
Comments by harrydave (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strippers that portray the good girl image
    In general, I like people who are what they appear to be. Depth and complexity are fine attributes. Subterfuge is not. (which begs the question, why do I go to strip clubs?)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    So it looks like the verdict is in on schoolgirl outfits. If you look young, it's gonna be a plus with most guys. But I see I much more divided opinion on tats. I personally have no problem with tats; I look for quality, originality, and sustainability (will this tat be good when I am 65?). I do not like some currently fashionable tats, such as the near-photographic image of a young child. These tats will look horrible in 10 or 20 years. Agree on the observation about goth girls/tats. Many goths are the equivalent of hippies; thoughtful outcasts looking for meaning by going to the fringe. They can be mentally and physically adventurous.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC was offered . . .
    @lopaw - agree Ambiguous and partial promises of OTC are just sales ploys to garner current and future ITC income. Actual OTC discussions usually proceed vary smartly from A to Z. My approach to OTC is simple. 1) I am prepared to follow through with the time, place and money; 2) I make an unambiguous offer; 3) If it does not happen within the agreed timeframe, I conclude it is not likely to ever happen.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat Hispanic Dancers.
    Having been overseas for he past 2 years, and seeing mostly Asian women here, by comparison I can say with certainty that it is not just Hispanic women in South Texas that have gotten fat. Way too many American women in general are fat.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off topic. Anyone think the end of the world is coming anytime soon?
    @Dallas - great post. This reminds me of a supposed quote from Alan Greenspan, former Fed Chairman and a master of obfuscation. "Mr. Greenspan, will the market go up or down?" "Yes, but not immediately."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Sometimes when I go to the mall with my SO, I excuse myself from her shoe shopping and seek out the big electronics store. I go in, wander around carefully examining the tablet computers, high end photo printers, and home entertainment systems. I have no intention of buying anything that day. After a little while, I wander back out and resume my shoe shopping vigil. Am I a freeloader? I don't think so. From the business's perspective, i'm a future buyer, and that's fine with them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs With and Without Alcohol
    In almost every jurisdiction in the US, there are different rules that apply to all-nude vs topless clubs. Most all nude clubs are alcohol free. Most topless joints serve alcohol. Most all-nude places have less mileage too. But there are many exceptions. Mons Venus in Tampa is all nude, and has mileage similar to many of the topless joints. In Phoenix, Blue Moon is all nude and has some of the highest mileage in that town. Same for Henry 8 South near Detroit. As for Vegas, I don't think any of the clubs are especially good mileage or good value. And that's why I love the strip club scene...you never can tell.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    tuscon strip clubs
    Absent the Candy Store, it can now be said that Tucson is not worth the effort. I would be much more interested in a trip report about Nogales. You know, the walk from the border, the extras in the clubs, the bullets flying.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm totally shocked!
    @zip - that was damn fine stream of consciousness.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How to increase offers?
    Step 1: before you walk in to the club, stock your wallet with $300, and say to yourself, I'm gonna get laid. Step 2: Go in the afternoon (if possible, increases your odds) Step 3: Stop trying to be Mr. Nice Guy who has a thing for sweet girl-next-door types. This just sends the wrong signals, and most women read non-verbal cues pretty well. Be Mr. Polite Guy who likes fucking strippers. Step 4: Communicate directly before you get dragged to VIP. Use classic negotiation strategy: you have a minimum service expectation and a maximum price you decide beforehand; don't settle for less. Be prepared to walk. If all else fails, go to Tijuana.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    It must suck to live in Detroit
    I will be in Detroit for 3 days in December doing some research on the decline in American morality. I will be conducting in depth interviews, trying to grasp the overall situation, and probing for reactions. I will report back with hard data.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper asks if I'm married
    @gator - yes, that might make for a spirited conversation; and if you survive it, it would be an excellent sign of compatibility. From there, you could ask her when she plans to lose the weight she gained.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Safe black strip club in east st Louis for white guy
    This should clear up the geography question https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=east+st+louis&sll=37.6,-95.665&sspn=37.507426,86.572266&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=East+St+Louis,+St+Clair,+Illinois&t=m&z=12 As for black clubs, I have been to many as well. I'm a white guy. Never had a problem.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper asks if I'm married
    Happens all the time, whether you wear a ring or not. I chalk it up to idle curiosity. My policy is to be truthful, since it doesn't seem to matter to the girls, and makes me feel better.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shill or not?
    Last night I flagged it. He is not the only one pumping up SOH. There is at least one other with multiple similar posts; could be the same guy. I suppose this is a compliment to TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    .---. (_,/\ \ (`a a( ) ) \= ) ( (.--' '--.) / (_\_/_) \ | / \ / \ | \\ / . \ // \/\___/\/ | \_/ | \ / / \/ / ( ( |\ \ | \ \ /_Y/_Y
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Holiday Isolation
    I would like to point out that your research methodology has a flaw, known as "sample bias". Among all the girls that work in clubs, you are basing your observations on those willing to spend above average time with you in or out of the club. I think a reasonable argument could be made that the women you spend time with are by definition those with available time and fewer commitments to children, family and friends. Given the nature of the business, it is unlikely you could research this in an unbiased manner. Distributing a questionnaire (Do you have a boyfriend or husband? DO you have children? Are you lonely?) to all the girls who work at your favorite club will surely get your ass kicked.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now this makes good sense. :)
    "... I’ll starve before I take a handout. That’s what being a true American is all about." This is funny stuff.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Why Do Some Strip Clubs Have Stricter Rules Than Others?
    The national chains are actually managed, and one key management principle is to consider and control risks. Chains like Deja Vu do a good job maintaining quality and consistency, and they are fine for the guys who go for the social scene and the eye candy. They don't need high mileage to succeed as a business. How many times have you been at a club and observed behavior, or a policy, or a problem that could be easily fixed, but management seems clueless. Now those clubs need high mileage!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    I-95 Pit Stop?
    Or maybe The Den, South Amboy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    2nd booth from the stage
    I-95 Pit Stop?
    Does not exist. If it did, I would have gone there a few dozen times in my frequent excursions up and down the northeast corridor. It's possible if you look at the clubs near the Meadowlands (Seacaucus, Rt 3), you might find something you like, especially if mileage doesn't matter.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Online Strip Clubs
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have played a part in this disturbance. :)
    Two tabs of blotter. Cue up Electric Ladyland. Hold on tight.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hottest dancers in Phoenix - which club?
    Bourbon Street, Christies (Phoenix). Skin in Scottsdale has nice looking girls, but mileage sucks. Hiliter is a great club; the girls are a notch lower and the mileage is a notch higher.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fort Myers, FL
    Motorhead has it right. Drive to Tampa or save your money.