

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
If you go into a club (and don't decide it's a dive and after a bit a leave) how much do you need to spend (on dances and/or stag tips) to not be a freeloader? Does it depend on how long you're in there? (Assume the club doesn't pay the dancers anything as seems to be the normal case, at least in the US.)


  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I would say if you pay the cover, sit at the bar or a table (not the stage), buy drinks and tip normally, and let the girls know you're not buying dances, you're ok. Depends on the place and how busy it is.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    If you buy *anything*, you're not freeloading.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    As long as you buy either a drink or food if they serve food, you aren't a "freeloader" If they don't have a dancer that you want dances from, that is too bad for the dancer and perhaps you. We are the customer, we make the business survive. We can do what we want, when we want.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    But if a customer gives no money to the dancers, it's like going to a public flower garden and picking a couple flowers. If everyone did that, there would be no flower garden, and no strip club.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    If you tip each dancer who dances on stage $1, you're not freeloading.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    I'd agree it's not freeloading if you go to get one-on-one dances, and no dancer that you like offers you dances. But to me that seems very different from going in to watch the dancers with the intention of not giving them any money.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I agree if you go to the club with intention of not spending a dime and just watching the girls get naked that is freeloading.

    I went to a club the other day, sat at the bar, ordered a beverage and tipped girls at the secondary stage to see if there was one I wanted a dance with. The ones I would have taken dances with were busy with regulars when they were not on stage and I didn't get a dance. Was I freeloading? No. I spent money and was willing to spend more but it didn't work out.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    funny, but i cum down on the other side of this from most of you guys. as long as you pay the cover and buy a drink or two i don't think you're freeloading at all, as long as the club is not packed and your seat would be taken by someone looking to spend $$$ if u weren't in it.

    btw, anyone who thinks they are putting a stripper through college by tipping $1 at the rail has another thing cumming. rail tips make up a teeny tiny part of my dancing income. i guess it's kind of flattering, but i don't really care.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    The primary benefit to the dancer of going on stage is to get noticed by the guys wanting one-on-one dances, in most clubs. In strip clubs that cater to hip-hop fans, you can get several guys stage tipping a dancer for more than the price of a lapper. All in singles of course.

    Even if, on average, there were only 5 customers per dancer, and they spent $5 per hour on the dancers, that's still $25 per hour on average for the dancers. Most college students would crawl over broken glass for that pay rate. I would say custies spending at least that much on the dancers have no reason whatsoever to feel like they're not holding up their end.

  • RoomHopper
    12 years ago
    for most dancers, stage tips cover their gas/transportation to work. lap dances, drinks bought for them, vip dances, general "thanks for chatting with me" tips are for their normal life expenses. any money spent in the club towards the dancer turns you from a free loader to a customer, even if its 1 dollar on a stage dance.
    if you feel none of the girls are attractive enough for a dance and you don't buy one, and the only money spent was a single dollar on a stage dance then thats how it has to be, but you're not a freeloader if you've tipped or spent any money towards the dancer.
    most cover charges and drinks for yourself go to the club to keep them open and a portion of the lap dance is to the house.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Not tipping dancers is *not* freeloading. Like someone else said, if no one has the chops to induce you to tip, then they aren't losing anything. If you aren't tipping, they'll notice, and you'll likely get no attention from dancers anyway, so nobody loses.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    If you are at the bar & drinking you are not freeloading
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    Sometimes when I go to the mall with my SO, I excuse myself from her shoe shopping and seek out the big electronics store. I go in, wander around carefully examining the tablet computers, high end photo printers, and home entertainment systems. I have no intention of buying anything that day. After a little while, I wander back out and resume my shoe shopping vigil. Am I a freeloader? I don't think so. From the business's perspective, i'm a future buyer, and that's fine with them.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Club owners care about butts in the seats, preferably butts in the seats drinking. "Freeloader" in a club is a term used by dancers who are angry they can't make a sell.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    But HD, if you went in there and tried to spend a couple hours doing your taxes on one of their demo computers, I don't think it would go over big. It's not clear exactly where the line is between thoroughly checking out and wanting to get something for nothing, but I think there is a line somewhere.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    If I pay a cover, buy a drink, or pay a tip, I'm not a freeloader.

    If no dancers interest me, I'm leaving after a while, it takes time to see who is there.

    I've left many a club after 30 minutes and spending less than $20.

    Who cares what the club or dancers think. I am the customer and I spend my money the way I want (at least until 2014).
  • canny
    12 years ago
    Leaving a club in less than 30 minutes spending less than $20 isn't freeloading.

    @carolynne, there is one club in Pittsburgh where the dancers earn between $100 and $150 each time they go on stage. It's a huge club with 3 stages and a set on stage means dancing on all 3 stages. A few dancers who work there don't like doing lap dances and try to avoid doing them, they earn all of their money dancing on stage.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I leave a load for free
  • boogieknight369
    12 years ago
    gator fan, you leave a load, but I'm betting it ain't for free. lol.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    @ilbb: $25 an hour? are u kidding me? drop in the bucket.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Hey carol, get as many $$$ as you can mos def. But think about the paychecks most people live on. A dancer makes good money cause she's a cut above. But people can very worthwhile, even a cut above in different ways, and still have a shit-low paycheck. Why hurt their feeling by talking like that? You make it sound like there's not more to a person than how thick their wallet is.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @carolyne: If you averaged your yearly take-home, i.e. after all your fees and tip outs, over a 2,080 hour work year (irrespective of how many hours you actually worked), would it come out to significantly more than $25 per hour?

    I'm not claiming knowledge either way, just curious.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Interesting question, georg. It gets me to thinking what my hourly wage is from what my company pays me. Considering the number of hours that I work and the poverty pay I receive from the cheapass who runs my company I suspect that my hourly take-home rate would be in the order of $10/hr.

    My company is currently very profitable and there is a good dividend stream to the company's shareholders.

    Um.......er.......ah.......my company has just a single shareholder.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't consider someone a freeloader unless they haven't spent a dime and are taking up space that paying customers would like to use. If they move aside and sit somewhere where paying customers aren't interested, then they are good.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    a stripper life is a drop in the bucket lol
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    @george: way more than $25/hr.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Yea Carol, we're all familiar with the "you need to spend ALOT of money of impress ME" SS.
  • WhatsMyNameAgain
    12 years ago
    Ibbaicnl, loving the comments and as you can tell I'm new here, but enjoying the read:).

    I have to agree, my paychecks in the past have been rather small for the amount of effort I put into earning it. I have friends that sat on their butts in front of computers doing stuff that amounts to clerical work, heck the clerical workers out of high school earned 50% more then me. My check sucked, but I knew that I defintely earned every dollar of it. I also appear to the walking Google for people that I know. Also their arbitrator, the counselor, their computer tech, among other unpaid stuff. I used to spend 45 or so hours per week constantly running around moving boxes that were 35-50 pounds on average nonstop. If i had time to stop and take a deep breath, the boss might noticed andnot think I was working.

    I am all for treating the talent like a human being. Just because i stepped through the doors of a particular type of establishment does not mean that my approach to other people has changed. I will try to play it cool and not stick out like a sore thumb because I'm not someone that has spent a lot of time in a SC before, but when dealing with anyone there its the same courtesy I would give to someone outside of that establishment.

    When I have been out to a club it has been with the intent to try and stay under $100. $18 to get through the doors and a ticket that gets me either a bottle of water or a coke, would have been most of 2 hours of work! The bottle of water? Nice, thats maybe $1, or virtually free if it was tap water as I am not picky.

    As a customer, I want something for the cover charge/drink charge, because I worked for that cash. I don't like the idea that if I sat around for a bit to relax and take it in that I am being considered cheap. I also wouldn't feel at ease if I felt that a $100 limit is also making me cheap, or looked down upon since that money could buy several DVDs, 2 games, about 5 books, dinner for a small group of friends +change, or any other number of things. A guy could find a chick and go out on a date for that much money and actually have a hope that he is paving the way to something where he gets some action at some point.

    I am not there to impress anyone. I would probably have been embarrassed to mention how much I was earning, or maybe not, but would not expect it to impress anyone at all. I am there to have a good time, and unless someone is going to be in my bed, there really is no right to criticize how much I spend as long as I paid to get in, especially if it was 2 of 45 hours that was just not enough money to get anywhere in life.

    If I heard a dancer speak negatively about anyone's spending who paid to get into the club I probably would not want anything to do with her. it would also degrade my view of the club as a whole. Unless the club is packed 24/7 with whales, I would hope that as a customer of the establishment that I would be given at least a blank slate and be judged on how I behave as opposed to how much cash I can throw at a dancer.

    I am a complete newbie and tipped my last dancer $5 at the end on top of the $20 I paid for the dance. I did make a few trips to the tip bar because everyone was just sitting at the booths watching. I noticed that not every girl was getting requests for dances right away, and I knew how much I had of my budget remaining,so I decided to plop down to drop around $5 a pass.

    When I did that the girls would come up, flash a smile, give me a few seconds time, and go down the row.After I had gone up there a few other guys saw that I got a bit of time there and started to drop some cash of their own. they were pretty, and worth it, but to me it paid off when the one girl that I talked to that was sweet about it was up on stage and spent more time on my side then the rest even though the row was now 80% full. When she came around, off the stage, she danced a bit in front of me and as I was going to give her a tip she grabbed my arm turned her back towards me and hopped onto the counter, grabbing my other arm. She ran her hands down my arms to my hands and brought them to rest cupping he breasts for about five seconds making sure I got a good feel as she rested her head against my chest.

    I had avoided relationships due to money issues due to a relationship, but for a brief moment the loneliness I feel inside melted away. I know technically it was just a few seconds, but it felt longer. I know I was just a customer, but whatever she did made me feel like someone for a while. As she slowly slid her self down off the counter she turned and said "thank you" with a smile that was really soft and sweet, a smile that she didn't give to the rest. When she continued down the row I saw a few guys staring at me, not at her as they had a confused look. With everyone else she gave a stage smile, a quick spin and picked up their tips, never touching them, never letting them touch her.

    I looked at the glossary a few minutes ago, and saw what a PL is, but maybe I am. All I know is that she got my attention in a way that ..I don't know, but the girl I got the dance from was nothing at all in that sense, though she was um...bustier and that is more my type. I would deffinitely go back to that club and would love to get a dance from that one girl. My financial situation has not changed, maybe in a few months as I complete my degree, so it is not as though I can drop half a grand like some of the guys seem to mention they can spend easily.

    I don't like the idea of being a PL, nor a rock, nor a free loader. I just want to be entertained, relax, and hopefully be a customer that the ladies can at least see as being better then some annoying cholo, or drunk fool. I'm no big spender. I'm a heavier guy right now, so I'm not going to be turning them on. I would hope that they could at least say that I'm better then an empty chair at the tip bar, and nicer then some of their customers, and that they get treated like a person at least since I can't spend a ton of cash. Its not about disrespecting the girls by not spending money, or a ton of money, its about trying to fit everything within the restrictions and context of my life at this point.

    sorry if I sound like a lameass. :/
  • WhatsMyNameAgain
    12 years ago
    actually, with the one dancer I mentioned, it was more of a hug then just her trying to make sure that I got a nice feel. I say that because she wrapped herself in my arms,crossing them over from left to right, and right to left. The reason that I mentioned the relationship thing is because it was nothing like what I have experienced with any other dancer at any other club. It reminded me of when I had someone in my life more then anything else. She had also pointed out a few things about some of the girls that were on the stage instead of hitting me up for a dance, but in a very nice, no pressure sort of way.

    I guess I actually felt welcome instead of someone that was just a potential sucker.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I love to free load with my dirty ditch money yo
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