
Hustlers: the real women behind Jennifer Lopez’s new stripper movie

Detroit strip clubs
Jennifer Lopez looks pretty good. But it is strange to present these strippers as heroes--and I like strippers in general.



  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    WTF, first off, I didn't even know this was a trailer or a thing. I remember you guys posting this on tuscl when it happened.

    Second, none of these girls are drop dead gorgeous. Their not ugly, but definitely not worth sticking around for more than a dance, especially samantha, ugh.

    3rd, why is Hollywood trying to laud these women as modern day stripper versions of Robinhood? They were greedy crooks who committed greedy fraud, not for the people but for themselves. And worse got a slap on the wrist as punishment. Weekends in jail and probation? Flipping insane. This is what means to live on recruit difficulty. Commit white collar (or is it blue collar) crime and get away with it?

    Well as at least samantha was smart and kept her earnings to transition.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The whole premise of a bunch of hustlers getting the Robin Hood label and treatment is stupid as fuck.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I know it bummed me out reading Jacq the Stripper become a “consultant” and endorse this movie and referring to the dancers doing this as “bad bitches”

    I’ve followed her comics for quite a while, about 3.5 years ago. And I also own a copy of her book. She left an early impression on me as a baby stripper and I looked up to her as a mentor of sorts.

    I do get the impression she is a woman who has danced for a long time and is ready to move on. And no doubt getting a role as a “consultant” might be a ticket for that. So I suppose good for her on that for a good transition out of the industry.

    But, it’s already a low trust industry. And if public figures like her and Cardi B are the main faces in this, it’s a poor reflection on strippers. And also feminism.

    I mean, good lord I’ll be the first to admit to get annoyed with customer antics and arrogant, condescending, and entitled behavior. And on top of that, I’ve made no secret that I prefer to not keep regulars.

    But idk...that’s not a compelling enough reason imo to actively harm a customer. And I know I’m def not the only dancer who feels that way either.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    You’ve got at least two current themes coming together: movies with good/bad guys, just lots of gray characters and second, Wall St. is the new easy villain that used robbery Russians or Nazis.

    You can pin the first theme on the success of The Wire, The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and others where the bad guys are relatable and sympathetic. The second is still the hangover from the financial crisis and recession where Wall St needed a public bailout while the brokers and traders were driving Lamborghinis. People don’t like that shit.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Movies with “no” good/bad guys...

    Edit button!
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    And “robbery” should be “to be”

    I suck.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    About 90% of my IQ would have to be sucked out of my brain for me to watch this POS
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    The Karinchkaa girl is pretty hot but yeah others ehhh not so much
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    "People don’t like that shit."


    Yeah, well, the financial crisis has come up as a topic on TUSCL several times over the years and I can count half-dozen people here who insist that the financial crisis was caused by the government forcing innocent banks to lend to poor people. Of course, that didn't happen at all and Wall Street banks were leveraged 35x to 40x during the crisis and needed a public bailout.

    I posted the article from NY Magazine that was the basis for the movie earlier. One of the guys drugged was a cardiologist -- not a Wall Street guy -- so the Robin Hood/Wall Street theme isn't really accurate. Just plain greed on the part of the girls.

    I think I disagree with most of you. Sounds like fun movie based on a true story.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Except it’s not all Wall Street execs that were targeted. The man who disputed his credit card charges (in the hundred thousand dollar range) and fought back and got the dancers arrested in the first place was an MD.

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Oh ...@random already said that

    So... who gonna take a dancer on an OTC date to watch this movie?
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i’m not going to the first run show. i’ll wait until it comes out on Redbox. but nonetheless... I’d like to see it.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Not planning on seeing the movie, but might hold out for the porn parody version of they use really hot starlets... :p

    The whole premise of these strippers being modern day Robin Hoods is total BS. Strippers in the early 2000's, especially at Scores in NY, could easily make 6-figure salaries if they were good at being strippers. I knew at least 6 strippers in LA during those times who consistently made $100k to $200k a year, without stealing from customers.

    The critically important concept of "stripping" and the extras that frequently took place at Scores was based on two factors: Mutually consenting adults and full transparency. There was nothing transparent in slipping a pill into a PL's drink and then pumping him for security information while also pumping his dick. That's just fraud (wire fraud since they used a phone), grand larceny (amounts well into the tens of thousands), and assault/possibly attempted murder (from drugging a guy with out a medical license).

    The light sentences handed out should have been years in prison. If the guys who came (no pun intended) to the club had drugged a stripper and stolen her cash & drained her bank account, they would be labelled a predator and convicted of rape and theft carrying a rather long prison sentence.

    On a side note: Who the fuck wants to see Cardi B strip (her previous job)? I just got over the nausea of seeing her "leaked" sex tape two years ago.
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    I'm willing to bet that this movie provides $5 of entertainment. Expectations should be set really low - I don't know if anyone in the film can actually act - but there may be material for some jokes, quotes, and memes at the least.
  • chessmaster
    5 years ago
    How is it they're not in jail and posting photos on Instagram?
  • Corvus
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't mind seeing Jennifer Lopez on stage. Even at 50 she looks pretty good
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    One thing I didn’t notice: lizzo getting casted.

    I understand movies aren’t meant to be 100% accurate, but if you’re black and overweight, no you’re not getting hired at a White collar gentleman’s club. 🤨
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    In my future travels I plan to be starting out in each new place at the Black Dives. Faster and more certain results.

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