
Comments by harrydave (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In case your are bored with the Rick & Dug topic.
    I think I got a counterfeit bill just one time. It was about 20 years ago, a $10 bill that was on thin paper. I never figured out where it came from, so I threw it out. Obviously this guy passing 20's was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nomination for Darwin awards.
    I love the Darwin Awards. Is it wrong to laugh at the misfortune of idiots?
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Weird Trip To Topeka, KS
    RD, I think you ran into a cross-cultural twilight zone. The same thing happened to me when I traveled on business to places like Alabama. I've got nothing against the place, except there seem to be a million tiny differences between the local residents and me, and all those little differences translate into awkwardness of various kinds. You were a stranger in a strange land.
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    12 years ago
    WTF! Is this the same girl?
    Mororhead - "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder" There, fixed it for ya.
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    12 years ago
    WTF! Is this the same girl?
    The lady is probably thinking the same thing. But she's not there because of your rugged good looks.
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    12 years ago
    Total Immersion
    A few wise phrases come to mind: Variety is the spice of life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. but A fool and his money are soon parted.
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    12 years ago
    extras in philly strip clubs
    "Can anybody tell me which clubs in philly have the private rooms and have a good for extras from the dancers with little hassle or mindgames?" No, it is unlikely that just anybody could give you that kind of information.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    honky, honky, honky
    Well, country music is pretty low on my list. But I will tolerate it in a club in small doses, and only if compensated by high mileage activities. For good reason, related to the musical tastes of my Freshman year dickhead roommate, I have an extreme aversion to Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow. But if they played that shit in a strip club, there would likely be a riot.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    Vegas Odds:Next Tuscler to die in a SC
    @Dougster - Two observations: 1) You have not made a case for lasting damage for those women who strip and/or prostitute, but then move on; and that is likely the vast majority. I suspect that our society is full of women who went that route, and are now leading conventional lives with families and conventional jobs. Are they all "walking wounded?" If so, would this not be a huge advocacy issue among women? I suspect the situation is not so extreme; that there are plenty of women who have regrets, but balance that with the pragmatic benefits of generating the income they needed at the time. (But then, I don't have the reliable evidence of that either; just a supposition on my part). 2) You have not answered the question of why they are not deserving of respect. Much of what you describe could also apply to any group of workers who share the common fate of being in a shitty job for a while, with poor working conditions. Perhaps the specific experiential impacts are different, but the net effect is that shitty jobs wear you down physically and emotionally. Certainly, we would not propose that people who have shitty jobs are undeserving of respect.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Can money buy happiness?
    Quite a few years ago, the NY Times did an in depth follow up on 10 big lottery winners. At the time, a big win would be less than $5 million. The winners, between 2 and 10 years after striking it rich, were mostly regretful. The biggest negative was loss of relationships with family and friends, as typically they were inundated with requests for money. Only one of the couples interviewed was content. This was not scientific, but it was food for thought.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In your experience, which types of girls seem to have better mileage?
    Well, duh. While there are undoubtedly exceptions, the girls with less than stellar bodies will generally have to work harder for their tips. I think this is because there is a good proportion of guys who are pretty content looking at beautiful women. The visual stimulus is enough. I steer away from most of the 8, 9, 10's. Many have developed lazy habits. Give me an experienced, motivated and friendly 6 or 7. We can have fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Can money buy happiness?
    I like to refer to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs when I analyze questions like this (and human behaviors). Money can provide for the low level needs of shelter, physical security, healthcare and food. Then you get into the higher level needs such as affiliation (belonging, love) and money becomes much less relevant. I would also argue that too much money actually interferes, as giving money becomes a substitute for giving of self. Big lottery winners are especially vulnerable to this trap.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    RD has a good point. We like to think our fingering gets them turned on. But for all our complaining about substandard BJ's, our fingering is probably worse.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    showers ;)
    Holy shit. I agree with Dougster.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    Vegas Odds:Next Tuscler to die in a SC
    Gatorfan is goaded into responding on a TUSCL discussion thread, and in a sudden bout of inspiration attempts to type more than 6 words. His keyboard overheats, bursts into flames, and he is overcome by toxic fumes before he can press the "Post Comment" button. He dies with his boots on and his zipper down.
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    12 years ago
    Girls Promising OTC to get more LDs
    Q: how do you know a Vegas stripper will meet you for OTC? A: She is in your hotel room sucking your cock.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    Vegas Odds:Next Tuscler to die in a SC
    Dougster: Wanders into a club one day. By chance meets 2 other TUSCL members. One is named ClubKarma, and the other is named RevengeServedCold. You know the rest.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    I don't think Revo contradicts himself. He is saying the psychology (thoughts and emotions) of the experience is as important, or even more so, than the physical sensations. I agree. Sex is 90% mental. And that explains why some guys prefer some activities over others. Because it fits their mental game. Besides, the sex act is just one activity in a progression that may start with eye contact and a smile, and end with a hug and a friendly goodbye. In the middle is a variety of physical stunts, some of which seem pathetic and humorous if taken by themselves. Now I understand the FIV. While I prefer DATY, the motivation is probably the same. If I can give the woman enjoyment, not just listen to fake moans but cause real ones, my sexual excitement increases significantly. There is a positive feedback loop and the idea is to see how far we both can take it. That is more likely to happen when both of us are giving. You may not agree. No problem for me. Variety is the spice of life. Enjoy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Why are people embarrassed to go to a strip club?
    If we had strip clubs at airports, I would then like to see a remake of "Airplane". We all know where the Captain and 1st Officer would be before the flight.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tips for strippers!
    @Shark - in my past life I actually conducted special studies relating to odors in the air; and I learned that some people are up to 10,000 times more sensitive to smells than the least sensitive ones. BTW, I never use cologne either. I just wear what the latest girl was wearing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    The only problem I see with this situation is this: There is a real possibility your birthday friend will end up getting some dances, and you will have the pleasure of watching some girl-girl action. If you are a normal guy, this will get you all worked up. Now, if this were your girlfriend, you could than go home and have some bangin' sex. It looks like that is not possible, so you can either accept a "Blue balls' type of outing, or you can develop an alternate release plan. But whatever happens, have fun!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Independent Heads
    For a while at Hiliter (Phoenix) there was a tall German girl. First time I met her, she introduced herself and I commented on her height, asked her how tall she was and she quickly replied "5 foot 12". Ahah! Clever girl. She was a Chemistry major, getting her Doctorate. When she danced for me, we would get this banter going, involving chemistry, biology or astronomy. For example, i would say I wanted to take a long trip to the forbidden planet, and she would come back with something regarding twin moons, etc. All while she is rubbing my dick and nuzzling my neck. It was pretty silly, but I really enjoyed the word games. However, the opposite experience is more typical. Many strippers are not rocket scientists.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Massage Parlor
    There are so many quality problems with AMPs (Asian Massage Parlors), and usually not much variety in choice of girls. An alternative strategy is to back off a bit on your strip clubbing, put away a little cash each week, and when you get to $3,000, buy a plane ticket for a one or two week trip to Bangkok. When you get back, you will know what a really good massage is, and you will have at least a year's worth of memories.
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    12 years ago
    time in a strip club!
    My longest times have never been my most expensive. As a regular at Bandaids in Phoenix, I would sometimes put in 6 or more hours on a Friday or Saturday night. Total expenditure typically $100 to $200. I would end up as Mr. Taxi giving a girl or two a ride home. The places they lived in were sobering (and not conducive to OTC). Most money $1,800 at Baby Dolls in Dallas. I got suckered into VIP with 2 girls. It was fun, but not that fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    "Free Admission" doesn't mean it's completely free to enter a strip club
    I think the practical business purpose for a $5 or $10 cover charge is to keep out the homeless guys. Any up front charge exceeding that is just misplaced greed. Clubs should deliver value for money. Drinks, food, time with attractive women. However, I do understand that some jurisdictions, and some national chain policies, make it hard to deliver value in these simple ways. So clubs resort to all kinds of other income producing ploys. Employees of clubs and the strippers know this best. The diversity of schemes used by clubs to short their employees is mind boggling.