
Holiday Isolation

Okay, I admit to not knowing enough dancers for a solid statistical conclusion but...

It appears almost all the strippers I've gotten to know either don't have a serious boyfriend or change loser boyfriends frequently. This must make it rough for them during the holiday's when families gather and they either have no one or have some loser BF they don't really know.

I just don't get it. Why do they stay in the life? These ladies are sexy and most have a decent sense of humor. They possibly meet dozens of PL every day and they seem to struggle to meet one guy to settle down with. I swear, some of these girls seem outright lonely.


  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I'm not sure I agree. Nearly all the dancers I've known have been in relatively long term relationships. 5 to 10 years. Some even longer Perhaps my sample skews to the older, more mature dancers.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    What dancers tell you for their illusion is not always the same as their reality.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    The dancers I know well have boyfriends or husbands, and most have children. They have relatives and in-laws (or baby daddy's family). They have plenty of parties and get-togethers during the holiday season. They also have girl friends to do things with. They don't seem lonely or isolated, although their friends and family are sometimes a little sketchy. I think men are more likely to be isolated and lonely than strippers.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    The last thing a guy in a strip club wants to hear is that the dancer has a better family life than he does.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Dude... a stripper isn't going to tell you about her steady BF/husband. It diminishes her ability to get $ out of you. Telling you about her BF/husband is BAD for business. Remember it's ALL about the money. They want you to think that they are lonely so you will keep them company at $5/minute.

    IME the one's that say they don't have a steady BF/husband are either outright lying (like they lie about so many other things) or are lez. I've honesty lost count how many dancers tell me they are single, then I ask them why they are wearing an engagement ring, followed by dead air time since they don't have a plan to explain for why they didn't take their ring off or move it to their right hand. Ha!

    2nd, most stripper I know do not have any problems finding a guy. For the sake of argument, let us assume he happens to be a looser. How does that translate into being lonely? Lack of quality doesn't equal lack of any companionship.

    3rd, why exactly does a stripper need to have a BF/husband/etc to not be lonely on the holiday? Lots of independent women don't NEED to drag a man home to for the holiday to not be lonely. Stripper can have have plenty of togetherness with their family regardless of their man status. They're not all family-less. Even the ones that are estranged from their family, probably have friends to spend the holidays with.

    Lastly, why do they stay in the life? The same fricking reason people stay on welfare. ITS FRINKING EASY. It's easy money, it doesn't require real thinking (like doing math all day for crying out loud). It's arguably a fun job (not boring like doing math all day for crying out loud), many like the fact they can drink the whole time while they are at work (not like a job where your math has to be GD perfect or all hell breaks loose) or, oh yeh, it's easy money. It's a job where they can make $1k a week or more without any job skill (like math!) to be qualified for a real job (math!).

    (Sorry for the included rant.)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Most of the strippers that I know somewhat well have kids and other family to spend the holidays with.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Lol don't feel too sorry for all of those "lonely" strippers, coz they are the ones who will be banking during the holidays on all of the lonely guys that come to the clubs.

  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    @mjx01: I appreciate the response. To be clear though I was not basing my judgement on random conversations in the SC. I based my analysis on numerous conversations and OTC visits with the same dancers over weeks and months.

    As stated, my sampling size was very small so I'll have to conduct further OTC research on these lonely girls ;-).

    Even so, given the requirements of the profession, it seems a counter intuitive to think the majority of dancers have stable happy home lives.

  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Most dancers I know have either a bf or a gf at home, along with a rugrat or two. They don't seem lonely to me
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    I have never given this much thought, because I am not interdested in their boyfriends/husbands/children. I do suspect that MOST have kids and probably most have BF/H. I also suspect most of the men at the clubs will be a lot lonlier than the dancers during the holidays. In fact, a lot of those lonely men will wind up in the clubs soon after the festivities are over.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    I would like to point out that your research methodology has a flaw, known as "sample bias".

    Among all the girls that work in clubs, you are basing your observations on those willing to spend above average time with you in or out of the club. I think a reasonable argument could be made that the women you spend time with are by definition those with available time and fewer commitments to children, family and friends.

    Given the nature of the business, it is unlikely you could research this in an unbiased manner. Distributing a questionnaire (Do you have a boyfriend or husband? DO you have children? Are you lonely?) to all the girls who work at your favorite club will surely get your ass kicked.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I find this funny because all of the ones I know have some sort of family to deal with. My current ATF gets along with both of her parents and she still has a grandma around, too. She gets along with her former inlaws, too, probably because her second kid is their grandkid. Of course, she has a lot of dysfunction to deal with, some of which is self-afflicted, but I have to think she is normal for the strip club business.

    I have only known one who was completely estranged from her family, or at least say she was, and she seemed estranged from reality.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    But the 50 customers bringing them diamonds for xmas
  • canny
    12 years ago
    I got yelled at by one stripper when I asked if she was working Thanksgiving night because, "we have families too" until I pointed out that I was going out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner and strip clubs are retail establishments the same as restaurants are and strippers are no different than the restaurant and retail employees who work on holidays.

    I was driving her home (to her apartment) at the time.
  • likes2look
    12 years ago
    @Lone_Wolf Let us know if you need any research assistants!
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    well, i don't have a hus/bf, or gf for that matter (not really in the market for ms. right, either). parents are no longer alive, and no other family except a half brother and i don't know where he is. and yes, i do get lonely over the holidays. i probably over compensate, and i make sure whoever i meet that day has such a good time that they want to spend as much time with me as possible... guess i'm afraid of being alone on some days. sob, sob, pass the puffs please!
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Carolynne, you would be welcome at my home for Thanksgiving. I'm roasting a turkey!
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    jack, are u suggesting i could eat you?
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Carolynne, we could make it mutual.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    i'll bring the cranberry sauce and the cherry pie.
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