
Am I a regular?

Avatar for phonte2007

How often do you have to go to a club before you are officially a "regular"? I'd say I go about once every two weeks to the same club. Am I a regular?


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Avatar for parodyman-->

A regular what? Customer? Sure. If You frequent a particular establishment on occasion you could be considered a regular. Why is this important to you?

Avatar for MisterGuy

Do they know you there? Do you spend any money...especially with the same girl or group of girls? If yes to all this, and you go in on a routine basis...you're a regular.

Avatar for FONDL

Phonte, you didn't say how long you've been doing this. I'd say if you've been doing it for several months you're a regular (in most clubs it doesn't take very long), but if you just started you probably haven't gotten there yet. Maybe a more important indicator is whether people recognize you when you go in the door.

There are 2 types of regulars - club regulars and regulars of a specific girl. If you spend most of your time with the same girl each visit you're the latter (and that doesn't take long at all); otherwise you're the former.

Avatar for Mikeybush

Being a regular is a dubious distinction in some cases. I actually just went through a negative experience at a club. I was going to a club too regular and became associated with one girl. Other girls stayed away from me because I was considered "hers". Funny thing is there were times when I was in the club when she was with another customer and I was tippping all the girls on stage and still they left me alone even though I was spending money pretty freely.

As a little experiment, I went in when I knew she wasn't working and still they left me along.

I confronted her about it and she pleaded ignorance. So I started going to another club...I didn't need these reindeer games.

Avatar for rootman

Being a regular is a big advantage. At my usual club, I know most of the girls pretty well and they all trust me so I get more. And we have more fun than trying to feel out what each other will tolerate. I often don't have a great time in strange clubs while the girls hang with regs.

Avatar for harrydave

I have been a regular in 2 clubs in Phoenix. In the first club, it was an advantage; the drinks got stronger, the mileage got higher, and the OTC experiences became commonplace. In the second (current) club, a larger and more upscale place, it has not been such an advantage; the bouncers know me, and some of the girls know me, but the mileage is only a bit better than a while ago. Oh well, my GF works there, so I am kinda constrained in what I can do.

Avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein

All my drinks are burned and all the strippers come by for some canoodling hug. Life couldn't be better. And I'm looking for a new club, go figure.

Avatar for shadowcat

I have to bow to my senior and agree with FONDL. I am a regular at my favorite club but not any dancers regular customer. I spread the money around and none of them object.

Avatar for SuperDude

When you sit at the bar and he gives you your favorite drink without asking and when the dancers remember where you work, you need to move on.

Avatar for lopaw

My experience has been very similar to Mikeybush - getting pidgeon-holed by a "dominant diva" that thinks she must keep you & your $$$ all to herself. It can ruin a carefree club experience when the other girls are too afraid to ever approach you for a dance, even when the "diva" is not around. This is why I try to attend several different clubs now, so as to try & avoid this type of thing from happening again.

Avatar for wondergrl5

That Diva thing happened to me. I was just chatting and a girl was on stage leaned over and said "thats my man". He was not pleased. She came around after her dance and said he is her regular so I said okey dokey and left later he called me over and apologized and said she was a bitch. I dont want the drama LOL

Avatar for MisterGuy

LOL...yea, I agree that when you walk into a club and they hand you your favorite drink without them even asking you...you've been going there too long. What sucks is when too many girls get to know you & expect to get a dance (or more) from you everytime you come into a place...that can get expensive. I'm just too damn popular I guess... ;)

Avatar for driver01

Being a regular is normally a reference to an established and welcome patron. Simply showing up at a club frequently does not guarantee you will be thought by the staff as a regular. If you don't spend, they'll call you a lurker or worse- but they won't call you a regular.

It's kind of like frequenting a casino. If you gamble enough the pit bosses will recognize you and treat you accordingly. But if you just hang around the penny slots and drop only the occasional coin, free drinks are hard to come by, comped meals/rooms ain't gonna happen and no casino host will take your calls no matter how many times you visit.

Showing up at a SC every 2 weeks doesn't necessarily classify you as a "regular" in the eyes of the staff. If you have to wonder whether you're thought of as a regular, you're probably not. Just a thought...

Avatar for chitownlawyer

I knew I was a regular when the manager gave me an "industry card"--24/7 pass to the club and its local sister club.

I agree with the above. The good thing about being a regular is that your dances with a particular girl start where the last one with her left off--so mileage tends to escalate.

The bad thing is that strip clubs are like high school, and can end up becoming a member of the supporting cast, whether you want to be or not. I my area (ESL), mileage is generally so good, that the disadvantages of regular-dom outweigh the advantages. At least that's how I feel about it this week.

The next time I have only an hour or so to spend at a club, and I have specific goals in mind in going to the club at which I am a regular, I'm sure I'll weigh the factors differently.

Avatar for magicrat

I don't get to visit clubs enough to be considered a regular, or at least I didn't think so. About a year ago I was in a club where my at the time favorite worked, although she wasn't working that day. I went up to tip a dancer on stage and she immediately said, "I know you..aren't you X's friend?" So maybe I had been pigeon holed and didn't know it even though I only went to that particular club 4 or 5 times a year. So I guess the answer is "it depends", and is sure to change on the next visit, as chitown says.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I was accused of being a "regular" at my regular Bourbon Street club a few days ago and I have to admit, it hurt. :)

Actually, there are advantages to being a "regular." I haven't been asked to pay cover on certain nights (I always tip the door-man hugely, almost as much as cover WOULD have been, if that happens) and girls and hot female bartenders and waitresses will "open up" and chat in a different manner than with someone who is nothing but a "mark." But I also find that I can easily develop the reputation of someone who "doesn't spend" on the girls, because I just sit around and do nothing so much, such that none of the hotties ever come over and get me goin' to get a dance. They don't view me as a money target enough and that's BECAUSE I'm a regular.

So it has its ups and downs.

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