth and their brains are NOT connected.)
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
Good for you. And you provide a needed service. So many of us PL's would be in big trouble without a legal outlet.
I don't mean to equate prostitution with stripping, but when a loophole in RI law made indoor prostitution legal, the strip clubs flourished and rape rates and std infections fell significantly.
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
yes I feel better now lol
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Well shit.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Just remember, it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. :)
avatar for crsm27
9 years ago

I couldn't help myself.... and yes you are 100% correct and it is sad how people will look down on others who work their ass off to put money in their account and better their life by doing an adult industry type job. Yet wont get off their own lazy ass and expect everyone else to help them out with government assistance. They just take and take and take.... I will stop now before I get too political on a strip club forum....

BTW...... Dancer... Keep being sexy we all love it.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
When you ask someone a personal question like "What do you do for a living" and you don't like the answer, the polite thing to do is say, "How interesting" and move on. It's called manners.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
It's weird the way the patriarchy works. The royal "they" are ok when a woman gives it away for free (her sexuality) but the second she charges money for it (her sexuality), these patriarchy apologists (men and women) jump all over you with "how dare you!"

Also some of these women do understand the "power of the pussy" and want "their pussy" (as the wife) to be the only pussy their man pays to access. They want the a pussy access fee as the wife to be as high as possible. So these wives naturally see dancers and escorts as competitors.

It's old world thinking. Luckily my wife doesn't buy into it and see the clubs for what they are. An outlet for man and some women.

I also love the POV of these civvie women. They actually think that as an exotic dancer that taking off your clothes and getting naked for strangers is the hardest part of the job. Lol. They have no clue how hard it really is. The getting naked part is no big deal compared with some of the other shit in his industry. They have no clue.

It sounds like you could write an Italian opera hard on your dealing with that civilian woman. She sure knew how to dish out those backhanded insults to you and to your chosen profession. What a bitch. You really kept your poise though. I don't know how you did it.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I need to remember not to make you mad.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
LOL. It's funny how people think they are giving positive feedback, and wind up sticking their foot in their mouth; but this girl sounded just idiotically oblivious to what she was saying. I admire you for having the patience to keep your tongue around her. People that stupid would not understand their responsibility when you blow up on them.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
I'll give you a virtual hug, poledancer. Do what you want, when you want. That's how I live my life and if people don't like it. Tough rocks.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I need a virtual blow job
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Reminds me oft the scene in "Independence Day" between Vivica Fox's character and the first lady. Damn she looked good in that movie.
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
"Just remember, it is better to be pissed off than pissed on"

Not that there's anything wrong with

"power of the pussy"...I wonder who wrote that song and if they get tons of royalties? You can't watch a single movie on skinemax without that song playing during the action scenes.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 years ago
I had a dancer comment to me once that the only place where it's acceptable to be a stripper is inside the strip club.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
After 3 years of frequent SCing, it is still hard for me to not think negatively about sex workers. My CF actually matches every single negative stereotype about strippers there is but I love her anyway. When I get the urge to go judgmental, I just stop and look at myself. Why am I not married/LTR? Why am I in a SC? I am no better than any stripper. I am a perv and you are a ho. We are both going to burn in hell for what we do, but atleast it will be hot and steamy fun down there.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
I find it interesting the number of people that look down their noses at others like they hold the moral high ground. "Holier Than Thou" types.
"Judge not lest ye be judged"
I try (hardly ever successfully)to live by that in my dealing with people's life choices.
I have heard of very few who hold that ground and they will the first to say they do not and that they are as much of a sinner as the rest of us.

I hold the opinion that the worst rip off girl in the sleaziest club is more virtuous that ANY politician, bureaucrat, or many ministers. Most all of these are hypocritical whores of the soul!
People that parade in front of a club in a commercial area blocking driveways with pickets for the news cameras are mostly hypocrites.
It take a special kind of mental strength to avoid the pitfalls in the strip club industry and I am not even talking about extras. The abuse and party until you die culture is rampant
avatar for Duke69
9 years ago
My favorites part was the "this bitch" parts lol
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