I Feel LIke A Stripper

avatar for doctorevil
I recently got a text from a dancer asking for money. I had a good time with her ITC a few times and then she took a break from dancing. We stayed in touch, and I also had a good time OTC. Her text he said she was going to start dancing again and needed money for new shoes and a new outfit. I sent her some money via Venmo, making clear it was an advance to be paid in services next time I saw her. Then I added, “you know I would only do this for you.”


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
You put the “P” in PL 😀
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
25 has been on quite a roll lately.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
As long as she *does* start dancing again then cool, o/w it may have just been a convenient excuse to hit you up for $$$ - not that I'm cynical or anything 😊
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Like I've said, best if you select the girl and approach her yourself, and then likewise best if you lead what happens in any outside relationship.

avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Papi: The same cynical thought did cross my mind. I have developed a certain level of trust with her to the point I think helping her out with this will pay great dividends. And it's a small enough amount of money so that if It turn out to be wrong, no big deal.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
25: Yeah, but I revel in it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Doesn't hurt to establish good-will in any business relationship although it's often a crapshoot w.r.t. strippers in that they can either reciprocate or take you for granted/an-easy-mark - but as you mentioned it's not a huge investment and you know how the game is played and how to not get taken advantage of.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
If you really want to feel like a PL, do what I once did. My ATF called me in tears, saying she hadn't made any money and could not make her tip out. She needed even more money because she owed from past days. So I drove to the Flight Club, brought her $350 and then drove her home. She promised to come to my house the next day for fun. She never showed up.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Takes some real heart to admit it. A lot of dudes don’t have the balls to on here. That’s why the advice is so damn good on here. It’s based off of actual experience getting fleeced. We’ve all fucking done it! Paying upfront is always wrong. It’s true in any city, any state, any ethnicity, any age, any shape of girl. I’ve been burned enough early on aswell to figure it out real quick.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
sjguy. I don't quite understand why you always are pushing for an outside relationship. I would think that after a bad marriage you would been cured of that.
avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
@doc, as long as you understand the risk that she could ghost you or just forget you helped her the next time you see her and want to arrange super-fun-time, then it's your money so do what you want.

But my experience, as Muddy and jackslash note, has been getting burned more than I'd like. To be sure, a one-time $100 gift to a stripper won't even be a blip on my budget. But if she asks again before she reciprocates for the last time, I shut her down.

I have one friend that moved to another state but who still comes to see me when she's in my area for fun. I've sent her small amounts of cash so many times ($60 to get her tire fixed, $30 buy her dinner, or $75 to get her dancers' license), that now when she sees me she doesn't even ask for money. Still I usually spiff her a hundy anyway.

But I've certainly been burned as well. There's another dancer I met locally that moved to another state. She has the most perfect banging body I've ever seen and she's demure and sweet. But she has never delivered. Once I got to about $300, I just told her I can't help her anymore until she show's up. If she wants more cash, I'll only give it to her when she gets out of the shower after we've had our fun. Oddly, she still texts me once in a while. Who knows maybe one day...?
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
In my opinion, a small gift, because that's what it will end up being, to a dancer you've known for a while and with whom some level of trust has developed, is seldom actually wasted money. In my experience, the dividends have offset the payouts by a fair margin.

avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
If it was short money then you probably would've been better off framing it as a gift instead of an advance for future services. Now you've created potential awkwardness for your next meetup with her as she's not going to want to take a haircut then for something that you did for her in the past, assuming she even remembers that you helped her out.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
One again the Douchebag chimes in again with obnoxious comments on a subject he knows nothing about. But what do you expect from someone who wrote the idiotic "system" article and and continues to stand by it today? https://www.tuscl.net/discussi… It turns out, I already gave her an outright gift for a recent birthday (after she hinted about it and I confirmed through social media it really was her birthday). This gift paid huge dividends next time I saw her. She will definitely remember that I helped her out when I see he again. It's not going to be awkward for me to remind her it was an advance. If it's awkward for her, were done.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
OK doctordipshit, that's what I get for trying to treat you as a normal poster rather than an effeminate hypersensitive troll. My bad. 😉

I was going to point out that there's a big difference between a birthday gift and a loan, but you'll figure it out for yourself...or you won't. Only here in TUSCL Fantasy Land do girls eagerly jump on guys' laps today for money they received several days earlier. In real life strip clubs, dancers usually have a cash and carry mentality and view yesterday's money as earned and spent. But who knows, perhaps you have an exception. But if you really like her enough to front her cash, then it seems kinda' silly to complicate things by becoming her creditor as that rarely works out well in here in the real world.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
^ Just remember folks, this is the same dipshit that insists a well known JAX female TUSCL contributer is an alias I made up. This despite the fact that several members have met her in real life. Also it appears from his postings that the the Douchebag now lives in the JAX area but can’t seem to gather enough testosterone to meet her, or any other TUSCL member for that matter.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^ Doctor, this is not a good look for you as you're coming across as a bit unhinged now. My goal was simply to chime in on the risks of becoming a creditor to a dancer. If that opinion is causing you this much distress, then I'll just wait until this plays out for you and good luck.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Your concern for me is heartwarming, but I’ll take my “unhinged” look anytime over the look of a retard who thinks it’s necessary to wear a suit and pretend to be a chemical engineer to score OTC and has weird conspiracy theories about well known TUSCL members.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
To divert back to the original topic - I hope your otc girl will repay you for your generosity. Dr Evil is no newbie to dancers or otc - so I’m guessing he knows this girl is a worthwhile investment.

I’ve avoided fronting whores money - with the mention that it should be repaid - but I tend to enjoy filthier types. I generally accept some expenditures will not be recouped.

Good luck - and enjoy the repayment in pussy payments!
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Doctor, I think your Aspergers is kicking in again with repeating the same silly satire over and over again in a fixated manner. They gave you those meds and sensory immersion exercises for a reason. There's no shame in helping yourself.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
My general guideline is: as long as you're risk-aware (which I imagine Dr Evil is), then do what you have to do. By risk-aware, in this particular case, I mean:

- You realize that giving a stripper in advance is an incredibly low-percentage play.

- Since you realize that, no whining allowed if you get ripped off. I don't blame anyone for taking a risk that I wouldn't have, since I'm more risk-averse than most; but I blame them if they take knowingly take a risk and then whine about it not working out. You take a huge gamble, you accept the reward or the punishment, however it works out.

I've advanced ATFs -- not casual CFs, not random favorites, and certain not random strippers -- before, and it always worked out and paid dividends for me. But these are girls I knew really really well, and our relationship was more like an arrangement. And I knew even these were risks, if small. Generally, I think that once you give a stripper money, it's hers, and no agreement that you had prior is likely to be honored
avatar for boomer79
6 years ago
If you have a good relationship with the girl it will probably pay off. Some girls are just obvious hustlers though and that would be different. I think some people are bad about assuming all dancers are the same.

You just have to remember what she does this time if she asks again.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
"I Feel LIke A Stripper"

If you look anything like your avatar.... I bet you don't
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
“Sometimes you feel like a nut........”
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
However - best wishes on your arraignment 😉
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Arraignment or arrangement? Do you know something I don’t?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago

Auto spell sucks, but you know that
Editor I'm not
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