During my recent trip to Vegas, I visited my first two strip clubs. I knew the alcohol-free clubs allow girls to be completely nude during dances, but the main reason I first went to an alcohol-free place (Little Darlings) was because it was free of alcohol (I drove myself and did not want to drink). I was unaware of the other benefits. "Lap dances" took place in cubicles with a privacy curtain and a bed-like platform on which you lay down. This allowed girls a wider range of erotic possibilities compared to being in a seated position. In addition, the girls appeared free to allow customers to touch all parts of their bodies and even negotiate for sexual acts. [I had "dances" with three girls; two were excellent and one was bad, but that's another story!] The club also had VIP rooms which I did not see, because how much better could they be?
I also checked out a nearby topless club that served alcohol. In Cheetahs, lap dances took place in a public corner of the main room on small couches, one next to another. I asked to see the VIP rooms, which contained the same small couches with no privacy dividers. I subsequently learned that the absence of beds and privacy was due to rules limiting what the strippers and customers could do because of the alcohol. For one, girls and customers are not allowed to lie down. Another rule which was not quite as strictly enforced was no touching of breasts. Therefore, even if the girls were nude, the quality of "dances" would be limited compared to the alcohol-free club. Seems like a high price to pay to buy alcohol in a town where free alcohol is so widely available.
Are my observations of these two strip clubs representative of other alcoholic and alcohol-free clubs in Las Vegas? Do other towns place similar restrictions on clubs that serve alcohol?
In almost every jurisdiction in the US, there are different rules that apply to all-nude vs topless clubs.
Most all nude clubs are alcohol free. Most topless joints serve alcohol.
Most all-nude places have less mileage too.
But there are many exceptions. Mons Venus in Tampa is all nude, and has mileage similar to many of the topless joints. In Phoenix, Blue Moon is all nude and has some of the highest mileage in that town. Same for Henry 8 South near Detroit.
As for Vegas, I don't think any of the clubs are especially good mileage or good value.
And that's why I love the strip club scene...you never can tell.
Palomino if you want both alcohol and fully nude in Vegas. Downside is the girls are only average.
I don't agree that Vegas is a total waste, but if you have a choice why hop over to nearby Phoenix instead - several real first rate clubs there and much smaller ROB factor.
In the Detroit area, nude clubs cannot serve alcohol. But the best topless, alcohol-friendly clubs have private VIP booths where the girls get naked for you. I have even heard the rumor that some of these girls will let you touch their bodies.
In general I prefer strip clubs with alcohol because the dancers are more attractive. At least they're more attractive after 4 or 5 drinks.
@che: I'm saying there are more ITC and OTC opportunities in Vegas than some here would like you to believe.
Cheetah's has always been particularly good to me in that regard. In my home town there are good OTC opportunities as well and ITC is making a comeback lately. I still feel I could have fun in Vegas though. It takes a bit of work - but I suspect that out of towners who just took Seattle clubs (all no alcohol, btw) at face value, would also miss out on the fun just slightly below the surface.
harrydave wrote; "Most all-nude places have less mileage too."
This surprises me, since in the two clubs I visited the alcohol-related rules resulted in lower mileage dances. Perhaps Vegas is an exception to the general rule?
Che...thanks for the info and opinions. I can imagine how getting a dance from a drunk girl could potentially be fun...or not! I prefer not to drink myself, though. BTW, what is a "PL?"
jackslash....I wouldn't go to a place where there was a "rumor" that "some" girls let you touch their bodies! I do not care much about complete nudity, but I want to go where touching (at least everywhere except the pussy) is the norm.
Regarding the ROB factor, I did run into one (out of four)....but it was partially my fault. I detected some negative vibes from her but I was too timid/inexperienced to flee. The lesson cost me $20.
From my point of view, it was the private cubicle and bed-like platform that enabled higher quality/mileage dances at the alcohol-free club (of course it also depends on the girl). Though rules may be broken in any club, they are more easily broken in a private cubicle versus in public view. Is it unusual for lap dances to be done on beds in private cubicles in alcohol clubs? Are there any alcohol clubs in Vegas with this arrangement? Are beds in private cubicles the norm for alcohol-free lap dances?
@Dougster: "I'm saying there are more ITC and OTC opportunities in Vegas than some here would like you to believe."
That may be true, however, from what I've seen posted her and in some of the reviews for LV, it doesn't appear that it's really *worth* it, other than the ability to say "I fucked a Vegas dancer" or some shit. I mean, if you're *already* in Vegas, and you're flush from the casino or something, then maybe a splurge or two, but I can't see heading to Vegas for the purpose of fucking a stripper. There's too many other places around the country where the same, or more, can be had for much less. Sure, maybe other areas don't have the same drop dead gorgeous girls, but they're acceptable, and most I've managed to be with are enthusiastic and skilled enough to make up the difference.
Here in LA the non-alcohol nude clubs are much higher mileage than the alcohol-serving topless joints. I rarely drink, so I prefer the nude clubs anyway.
There are fewer and fewer nude places in LV, and it's a shame. Besides anything that ends in "Cabaret" (which are to be avoided), the only nude joints that I know of now are Lil D's, Talk of the Town, & the Palomino. I haven't been back to Deja Vu since it went topless a few years ago.
@gmd: Completely agree with you. If you are heading in the Vegas direction with the primary objective of stripper mongering, then make it Phoenix instead.
Random brain dump of what I can get out in 10 minutes. I have heard about a number of other areas, but I will only speak to areas in which i have solid clubbing experience:
New York: Nude clubs cannot sell alcohol, no byob clubs allowed.
Connecticut: Nude clubs cannot sell alcohol, but there are a few byob clubs.
New Jersey: Bikini requirements for clubs that sell alcohol, but there are some nude juice bars and a few byob clubs (limited to beer and wine).
Rhode Island: Nudity allowed with alcohol, though most clubs are topless or mixed with nude in a separate area.
Mass/DC: All clubs are full nude with alcohol, but strict no contact laws exist.
Georgia: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but most of Atlanta is full nude with alcohol.
Illinois: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but most areas have restrictions, most definitely including Chicago. What makes Harvey IL such a nice stop is that it is one of the few areas near Chicago where nudity and alcohol are allowed.
PA/KS: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but in most parts there are restrictions on alcohol with nudity. In each state there are a smattering of byob clubs.
Florida: Mixed bag, county by county. Generally, there is nudity with alcohol on parts of the south-eastern (Miami) and mid-western (Pasco County) coastlines, but many of the more inland areas have restrictions on nudity with alcohol.
Vegas (I don't know much about the rest of NV): Topless only with alcohol, with the lone exception of the Palomino (which was grandfathered in when the laws were passed).
NH/ME/VT: Topless only, period.
AR/VA/AL/MO: Fuck topless, good luck even seeing a nipple.
Oregon: I can only speak to Portland, but it was full nude with alcohol.
Texas: Generally cannot sell alcohol with nudity, but there are a shitload of great byob nude joints.
@Clubber: I have a few FL reviews, though they are all in the Tampa area. If you are talking about my review of 2001, I have to say that the Tampa clubs leave a lot to be desired and are gimmicky hype. I also made brief stops into Mons and Scores on the same night (since they are all bunched together there), but did not do enough in either place to write solid reviews. I had a blast at Scores, but that had more to do with free food and alcohol (livery industry party with free buffet and complimentary drink tickets) than anything else. I've clubbed in Tampa a few times and cannot be bothered, but rather almost always end up in Pasco County.
@Dougster: My last trip to Portland was shortly before I started seriously posting on this thing.
Oh, I forgot two areas in which I club fairly often:
South Carolina: Generally topless and no alcohol sold with nudity, but there are a couple of nude byob places (beer and wine only).
Wisconsin: I have only clubbed in the Milwaukee and Lake Geneva areas, but they have all been topless with alcohol, with one exception. The Sugar Shack in Lake Geneva is full nude and serves alcohol. I'm guessing that SC rules are driven by cities and counties since SS can do this, but I don't know enough about the rest of the state to make a firm statement.
BYOB Sidenote: When you see nude byob and if you are a hard alcohol drinker, you should dig in carefully to see exactly what "byob" means. While in TX, KS and even CT, byob truly means "booze", in places like NJ and South Carolina you are limited to beer and wine. BYOB joints in PA are a mized bag, with some allowing booze while others limit you to beer and wine.
I think there's only 1 nude club in NY State and its all the way upstate. Personally, that's too far for me. No public transport and just far too long to get out there. But I don't mind the topless clubs. A little bit of room for imagination because I get sooo sick of seeing gross pussy (stinky etc), I almost completely weened off of sex. Plus I don't really need to see their pussy. High chance I'm not gonna fuck them so their g-strings showing their ass and their nice knockers is enough for me
Estafador, there are 6 nude juice clubs in the Newburgh/New Paltz/Poughkeepsie area (near the intersection of RT 87 and RT 84) and I believe that there is also one in Rochester, but on the whole you are correct that they are rare and well away from public transportation.
There used to be a few more kicking around, but they all converted to topless in order to earn the lucrative bar sales. In fact, Lace 2 (formerly Stiletto), a club that you recently reviewed, was the last Manhattan holdout and converted a few years or so ago. I used to enjoy smuggling in nips from the liquor store down the street and using my OJ or soda as a mixer. ;)
There are tons of clubs spread out all over LA & Orange County, and most clubs are pretty racially diverse in their dancer lineups. Is there a particular type of dancer that you are looking for? And in what region of LA?
I tend to favor Asian and White girls, but am open to others. I'd really like to find a place in which lap dances (topless or nude) take place on a bed (or bed-like platform) in private cubicles/rooms where mutual touching is the norm...preferably for $30 or less per song. I'm on the east side (Bell) but can travel.
last commentMost all nude clubs are alcohol free. Most topless joints serve alcohol.
Most all-nude places have less mileage too.
But there are many exceptions. Mons Venus in Tampa is all nude, and has mileage similar to many of the topless joints. In Phoenix, Blue Moon is all nude and has some of the highest mileage in that town. Same for Henry 8 South near Detroit.
As for Vegas, I don't think any of the clubs are especially good mileage or good value.
And that's why I love the strip club scene...you never can tell.
I don't agree that Vegas is a total waste, but if you have a choice why hop over to nearby Phoenix instead - several real first rate clubs there and much smaller ROB factor.
In general I prefer strip clubs with alcohol because the dancers are more attractive. At least they're more attractive after 4 or 5 drinks.
Cheetah's has always been particularly good to me in that regard. In my home town there are good OTC opportunities as well and ITC is making a comeback lately. I still feel I could have fun in Vegas though. It takes a bit of work - but I suspect that out of towners who just took Seattle clubs (all no alcohol, btw) at face value, would also miss out on the fun just slightly below the surface.
This surprises me, since in the two clubs I visited the alcohol-related rules resulted in lower mileage dances. Perhaps Vegas is an exception to the general rule?
Che...thanks for the info and opinions. I can imagine how getting a dance from a drunk girl could potentially be fun...or not! I prefer not to drink myself, though. BTW, what is a "PL?"
jackslash....I wouldn't go to a place where there was a "rumor" that "some" girls let you touch their bodies! I do not care much about complete nudity, but I want to go where touching (at least everywhere except the pussy) is the norm.
Regarding the ROB factor, I did run into one (out of four)....but it was partially my fault. I detected some negative vibes from her but I was too timid/inexperienced to flee. The lesson cost me $20.
From my point of view, it was the private cubicle and bed-like platform that enabled higher quality/mileage dances at the alcohol-free club (of course it also depends on the girl). Though rules may be broken in any club, they are more easily broken in a private cubicle versus in public view. Is it unusual for lap dances to be done on beds in private cubicles in alcohol clubs? Are there any alcohol clubs in Vegas with this arrangement? Are beds in private cubicles the norm for alcohol-free lap dances?
That may be true, however, from what I've seen posted her and in some of the reviews for LV, it doesn't appear that it's really *worth* it, other than the ability to say "I fucked a Vegas dancer" or some shit. I mean, if you're *already* in Vegas, and you're flush from the casino or something, then maybe a splurge or two, but I can't see heading to Vegas for the purpose of fucking a stripper. There's too many other places around the country where the same, or more, can be had for much less. Sure, maybe other areas don't have the same drop dead gorgeous girls, but they're acceptable, and most I've managed to be with are enthusiastic and skilled enough to make up the difference.
There are fewer and fewer nude places in LV, and it's a shame. Besides anything that ends in "Cabaret" (which are to be avoided), the only nude joints that I know of now are Lil D's, Talk of the Town, & the Palomino. I haven't been back to Deja Vu since it went topless a few years ago.
New York: Nude clubs cannot sell alcohol, no byob clubs allowed.
Connecticut: Nude clubs cannot sell alcohol, but there are a few byob clubs.
New Jersey: Bikini requirements for clubs that sell alcohol, but there are some nude juice bars and a few byob clubs (limited to beer and wine).
Rhode Island: Nudity allowed with alcohol, though most clubs are topless or mixed with nude in a separate area.
Mass/DC: All clubs are full nude with alcohol, but strict no contact laws exist.
Georgia: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but most of Atlanta is full nude with alcohol.
Illinois: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but most areas have restrictions, most definitely including Chicago. What makes Harvey IL such a nice stop is that it is one of the few areas near Chicago where nudity and alcohol are allowed.
PA/KS: Mixed bag, varies by city and county, but in most parts there are restrictions on alcohol with nudity. In each state there are a smattering of byob clubs.
Florida: Mixed bag, county by county. Generally, there is nudity with alcohol on parts of the south-eastern (Miami) and mid-western (Pasco County) coastlines, but many of the more inland areas have restrictions on nudity with alcohol.
Vegas (I don't know much about the rest of NV): Topless only with alcohol, with the lone exception of the Palomino (which was grandfathered in when the laws were passed).
NH/ME/VT: Topless only, period.
AR/VA/AL/MO: Fuck topless, good luck even seeing a nipple.
Oregon: I can only speak to Portland, but it was full nude with alcohol.
Texas: Generally cannot sell alcohol with nudity, but there are a shitload of great byob nude joints.
I'll vouch for your Florida "review".
If you are talking about my review of 2001, I have to say that the Tampa clubs leave a lot to be desired and are gimmicky hype. I also made brief stops into Mons and Scores on the same night (since they are all bunched together there), but did not do enough in either place to write solid reviews. I had a blast at Scores, but that had more to do with free food and alcohol (livery industry party with free buffet and complimentary drink tickets) than anything else. I've clubbed in Tampa a few times and cannot be bothered, but rather almost always end up in Pasco County.
@Dougster: My last trip to Portland was shortly before I started seriously posting on this thing.
South Carolina: Generally topless and no alcohol sold with nudity, but there are a couple of nude byob places (beer and wine only).
Wisconsin: I have only clubbed in the Milwaukee and Lake Geneva areas, but they have all been topless with alcohol, with one exception. The Sugar Shack in Lake Geneva is full nude and serves alcohol. I'm guessing that SC rules are driven by cities and counties since SS can do this, but I don't know enough about the rest of the state to make a firm statement.
BYOB Sidenote: When you see nude byob and if you are a hard alcohol drinker, you should dig in carefully to see exactly what "byob" means. While in TX, KS and even CT, byob truly means "booze", in places like NJ and South Carolina you are limited to beer and wine. BYOB joints in PA are a mized bag, with some allowing booze while others limit you to beer and wine.
There used to be a few more kicking around, but they all converted to topless in order to earn the lucrative bar sales. In fact, Lace 2 (formerly Stiletto), a club that you recently reviewed, was the last Manhattan holdout and converted a few years or so ago. I used to enjoy smuggling in nips from the liquor store down the street and using my OJ or soda as a mixer. ;)
I was speaking of your "review" in this topic of the states. No one specific club review.
There are tons of clubs spread out all over LA & Orange County, and most clubs are pretty racially diverse in their dancer lineups. Is there a particular type of dancer that you are looking for? And in what region of LA?
I tend to favor Asian and White girls, but am open to others. I'd really like to find a place in which lap dances (topless or nude) take place on a bed (or bed-like platform) in private cubicles/rooms where mutual touching is the norm...preferably for $30 or less per song. I'm on the east side (Bell) but can travel.