
Comments by herbtcat (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Are shrinking penises the reason for declining strip club attendence?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Girls asking more money for a VIP than the club would charge
    To answer your specific question: "Is them asking for money than the club chargers for a VIP an indicator of extras?" The answer is NO. She will try to sell you on an over-club-price by claiming all kinds of things using vague language like "You'll leave satisfied," and "I always make my man happy." If pressed on specifics she will either appear to be offended to make you feel like you crossed a line, or she will double down on vague promises without ever saying "yes." Or she will just lie. The point is, once she starts the inflated cost speak, you know her only goal is to squeeze as much cash out of you as possible without ever actually squeezing you. It's purely a play to get your cash and leave ASAP and with the least amount of effort possible. Here's how I usually counter these types of offers. I try the most shocking and offensive retorts I can think of: "For that much, I'd expect to see you swallow - twice." "I'd only pay that much to get a divorce... are you asking me to marry you?" "Honey, if I wanted to get fucked in the VIP it would be with a condom, not your hand in my wallet." "Do you know my ex? Cause she thought I am an idiot, too."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My strip club touring schedule
    When I was doing 2 to 4 trips a month for business back in the 90's through around 2010, I'd always try to schedule meetings with my clients on Thursdays or Fridays. Then I's schedule my flight home on Sunday, leaving me at least one full day for "leisure" activities with all the T&E spend (except for my SC spend, of course) on company expense. I was able to consistently (maybe 80% of the time) show my boss that staying over the weekend to get a lower airfare home more than covered the extra hotel costs & rental car, as well as per diem for food. This allowed me to sample local SC's in over 100 cities over a 20 year span. Side benefit; the two companies that I worked at during this time often congratulated me for saving money on the travel budget. And if I had to travel with one of the senior sales reps, my SC spend was often covered as well since I was known as "The Closer" Senior Sales Engineer. So I salute your new found min/max strategy to get back on the road for minimal T&E spend, leaving more cash for T&A spend!
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    4 years ago
    Do men who choose to not get married/children get to live life for themselves?
    @Beat100 look up "Maslow Hierarchy of Needs" and spend some time chewing on that. Then review your questions and let us know if you find any answers.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    First time I ever blocked a dancer
    Never had to block a dancer. I generally don't ask for a number unless I believe it could result in OTC or an SB arrangement. Most of the time, it goes nowhere, as the dancer has serious GPS and asks for way too much - like 3 or 4 times the going market rate. If she starts asking me or worse, begging me for cash, I just let her know she can get it AFTER we have quality naked time together at my place. Almost always results in either great sex or radio silence. However, there's always that one who thinks they can play me. The latest happened a week before the pandemic lockdowns started in LA. I had met a dancer at Synn COI who was HAWT! We spent some quality time and I got her number as she told me she would be moving to the Valley and would start working at Synn NH (much more local to me and one of my go-to clubs for relief) within the next 2 weeks. I was pretty excited to see her again and wanted to make sure we stayed in touch. Well, COVID had different ideas, of course. As far as I can tell, she either never intended to move, or COVID made her change her plans. Her texts became less frequent, and eventually stopped after about 30 days. One month after that, I got a Cashapp request around midnight to send her $100. No message, just "pay (name) $100." I texted her and asked her what's up. She gave me a story about car repairs and rent and was desperate for help. I told her I'd be glad to help with more than that once she got to my place and we spent a few hours having fun. As expected... radio silence... ... For another 6 weeks, when she sent a new CashApp request for $200, this time at 2:30 am. So I did my shampoo routine (wash, rise, repeat) and told her she'd get it after I get it. Radio silence again... either she was drunk one or both times, or she thought I was a simp who never gets laid and would be desperate enough to want to please a hot chick by just giving her cash and hoping she would be kind enough to shit all over me. No offense to guys who get off on being a FinDom, slave, or Cuck or whatever. It's just not for me. As a friend of mine often says: "I will beg for pussy, and I will pay for pussy. But I will NEVER beg to pay for pussy."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many diff clubs have you been to?
    No way to get an accurate count, as over my 25+ year "club career" I have travelled to most US states, plus 30 additional countries. If I had to estimate, I'd say at least 100 in the US, and perhaps another 40 across England, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Check Republic, Poland, Caribbean Islands, Singapore, Shanghai, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Sydney, and Melbourne. Note that some of those international "clubs," were also brothels that typically had a front room where the customers connected with the "dancers" to chat, drink and get laps before optionally selecting a provider who took them to the "back room.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    On the Hunt for Asian Strippers
    The lack of Asian strippers is not unique to Houston. From my experiences visiting clubs in most of the major and many of the minor US cities over the last 20 years, Asian dancers are rare in the extreme. Even Asian mixed dancers are present infrequently. The most glaring exceptions I have seen are in the PNW (i.e.: Seattle, Portland), and in San Francisco and rest of the Bay Area of California. But even in these areas where the general local population approaches 25-35% Asian (east and west), it's unusual to see more than 1 or 2 Asian dancers during any given shift. It's a shame, really. As I'd easily increase my VIP spend by 50-100% if I could connect with more hot, spinner Asians. Guess I have a preferred type...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Start your own cancel culture list.
    If I put vodka in my coffee, is that cancel culture?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Anybody willing to take moa2002 in your home?
    Sounds legit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    25 year old virgin
    Most well adjusted PL
    Just because I go to clubs "commando" wearing paper-thin black baggy shorts and a black T-Shirt with the following message based on day of the week: Monday - Mustache Rides 25 Cents Tuesday - Free Whore-O-Scope by Smellovision Wednesday - Moisture Is Your Friend Thursday - I Lube You Friday - Party In My Pants Saturday - Objects In Shorts Are Larger Then They Appear Sunday - It's Just An Expression ...does not mean I'm not well adjusted. There are way more obvious indicators that show how poorly adjusted I am. :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    There is Magic in the Numbers!
    @RHB A very Happy Birthday, Rev! I must say that the Laphroaig - 25 is a rather difficult single-malt to love. Fortunately, I am among those who's palette has been smitten by that particular draught. However, I do miss the 30 year old bottlings which were discontinued perhaps 15+ years ago. Lucky for me I still have a bottle of the 1972 Glenrothes 34 year old sitting around... Perhaps I'll open it on my 69th 10 years from now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Glam look? Anyone into it?
    I wouldn't fuck any of them with your (6 inch?) dick, or mine (which is not 6 inches). I'd be afraid they would accidentally fart causing an involuntary clench that would rip it off.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    A massage girl gave me her phone#
    Agree, call her and listen more than you speak. I'll add that you should have a a referral ready to a criminal defense attorney who specializes in DUI, just in case... To paraphrase something one of my lawyers told me long ago; never say anything you wouldn't repeat in front of your mother, or the Bar Association.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Indonesian woman says gust of wind made her pregnant
    I've heard of this before.... oh wait, no I haven't. But sure, wind insemination. Why not. My guess is sales of Women's Windbreaker jackets will go up in that town. :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    TUSCL’rs and Mongers - How do you keep things on the down low?
    I have no need to hide my activities, but it seems to me if you want to escape using your self-inflicted virtual hand cuffs, you can flip the script. Use the same functions to track HER, every fucking hour or more. Send her a text every time she leaves the house or goes somewhere she didn't tell you about 1st. Just tell her you love her and want to make sure she's safe, so you are SO DAMN GLAD you have these amazing tools to help you protect her from all the crazy, douche bags out there. Do that for a week and see how her opinion changes...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    This caught my eye while surfing Craigslist
    So... You can get wood from Rick? I'll pass, thanks. :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    I just called the night time manager, who is an old friend of mine from his times in California. He told me the latest change was to install a new switch in each VIP booth. The switch needs to be set to "ON" before any VIP dance can start. When the switch is set to on, the booth lights dim and the music starts. To set the switch to ON the customer must insert his dick into a receptacle. If the dick is less than 5 inches long, the switch stays off. It has to be a real dick, as the mechanism measures temp, blood pressure and moisture levels and any non-biological item inserted will not work. So, I guess that means your permanent ban is now mechanically enforced - unless you get some seriously exotic surgery, Shorty... Now it is somewhat possible that I am just making this up.... But the only way to know for sure is to whip it out and stick it in... :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Worst trend in tattoos
    Not a fan of tats at all. Sadly, I've gotten used the idea that my opinion makes not one difference in the world. So I'm used to the fact that almost ALL strippers now have at least one or more. My tolerance for them on strippers (i.e.: when I will specifically pass on getting a dance) is when I see the tattoos before I see the woman. If I have to force my focus to move "past" the ink so I can appreciate her looks, that equals a fail. I don't doubt that tattooing is generally an art form, though not all tattoos are very artistic. But I've never wanted a dance, let alone extras from an exhibit at MOMA.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Body Count
    Are we talking ONLY in the US? Or do we include "counts" from other countries as well? ...asking for a friend.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    De Facto Sugarbaby
    Oh, and I just checked for active Seeking profiles within 10 miles of Jacksonville, FL. There are over 1,200 women in that area who are 18-38 years old, have slim or athletic bodies, and do not smoke. Over 200 of those are either online now, or were online in the last 4 days. Just something to think about...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    De Facto Sugarbaby
    @rickdugan - correct. The "Valley" mentioned is the San Fernando Valley in north Los Angeles. Also, I'll suggest that the vision of sugaring that you described to @Muddy is a bit skewed, perhaps by feedback you have seen here from people who have not been successful in the Sugar Bowl. I never drive more than 20 minutes for an SB encounter, and most of the time I don't drive at all, as most of my SB's drive to me. Yes, it takes some time to go from initial message to an arrangement, but not really much more than it may take to meet a stripper, get to know her, and arrange an OTC meeting (same-night hook ups not withstanding). Anyway, we each must decide on how to balance effort, funds, and time in order to optimize our enjoyment of the wet, warm heaven that is Pussy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    De Facto Sugarbaby
    SD/SB arrangements are by definition, NSA (no strings attached). She could have ghosted you anytime and you'd just have to move on, with no hard feelings. It happens. But ending an arrangement can be civil, too. Simply tell her that that this isn't right for you anymore and thank her for her friendship and amazing times. I suggest doing this AFTER you've banged her one last time, as you aren't likely to get any sugar once she's been told. Optionally, you can give her a bit more sugar when parting, but only if you actually feel like a total shit for leaving her without warning. Also, optionally, giver her the web address for Seeking and tell her to check it out. Final option, if she's hot and lives in the Valley, send me a PM and we can talk about a possible introduction to the Cat. I have an open position in my SB rotation...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Another Teacher In Trouble...
    She gets two years in the slammer. The two students get bragging rights for life and a GFE date with a College Cheerleader in Vegas. :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    Status of COI Clubs?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Doctor charged with trying to entice Glenview teen into sexual servitude
    $250,000 bail? That's pocket change for a "part-time emergency room physician." How about instead of bail, they castrate him, without anesthetic, in the emergency room where he works, with all of his coworkers in attendance. Let the victim's mother do the 1st incision, with a rusty steak knife...