Waiting for strippers...

Atlanta suburb
Have you ever been stood up for a date? Have you waited in restaurants for just a simple lunch/dinner or more seriously waited in your hotel room for a stripper to come and fuck you? What do you do while you wait and then they no show? Waiting in a restaurant is embarrassing. Eventually you have to order. In a hotel room you try to stay sober but how long can you wait? Do you give her a second chance?
last commentHa Ha you dumb fuck. Maybe the cloud of senility has lifted long enough for you to realize these girls do not like or respect your old decrepid ass. You are nothing more than a cash machine to them. And a funny story to tell the other girls about the desperate old man they are fleecing.
Nah, all of us guys always have our girls show up on time.
I might give someone a second chance if I thought they intended to call or meet up but circumstances interfered or they forgot the number. Not showing up at all or calling when you're sure they have your phone number written down is a sign to forget it though. I've had some girls wait almost an hour when I didn't call and even reappear back at a club at the same time next weekend when I didn't call one girl. The girl I didn't call from the one regular nightclub confronted me the following weekend when she saw me but she wasn't happy with what I told her. I didn't bother to tell her the truth but I guess in hindsight that would have been better. After thinking about it at that time, I didn't want to start a long distance relationship and have to drive over an hour one way to her house.
I guess some girls say yes when they only intend to blow someone off the same way guys in strip clubs say maybe later when they really mean no. They never know when they're going to run into someone who is going to give them a lot of grief about saying no.
No pun intended about blowing someone off.
I thought this thread was going to be about waiting on a dancer at a club who promised to give you a dance but dissapeared to the dressing room or was sitting with another customer having a conversation.
No-show without calling might be part of the genetic programming required to work in a strip club :) I've been stood up 4x for dinner in maybe ten attempts. But I only go to clubs when I'm out of town, and I figure I have to eat anyway. So I always bring a couple of newspapers to read, have a few beers and if no joy after 60 minutes or so I order dinner and then usually go to the club anyway. The times when she DID show up have been so much fun that I easily overlook the no-shows. But that's just how I am, it's not a date, just more fun than eating alone. The dancers I know have so much more drama in their lives than I do (thankfully so), it's almost as much fun eventually hearing the story from them... lost phone in gas station bathroom(?), forest fire in the back yard(!), wreck on the freeway and text messaging wasn't working(%), .... And the eventual "I'll make it up to you" is usually fun, too. A dancer did tell me once that no-showing seemed normal to her, guys tell her all the time "I'll be back tomorrow" but don't show, or "regulars" don't show up for planned times. She was surprised anyone would ever call if they weren't going to be there. The club is just a different mode of operation from the business world.
Don't give 'em a second chance if they flake out altogether. Unless they give a free BJ to make up for it, perhaps.
In answer to the OP: No; no; n/a; n/a; no.
I've always wondered WHAT THE FUCK the AMP girls do, after they take your money. They say "Loo get colngfotabre meestah" and off they go. You take off yer outfit and sit there feeling like a moron. Seemingly seventy to ninety minutes later they return, looking exactly the same, wearing exactly the same outfit, carrying a small box or a purse which they probably could have picked up in like literally half a second.
What are they doing? Running your plates from the parking lot? Greasing up their insides? Taking an extra hit of coke? Begging mama-san for the privilege of fucking a man whose giant hard-on is so huge and magnificent that all women would tear their hair out and pay good money just to be in the same room as it? I can't work it out.
I wish there were an AMP near me so I could "research" this problem. :)
The AMP girls head back to mamasan to give up the $$$, then probably give the body a quick wipe. Most if the time they seem to have rushed into the room from another customer just leaving. On the other hand, some don't freshen up at all ...yikes.
If you're going to deal with flaky young girls, getting stood up and having to wait are facts of life. If you aren't willing to deal with that, stick with the older ones. It makes no sense to expect 20-year-olds to adhere to adult standards of behavior, particularly if they're doing drugs on a regular basis as most of these girls are. It just isn't going to happen, that's not how they live. If I hadn't been willing to put up with the BS of typical 20-yo behavior, I would never have become friends with my ATF. She isn't like that anymore, in fact she's become very considerate, but that wasn't the case 10 years ago. In fact we laugh about it fairly regularly.
I guess an ATF doesn't have to continue to be a dancer, yet can remain your ATF, correct?
Clubber, I believe that ATF stands for "all-time favorite dancer" which she is and probably always will be, even though she hasn't danced in nearly 10 years. She's also now my closest friend, but that doesn't change the fact that she's my ATF.
Don't wait or worry about flaky, rude or incosiderate people. Move on.