
Comments by rootman

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    Yes, if you have the opportunity to do it right. Casual sex to me is not defined by the act but by the fact that you're engaged in some sexual activity with someone you have no real emotional tie to (hence, 'casual'). I don't do laps any more without at least HJ or BJ, waste of time. Went to high school long ago.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Yes, of course. I currently have a couple of them and date one regularly. That's not without some issues but these are real friends. Strippers are people too. hey often just have different baggage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much...
    The beauty of being a regular and having favorites .... I always get otc for free. Invest in the club/girls and the ROI is great.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Normal to call in and see if a dancer is working?
    I have done this but almost every dancer I regularly see gives me her number and will respond when I ask her if she's on today or when she plans to work. Just ask.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I did it now hit me
    I see the same thing as Book Guy. I have lots of casual friends at my club who hang out with me or give free stuff. It is possible to actually like each other and exercise the game. As for my original post, thanks to advice months ago I moved on to a new one and no longer feel anything for the previous. She's a honey and I get to play the game all over again. I don't think I'll develop the same chemistry since we often don't control that (plus it wasn't intended) but I'm having fun for sure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Can't argue with jessica alba but the girl who plays Lana on the Smallville series gets me going big time as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    There are a lot of points of view here and it really depends on the individual girl. Do they want to be 'saved'? Some yes, some no. I have personal experience with this and like to think I helped my Atf quit the business and get a regular job (at lower $$) now that her kids are a little older. Many of these girls are a product of their environment and need guidance. For example, I discovered she didn't even really know how much her monthly bills came to. Or how to search for a job. A lot of them need help, some don't want it and some don't even deserve it. If you find one deserving, why not try to help? We all have our problems (customers and dancers alike). I try to keep that in perspective and we all can help each other with the parts of our lives that are not quite together.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How Long & How Often To Get to ATF Status.
    this is a pretty negative thread. I have to point out that there are likely a lot of diferent situations and views. atf's can be a lot of fun, a no gamble source of sex, fun and some companionship with no strings attached. Girlfriends are far more work. I for one was lucky to find a really good one and we now have an exclusive otc relationship with all the trimmings. That's probably unusual and lucky but hey, it worked.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting for strippers...
    The AMP girls head back to mamasan to give up the $$$, then probably give the body a quick wipe. Most if the time they seem to have rushed into the room from another customer just leaving. On the other hand, some don't freshen up at all ...yikes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What does your ATF really think of you, Daddy?
    I understand all the trappings mentioned but there are cases where ATF's are a great deal. First, if she treats you well, acts interested, gives up sex etc., what's the problem? Yep, she wouldn't go out with you on your merits but if the fantasy is good and works for both of you, no harm. I'm married, get everything I want from my atf including sex OTC and for that, I see her at the club and tip her well when there. Sounds fair to me, forget the head games.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    See ya on the flip side
    wondergrl5: Here are my late best wishes. Don't you love having this support group here? We should have all showed up at the Dr. Office. I'm sure everything will be great and always have enjoyed your comments/sense of humor on the board. Teach me how to take everything less seriously!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bad news from my ATF
    It's a tough one but I'm for trying not to abandon her. I think the world of my ATF and if in that position would try to support her. You CAN be more than friends and still conductsuper safe activities you know. It won't be as much fun but how much fun is having no contact or relationship if you really dig her. This post is a nice wakeup call to all though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.
    On the dancers who sit and take up your time, I know the other girls in our club and yep, they stay away if someone is sitting with me. But I just tell the one sitting with me in the first minute that I'm here for Sally or whatever and don't plan any dances. They usually get the hint. My time is too valuable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    the boob show
    I prefer naturals and have no use for oversized or hard feeling boobs. I agree with some others that shape, nipples etc. are more important, not size.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    njscfan: Clarification, My ATF isn't looking for more $$$, it was just a curiosity question when I learned how much some others spend. To answer your question, I have no doubt I have a great deal. Any kind (and all) of sex I want, much OTC (no charge), real non-sex dataing to boot. I try to take care of the girls well (esp. atf) when ITC but was surprised that many patrons spend even more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    To njscfan's point: Interesting question why my (or anyone's) atf goes out with me, money or other reasons. It could be the father figure thing (she's 25 years younger), she's attracted to the $$$ I have or simply wants to keep me as a reg. I'm not hung up either way, especially if she's so good I can't tell the difference. I'm no fool, it would be a lot of work to land 20/30 year olds for regular dating (I'm married and 50's). So the SC is kind of like speed dating that sometimes leads to regular dating. I'm getting sex, companionship and we have a good time. Why should I worry about the motives?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    njscfan: Here's how my atf situation works. If I'm ITC with her, I pay for the laps and tip nicely. If we're OTC (which is more than 60% of the time), we just do what we do. So there's a relationship but it's not real girlfriend, full time, exclusive stuff.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    FONDL: Sounds like the way to go. I don't travel for business as much as I used to and there is really only one club worth going to where I live so that time is usually with the atf. You did 11 years .....I wonder how you kept the spark so long without an attachment that created problems. You may be my hero or a natural juggler.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I a regular?
    Being a regular is a big advantage. At my usual club, I know most of the girls pretty well and they all trust me so I get more. And we have more fun than trying to feel out what each other will tolerate. I often don't have a great time in strange clubs while the girls hang with regs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    Njscfan: I can understand this (been there) and it often relates to club rules, how well you know the girl etc. In some clubs, they just won't tolerate taking it out of your pants. In other cases, the girl feels like she's not giving sex. I've only experienced it a few times and hell, I don't worry about the clothes. The earlier comment about taking you to the edge to make more $$ is valid. I've had some tape me out, follow me to the ATM and when they think you're broke, pop a load. It's the game.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tax time. April 15th approaching.
    How about as gambling losses? Some haven't really paid off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ED Med Question
    I've only used V and the side effects are what's well documented. I get a slight headache for a few hours afterward but it's more than worth it. The stuff really works and you never worry about fading. In addition, it really enlarges your dick. I also found it makes cumming harder. Imagine having all those benefits for a few bucks a pill. I could perform without it but won't ever again. Alcohol and full stomachs work against you so I drink after the deed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In the parking lot...
    I think there's a little something to this. I was shocked when I first met my ATF OTC that she wasn't quite the same w/o makeup. Still nice but there are a lot of gorgeous women just working at the mall who are much better lookers. I've seen other dancers in the parking lot too and man are they ordinary. um....so what. I can't squeeze the mall girl's tits.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can't we all get along?
    The answer always lies somewhere in between when dealing with a diverse population. Do many dancers have issues and are they doing what they do because of it? Sure. Do many of us customers have issues and do what we do because of it? Of course. So back to the theme of getting along. Let's try to recognize that life can sometimes be tough, sometimes fun and guess what ....we can help each other. As for some of the bashing on the board, I ignore that and instead appreciate the thoughtful commentary that's so pervasive. Most of the posters are obviously very intelligent and insightful, very unusual for a forum of this type. Everybody sing now ......