the boob show

avatar for thebigguy4u69
Im a newbie here, but been going to clubs a long time, lately Ive been sitting back thinking to myself "damn these clubs owners need to work out a deal with boob jobs" the other night I was with this girl, tall but just tall enough, beautiful ass, nice legs, nice face, nice shiney long hair. She takes her bra off and its shit city, this girl no doubt would be a 10, with a nice set of tits. Dont get me wrong, Im not a boob man, but you heed to fill out the whole package, and in this business, sex sells or should I say boobs sell. I was in Christies in Cleveland last year, and I swear to god it was itty bitty titty night, nothing over a B Cup, I dunno just seems like a trend to me. What are your thoughts?


last comment
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
Well, a couple of perspectives. One is that I don't care too much how big the boobs are if they are a nice shape. The other perspective is that clubs in Ohio are kinda sick right now, and I have not been seeing top talent for a while. Alot of the girls are young or inexperienced. I think strippers get boob jobs after they are on the job for a little while and decide to improve their packaging to make more money. In Ohio, those types of girls seem to have dwindled. In other places, like my hometown of Phoenix, and certainly in Vegas and So. Cal., there is plenty of saline/silicone to go around.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
A Lot of guys on this site are HUGE (no pun....unless its funny) proponents of natural is better. And more than a mouthful is too much. I.E the outpouring of DONT DO IT for my upcoming surgery. I have noticed alot of smaller women in my area. But to each his own some like a snack and some like the whole damn buffet. Keep searching cause if your gonna find silicone its gotta be in a SC.

avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
Although I have not been a member of this site for as long as some of you I have been reading and writing reviews on TUSCL for about two years. My general impression is that we all have our "types" when it comes to strippers but overall I would have to say that the majority of guys on this site seem to prefer "natural" girls. Since you are new you might want to look over some of the many reviews available. I think you will reach the same conclusion , that is most of us do not prefer "bolt ons", "enhancements", etc. Maybe since I prefer a natural look on a petite dancer I may have tended to remember only those reviewers with similar tastes. There have been numerous discussions on "Natural" vs. "Enhanced" and I seem to think natural won most of the time.
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
Wondergirl, I did't see your comments until after I posted mine. We must have been typing at the same time. Anyway, I, along with everyone else here, have enjoyed your comments and frequent contributions to these discussions. I too would add my advice to not have the surgery. I have been going to strip clubs for more years than I like to admit and it has been my observation that while the "big boob" girls will get a lot of oogling and other attention , the natural girls with the next door look will make the most money. They may or may not make the most on stage but it seems to me that the natural girls spend a lot more time in the private dance area and consequently end up with a lot more money. Just my observation over the years. Hope you will wait a little longer before making you decision.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
The surgery is next week and what Im getting is a mastopexy (sp?) Aka a lift.
Im dong ths for purely personal reasons since Im already pretty well endowed. (34 D)
Naturally im large chested although small compared to my FF mother and E grandmothers.
This is for my back pain. Though I till will try to retain my size and shape.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
I have found that as I have gotten older, my taste in boobs has gone from "bigger is always better" (teens and twenties), to having a preference for a nice firm set of any size, but preferably B/C. Most guys really dislike the super-hard implants, and of course, the worst are the ones where you can actually feel the implant, like a bag of jelly.

I am, however, particular, about breast shape, and the "pancake" shape really turns me off. Although I am generally not a fan of breast implants for size, I do think that they should sometimes be done for shape.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ha ha Chitownlawyer we must have been typing at the same time too. Im just improving my shape and placement. Im a natural 34 DD so after my childs birth I lost a cup size and went to a D. I just want to improve the shape not increase my size to massive proportions.
avatar for thebigguy4u69
17 years ago
this is what Im saying, size, shape, and performance!?! I myself prefer a nice well shaped C or even a small D, I have seem some girls that are just ridiculous. Nobody wants to see pancakes or watermelons. I have been to clubs and its like your back in middle school and these girls should be wearing training bras. I guess what Im saying is, damn girl if your going to take your clothes off try having something nice to look at!!! But to each there own!!!
avatar for DickJohnson
17 years ago
there was a dancer I would like to see occassionally who had the most beautiful natural tits imaginable. They were C's, hung just right, perfect nipples . jusst perfect. i stop in one night and she's got these mongo DD's that look like somebody attached a air nozzle to her nipples and went to over-inflate. I guess some girls will just buy into the constant hype about bigger is better, social pressures, etc...compelled to mutiliate a perfectly beautiful set of tits...
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Natural is always better, as long as they look good. :)
avatar for Dudester
17 years ago
I have found, in my experience, that silicone barbies don't give satisfying personal dances. Natural gals, large and small, are satifying.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
I just have to share this, I met a chick that goes 36H, as in 1500cc implants. Just like basketballs. Needless to say, they didn't appeal to me.

I have a few favs that have boob jobs and a few that don't. So its not a deciding factor for me.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I'd rather have a natural girl instead of one with implants. That said, most of the ones I know with enhancements aren't terrible and a couple even rank as favorites. On the other hand, I've seen some terrible boobjobs. And those are some of the worst dancers imaginable. Maybe that is the reason feature dancers suck, because they are all enhanced.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
They way I look at it my demographic will change after my surgery. Im not broken up about it since breast o any stature will always be popular. Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks.LOL
avatar for DickJohnson
17 years ago
does anybody see my point? We live in a culture that values self-mutilation all for the sake of vanity. I hear that its being researched to intentionally break a persons leg bones, then doctors are able to heal them with some sort of device in place that would actually make a person taller.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I think the leg surgery is a different thing here. People get farther in life, in particular fields and businesses, and with women, etc. etc., if the boobs are bigger but under the clothes, or if the person is taller. But if the boobs are so huge that the only benefit the girl gets from them is in the strip club, then there's something different from getting something which benefits her in all her walks of life.

In fact, nearly all cultures value some form of self-mutilation for vanity, though the term "mutilation" may be a bit extreme for some things. It's generally just a rite of passage -- the expectation that a given individual give up his aspirations to exceptionality, and instead perform certain acts which display that he has succumbed to peer pressure in a permanent manner, done those things which display his willingness to subvert his or her individuality to the desires of the group. Foot binding, facial lipstick, tattoos, uniform clothing in units that indicate rank and prestige, all conformity has a portion of self-reduction in it.
avatar for mmdv26
17 years ago
I've known a dozen or so girls who got boob jobs. I had the pleasure of massaging their breasts frequently before the "upgrade". These girls ranged from very small to "just fine" before, and with few exceptions they opted for a size that seemed to be out of proportion to their frame size. The end result: a) gave her the psychological boost she was after; b) a couple of them did look very good under clothing; c) with one exception, looked unnatural when exposed; and d) most felt wierd - like a softball in a bag.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
hey Im just getting a lift no softballs for this girl! lol
avatar for DickJohnson
17 years ago
I agree that self-mutiliation has been going on for centuries in various cultures. We certainly are not exclusive to it. I guess I find it impressive when a woman says NO! to fake boobs because she wont succummb to the pressure of what our society dictates as beauty. I'm kinda singling out women here, i.e. boob jobs, but the principle applies to everybody. Obviously some forms of self-improvement are great but when you cut into healthy tissue for the sake of vanity then its a whole nother ballpark. After all, isn't the essence of being a women is that boobs come in all different sizes. Same goes for the men and I am not all that gifted, lol.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I prefer naturals and have no use for oversized or hard feeling boobs. I agree with some others that shape, nipples etc. are more important, not size.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
I recently spent time with a wonderful young lady in a SC and we discussed this issue. She has very small breasts but is very happy with them. She pointed out a particular dancer and who she thought looked great before her boob job. I had already had dances with the girl she pointed out and I thought her boobs was very nice, not TOO big but the point I am trying to make is that I was impressed that the girl I was with would not allow herself to be influenced by peer pressure and we both laughed and agreed that we were happy with what God had given us even if we were not given as much as others. On a side note, a lady that my wife knows went in for a boob job a year ago and has been in a coma ever since. I know there is a 1-in-? chance that something like that could happen with any medical procedure but when it is a procedure of choice is it really worth it? Not trying to scare you wondergrl5!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I've always found that the most attractive breasts, to me, were WIDE. I don't know if that makes any sense, but lack of wideness is the thing which would encourage me to suggest to a small-chested girl that she get implants. Wide but small is fine.
avatar for Raincoat
17 years ago
Fake tits do nothing for me. Natural tits are almost always preferred. Women should never get boob jobs unless they are truly flat as a board or their tits are disfigured.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Raincoat: sometimes those "natural" ones that you like so much, are actually very-well-done fakies.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
There are a couple girls at my club that guys SWEAR have real ones and they dont. All I know is Im excited Ill be able to sit up straight with out the back pain soon
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
IMHO, the size is not nearly as important as shape of the breasts and the areolae/nipples.
I do not care for "pancake", overly large, or overly small breasts. Nor do I care for overly large areolae, or nipples that could put my eye out.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Personally, I don't mind if they're ACTUALLY real or fake; I just want them to SEEM real when I'm holding or ogling them. Real enough to get me turned on. There's a level of plastic-ness below which I just can't go: the breasts seem "non-human." But aside from that, I don't give a darn if the breasts are REALLY fake or real, only if they make me FEEL like they're real.
avatar for Ironcat
17 years ago
Just like some guy on "The Man Show" once said "If I can touch them, they are real to me". The deflated "pancake" titties are much worst than saline implants.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
A girl at my club was asked if hers where real and she said "no there holograms"
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
itty bitty titties are wonderful

and large titties are nice too

sag = bad
fake = worse it's criminal to see a beautiful woman deformed like that

whatever, there are all types of tastes in a strip club

i don't understand it but pinguid type dancers as well as those with rolls of fat are super popular with some customers one customer described it as being in the womb as the dancer engulfed him in a mass of flesh another customer loved the grease because it made the dancer slippery and her fat meant there was more of her to grab ----- give him a pinguid dancer ever time ----- barbies are for fakes and the ignorant in his opinion

a little more understandable is the long legs preference ---- does nothing for me

i love blue eyes, but unfortnately very few black women have natural blue eyes and the color contacts just aren't appealing to me

i hate the makeup, but apparently most men are in love with the painted face


avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I like large, natural breasts, but fake ones can be nice if you can squeeze them without feeling the sac inside it...ewwww... This one shot girl down in RI at a regular bar (not a strip club) had some medium-sized natural breasts, a plunging neckline on her outfit, and the most distracting flower tattoo (complete with stem!) in between her was very odd...

I hate the term "bolt-ons" too...these girls aren't fem-bots in disguise. The "pancake" thing has never been a problem with long the nipples taste good. ;) One of my former ATFs had the "pancake" look before going too large with fake breast implants. Almost all breasts tend to "pancake" when the girl is laying on her back the Asian girl at the AMP in RI the other day...great set of natural, medium-sized tits, then kinda flat in the missionary position.

One of the old hosts of 20/20 (Hugh Downs?) got that height surgery. With all the trouble he went thru to only be a few inches (if that?) didn't seem like a great deal to me. I don't need to be any taller anyways...
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Oh, "pancake" is a total turn-off for me. I'm not talking "aesthetically" either. If she has floppies -- even young un-deflated tits that are "naturally" too floppy -- my dick goes down rather than up. It's just a natural response of mine. Too much "pencil test room" and I'm not interested.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Last month one of my favorite dancers got her boobs done. I tried to to talk her out of it but she was determined. I talked to her best friend the same day the she did the deed. She got a call from her friend right after the procedure and said that everything was all right.

Well I saw my favorite last week. Walked right up to her and said "OK lets see them". She obliged by pulling her top aside. They looked great. She did not overdo it. I would guess her to be a small "B" now. Other dancers also thought that they looked great. I wanted to take her to the private dance room to see how they felt but she was very busy. Maybe next month.
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