So Why Do Some Strip Clubs Have Stricter Rules Than Others?

avatar for Omega22
I noticed that I haven't written a review in a while. So I decided to write reviews on my last couple of strip club visits. Both of which happened in the last few weeks. One was for Deja Vu and the other Platinum Plus. They should be up for public view soon.

After I had written the reviews I reminded myself of the fact that Deja Vu has much stricter rules than most other strip clubs. I have known that for a while but never really put a second thought into it until now. At Deja Vu I can't touch the girls and they barely touch me. However at Platinum Plus the girls are all over me and they even put my hands on them. Usually now a days I mainly go to Deja Vu when I want to conserve money since it is cheaper.

My guess the stricter rules are related to management. If that is the case Deja Vu's management needs to realize that there are clubs in Lexington KY that offer much more contact.


last comment
avatar for Prim0
12 years ago
I think that a lot of it has to do with the club's relationship with local law enforcement. I don't think club management could afford to let the touching rules ease if they know that LE has it in for them.

Just be glad you don't live here...where the rules are usually strict and regularly enforced.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Well, putting aside the vast regional differences, since it looks like Omega is talking about clubs that are all in the same area...

In my opinion, it simply has to do with the risk tolerance of each club's management. Some club owners don't give a shit, others are paranoid and the rest fall in various spots between these two extremes.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I think rick is correct. The DV clubs have a reputation of being strict. I would not go to one if I had a choice. The PP clubs are a lot more liberal. I have been to 4 of their 5 clubs and would chose them over the competition.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Deja clubs and their affiliates are usually strict as LE looks at them nation wide and their rules are one size fits all. I agree with shadow and avoid where possible. In San Francisco the DEja clubs are way more strict than other clubs in the area where you can get anything for a price.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
While I agree with Shadow, it always seems counterintuitive that juice bars that do not have to worry about losing a liquor license should be more restrictive than topless clubs that depend upon liquor sales for much of their profits.

I can understand hav
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
While I agree with Shadow, it always seems counterintuitive that juice bars that do not have to worry about losing a liquor license should be more restrictive than topless clubs that depend upon liquor sales for much of their profits.

I can understand hav
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
(Rats, wasn't ready to post.) What I was trying to say was having strict rules for nude LDs makes some sense but DV dancers don't straddle customers while nude.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Why are some people bigger assholes than others?

same reason
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
A big difference might be jurisdiction. A club might say that it is located in a city but it might be in an unincorporated county area, which may have either looser rules or less diligence from their law enforcement on sexual laws. So for example none of the clubs listed for Colorado Springs is in fact inside the city limits.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
I think some of the national chains feel (actually not) that they don't need to offer good mileage to make a huge profit. Good business model doesn't have to worry about skirting the law to make the big bucks. I think the women at such clubs are better looking in general.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
The national chains are actually managed, and one key management principle is to consider and control risks. Chains like Deja Vu do a good job maintaining quality and consistency, and they are fine for the guys who go for the social scene and the eye candy. They don't need high mileage to succeed as a business.

How many times have you been at a club and observed behavior, or a policy, or a problem that could be easily fixed, but management seems clueless. Now those clubs need high mileage!
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
It all comes down to the relationship each club has with LE. One of the clubs I visit regularly had a poor relationship with the local sheriff's office before they even opened and thus that place is one of the most strict places I go to, complete with an overly intrusive bouncer crew. The only real reason I go there now is it's close, it's nude dancing, and some of the dancers are worth the trouble.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Yeah, I agree with these comments. Everyone makes some really good points. I would like to add that there are plenty of attractive strippers that go to the stricter clubs because they don't like it when guys get real touchy. This can help the stricter clubs with business.
avatar for newmark
12 years ago
Yeah, I think that in a lot of cases, but certainly not all, the better looking girls tend to gravitate toward the clubs that are more strict. It is the same principle that is at play when the 10s at a particular club don't put out, but the 7s do.
avatar for mal_hodgson
12 years ago
Being part of the Deja Vu chain does not necessarily mean they will be strict. There are two in Minneapolis, A Deja Vu and a Deja Vu Showgirls, both in Downtown Minneapolis and not even a mile apart. The Deja Vu is strict in my experience. The couch dances are typical hands off grinders and I never had a decent VIP there. The ShowGirls on the other hand can offer very good mileage, especially during the day. The couch dances can be so good with the right girl that I don't feel the need to do a bed dance. The few bed dances I gave had have been good mileage however.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
in my experience dancers tend to migrate to clubs that suit their comfort level. if the management leans a certain way the dancers do the rest.
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