
Hustlers Trailer

Strip Club Nation
This movie comes out in theaters in less than three weeks. It is about strippers at Scores drugging and robbing customers during the late-2000s financial crisis, then eventually getting caught. It is based on a true story. It definitely has an anti-customer theme throughout.



  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Thanks. Now this is informative!
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I hope the clubs don’t get flooded with newbie dingbat dancers who think that is a good idea. Or “savvy” customers who are “on to my ways.”🔪🔪🔪
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    The trailer implies that the strippers are robbing customers as some kind of payback for the financial crimes of Wall Street. The truth is that they were thieves who drugged men and stole from them. They had no social conscience--or any other kind of conscience.

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Note to self: Don't smoke or ingest anything nicespice offers.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't be surprised if a new wave of baby strippers shows up that thinks shit like that is ok to do lol. Funny though I think I once worked somewhere that had this happen. I was told by a staff member somewhere in Florida that apparently some guy spent somewhere around 50 to 100k in 1 day on his card w 2 girls. Then they quit dancing and opened a restaurant or bar or something. But it went under because guess they didnt have the know how for running that shit.

    I cant imagine a guy at a strip club spending that sort of money in 1 night on his card of his own free will honestly.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    Probably going to make the criminals look sympathetic and the horney ripped off pl look evil. After all it is wrong for a man to crave young pussy so it's okay to rip them off.
  • sinclair
    5 years ago
    What is funny is Cardi B playing one of the dancers in the movie. Cardi admitted to drugging and robbing men in real life when she was a stripper.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Jack: "They had no social conscience--or any other kind of conscience. "


    In a contest for "lack of social conscience" b/w strippers and the Wall Street mortgage securitization chain (circa 2008) I would choose Wall Street, any day. Looks like a good movie.

    The real-life story behind the movie comes from this article in NY Magazine:


    some excerpts:

    "Here’s a modern Robin Hood story for you: a few strippers who stole from (mostly) rich, (usually) disgusting, (in their minds) pathetic men and gave to, well, themselves."

    "The men were mostly assholes. Even when they didn’t start out that way, they’d get drunk and say things like, “Did your father abuse you? Is that why you do this?,” which was unnerving even when it wasn’t true. The majority were married, though that didn’t stop them from asking for things like blow jobs or sex or to be penetrated with a Champagne bottle, a request that they were shocked came from a clean-cut family man."

    “We had a guy who was — is — at Guggenheim Partners. He spent 300 grand in one week. He came in three times, 100 grand every time he walked in the room. Everyone made $10,000 every time he came in.”
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    Not going to lie, I halfway want to see this. I think it's going to be entertaining...and there are worse ways to spend a couple hours than looking at Cardi and Jennifer Lopez.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    Yeah, I don't like this. This seems like it will encourage ROB behavior.

    Not all of us are Wall Street bankers. I drive my rusty Taurus to the club. I have to save money on other stuff to afford clubbing like I want to.

    You're going to get some new dancers after seeing this, looking at us like we're all asshole bastards who they feel a certain responsibility to get drunk and bilk for the good of society. Some already feel that way.

    I do everything possible in my day-to-day life not to be the bad guy. I'm not a millionaire. I make decent money, but it's a far cry from six figures, much less seven. I'm just out to have a good time.

    Seems like a movie for the folks on SW, not TUSCL.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Fuck I hope I’m not in this movie
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    To quote Cardi B:

    "Yeah, I went through niggas' pockets," she said. "A lot of you bitches be going through niggas' pockets for $40 to catch a cab 'cause a nigga don't want to give you that. Same shit. Was I wrong for that? That was wrong, but I never fuckin' hurt nobody."

    Now that Cardi is rich, I wonder if she would feel that nobody hurt her if they stole her purse or jewels or car.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    I was a (rather infrequent) visitor to Scores in those times. At the time (1990's to 2000's) the club had legendary status as the king of high mileage and high class clubs. Major athletes, actors, high-profile finance ass-hats and more came there to be seen and be sucked & fucked. The dancers could smell the money as easily as the PL's could smell the pussy.

    My last visit was with about a dozen sales reps from my company and thier senior sales manager. I was not a sales rep, but my role was to provide key support to the reps, so they brought me along as a reward for helping them make millions.

    The sales manager decided to be a baller in front of his boys (there were NO girls hired for sales then), and bought each of us $2k in club scrip with the instructions: spend it all here or you lose you year end bonus.

    20 minutes later I did my walk of shame and left the restroom, only to have the manager re-up my scrip and tell me to do it again. All in I think he dropped better than $40 grand, plus a load or two of his own. (Pretty sure he wrote it off as a business expense because back them you could do that.)

    There were a lot of huddled giggle sessions the next day at the Javits center.

    Good times.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I gots hoes for days
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I won't be hustled into going to see it!
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    So ran into a new baby stripper last night who said she saw Hustlers and wanted to be like Jlo.

    Good news is she was a solid 9. Bad news is she seemed to have extremely unrealistic expectations. From what it sounded like she was making great money but wanted "$2500 a night".
  • chessmaster
    5 years ago
    I saw it. Jlo was the typical GPS stripper. Solid 9 like your baby stripper(obviously older irl). Thing is we shouldn't enable these thots as most of them arent Jlo. Lol
  • Pyroxl
    5 years ago
    Anyone else surprised that there was no jail time for the main organizers?

    Also one of the IRL characters, Roselyn, wrote a book about her version of the story. What about the Son of Sam law? Perhaps her plea deal was for a different charge?
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    Jlo didnt have to act, just play her self, she is a gps hustler
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