avatar for Big_sarge


joined Jan 2011last seen Oct 2024

Reviews by Big_sarge

Comments made by Big_sarge

article comment
3 months ago
avatar for ZRod
What to be aware of when doing OTC
Solid article with great points. One that I want to add emphasis to is....don't pay anything before hand. I did that once and got burned for $400. She was hot though....so hot. I got caught up in my thinking and wasn't ,making logical decisions. No matter how hot she is, don't give her money when you aren't even at your locale yet. As for the girls that do this, I love the description of the different types of girls. It is spot on. The only thing I would add is come equipped with patience and maybe be thinking about the long game...if you are a regular monger and build up trust that can work as well. I have had success in that arena.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
First strip club to have unionized dancers.
There was a dancer in Portland a few years back that was trying to unionize the girls in many of the clubs downtown. Her company and her dances were not enjoyable. It was almost like she hated being at work and thought that men should give her money simply for being... Well, I can say I hoped out of that after I got a dance one night when I was a bit too drunk and basically had to listen to a lot of veiled criticisms of men and the clubs in general. I doubt this is going to work or last. It just isn't a thing that should be in this industry.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for funonthaside
Tip/No Tip Girls - Playhouse Lounge - Burlington NJ
Whenever a girl requires a mandatory tip for a lap dance, it is a hard no from me.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for TippingDollars
Craziest thing you've seen at the Strip Club
Craziest things I have seen: Was at a club in Colorado Springs and there was a couple in the audience. They were in the part of the club that was not that crowded and he ended up getting FS when she was sitting on his lap and they were watching dancers on stage. I know some will ask how I know it was FS....you basically couldn't not know. Eventually a bouncer came back and told them to tone it down. Was at a club in Baltimore with a two story pole. The dancer shimmied her way to the top of the pole and then slipped and fell to the floor. I don't think she broke anything, and certainly not her neck. Her face was all bloody and they took her away on a stretcher once the ambulance got there. Was at a club in Syracuse in the dead of winter. The dressing room was in the basement and the club on the main floor. Well I started noticing some smoke or fog coming from a vent...and very quickly determined it was smoke and noted out of there about 15 seconds before everyone else realized it was smoke and got the hell out of the club. It was probably 5 degrees outside and was kind of humorous watching all of the girls come out in various states of undress. The fire department eventually came to put out the fire and happily handed out blankets to all of the girls. Finally, I didn't see it, but a story I have heard many time is that a customer had a heart attack and died in a club that is now closed that was a little outside of Baltimore.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Big_sarge
A dozen clubs outside DC ordered to close (basically immediately)
I think you may by on to something Dallas702, but I know at least one of the clubs (Fuego) is not an "after hours" club....That being said, none of these clubs are on my go-to list...and I am super glad also that Showcase wasn't on the list.