Now this makes good sense. :)

avatar for shadowcat
Alabama Fella Pretty Much Started Petition ‘Cause Fascist Gubmint Shut Down His Nudie Carwash

Lots of red-blooded US Merkins love America so much they want to LEAVE IT (because Kenyan Mooslim Sharia Oppression and such). But one such patriot is a little more interesting! Sup, guy who started Alabama's secession petition Derrick Belcher, 45, of “Chuncula”? “Blah blah libertarianism, RON PAUL!!!1!, freedom, not-racist, hard-working, etc.” Oh yes, here it is:

“It's economics -– just that simple,” he said. “I'm working poor. And I work -– I've never taken a dime from the government. I'll starve before I take a handout. That's what being a true American is all about.”

Belcher blamed the government for shutting down his former business. Belcher said his Euro Details car wash, which featured topless women, was successful for a decade on Halls Mill Road in Mobile. But he said he was arrested and charged with obscenity by city officials in 2001.

“The government ripped my business away, and now they're choking America to death with rules and regulations,” he said.

Yes, Derrick B.! Seceding from the Union will stop Mobile, Alabama, officials from arresting you for washing automobiles with bare ladies boobies. If anything, it just makes too much sense!

Stop Sharia! Secede from Mobile, maybe?


last comment
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I would think a bikini car wash would do almost as well and be legal, even (almost) family friendly.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Fucking government these days.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I encourage morons like this to secede from the union. We would be better off without such losers.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Up the nudie girls assholes again
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Maybe if they wore pasties....
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
"... I’ll starve before I take a handout. That’s what being a true American is all about."

This is funny stuff.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
As Bugs Bunny would say, what a mah-roon...

Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of bare breasts at car washes. Hell, I like the bare breasts as much as anybody AND I be down with this dude having a full nude car wash.

But he thinks that a petition to secede will help him in a local case that occurred in 2001. I see the direct link to Obama... Clear as day!

My proposed solution -- Mobile AL officials, pls give Mr. Belcher his nudie car was back. I promise I'll go there and spend money next time I'm in 'bama... (as long as the girls have all their teeth and they ain't fattys). Let's all make this promise. Maybe it will help.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Nudie car WASH. (durn iPad)
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
For those who think he's a moron, I think he sounds more like an opportunist. I doubt he really wants Alabama to secede. I bet he's building publicity ahead of his next big (or big-breasted) business venture.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Lot of anti-government sentiment these days. Hope we have four years like this!
avatar for newmark
12 years ago
How about white T-shirts? Cotton, of course.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
You all realize that no state has every spoken openly about secession since the civil war. The reasons for secession in 1861 were not legitament.
The reasons now are.
The reasons given in the Declaration of Independence fit the current US government just as well as the 18th century Brits.
The US government has abandoned the Rule Of Law and has put itself above the law.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
TiredTraveler. For somebody who claims he just says extreme shit to get reactions on here, you sure say the same shit over and over. Its almost like that is what you stand for, not a desperate attempt for attention. Well here you go bro.

Get the fuck out. Secede. Get the fuck out of my country you sniveling little piece of diarrhea. You think its so bad then put your money where your cocktrap mouth is and make it happen. Get out.

Good enough reaction for ya? lmao
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
boys, boys... if i take my top off and let the girls swing free will u stop fighting???

actually, i have a better idea for a carwash... instead of washing the cars, the girls ride through the "tunnel of love" with the customer in their car. slow it down so it takes a long time... and make sure the car is covered in suds most of the time.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Carolynne,We need more pics,please!
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@carolyne: "boys, boys... if i take my top off and let the girls swing free will u stop fighting"

I certainly will. What's that you say, I'm not fighting? Well...

Hey, all you other posters, you are stupid fuckheads. You wouldn't know your asses from holes in the ground if it weren't for the smell, and at that, you have a problem in the bathroom.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Hey, I resemble that remark. Stop insulting me or I'll secede.
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