
Comments by harrydave (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the posted time not adjusted for Daylight saving time?
    Here's what woul dhelp all of us in off time zones (like Arizona) or really anywehre other than FOunder's time zone. At the top of the Discusion page, put the current date and time. That way, no matter what our time zone, we will always know what the board is pegged to.
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    17 years ago
    Clearwater/Tampa Florida Clubs
    Yeah, the Mons is a must visit. Prepare to have thy wallet suctioned clean...and enjoy it.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A favorite stripper of mine just moved to Utah. "UTAH"!!!
    I've spent a fair amount of time in Utah, but only for skiing and the canyon country in the south, both of which are awesome! If the Devil showed up in my back yard, and offered me a nice house located within 10 miles of Alta (regarded by some as the finest ski area in the USA), in exchange for giving up strip clubs, I think I would take the deal. After all, there's nothing like hitting the hot tub apres ski with your sweetie. Come to think of it, why don't strip clubs have season passes?
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    17 years ago
    DJ from Babes Cabaret breaks the mold
    Ok, quick show of hands. How many of you guys go to a strip club because it has a great DJ? Everybody, raise your hands. Uhhhh, hello?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    DJ from Babes Cabaret breaks the mold
    A legend in his own mind. lol
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Native American Indian Dancers...
    They are not so common. Here in Arizona, I think I have run into 1 or 2 in 5 years. I think there are two reasons for the low representation, even in areas with a relatively high general population: 1) tight-knit social structure; big disapproval by the whole community if discovered, and 2) a tendency to run overweight. A work friend and I met a slim native american girl in a club in AUstin once. She had long black hair down to the small of her back. My friend has been talking about her ever since, and that was maybe 7 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Yes. I did a little topiary. It looks like a penis and balls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you follow a dancer that is changing clubs?
    True story. The one and only time I followed a dancer to another club, I met another dancer there and proceeded to ignore the first girl. A couple months later, the new girl was ATF, then GF, now SO. So, who knows what might happen? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Shameless Shill or Lazy Slob?
    Oh, now I get it. He's the doorman/bouncer you might have to tip $20 to get a table when it's busy!
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    17 years ago
    breaking news, just for yuks....
    "Hi Honey, I'm home!"..."Yup, got that computer fixed up real nice."..."Oh, about $300."..."Yeah, I know that's expensive, but one can hardly live without a computer these days."..."Well, first they did a virus check, just to make sure there were no nasty bugs hanging around. And then, they ran a hard dick scanning program."..."No, I said disk."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    She moved...
    This is a nice contrast wiht the other post about the ATF who found out she has AIDS. It seems to me, your ATF has pretty clearly communicated her interest in maintaining contact. You have reached out, and she has not. I would say send one more message along the lines of "Give a call any time if you just want to talk, but otherwise goodbye for now". Then move on. And when you remember her, remember the good stuff, and get rid of the "regret", because the regret part never happened. Seems like there's a country song in this somewhere. ;-)
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    17 years ago
    Bad news from my ATF
    Well, I believe it, having had very similar personal experiences. Many of the girls don't want to admit what they have done (or are doing), whether out of shame or just greed for the current money source (that's you). As time goes on, and a glimmer of trust is established, they open up and the horrible stuff spills out. For me, I've never had an ATF I didn't like as a person (i.e., some emotional attachment). So I would be hard pressed to turn my back. My advice is to show some compassion and at least be a concerned acquaintance. Encourage her to get decent medical attention. It could lengthen her life dramatically. If you had a favorite waitress at a diner, would you turn your back on her and "walk away"? How is your ATF less deserving?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    The central group on this ongoing push to regulate adult business is the Family Research Council. They have affiliated groups in each state, such as the Palmetto Family Council in South Carolina. They all line up under the same agenda, which is essentially to impose Christian (i.e., Biblical) values on all of us. In summary, they are against abortion, in favor of abstinence as birth control, opposed to homosexuals and same sex marriages, against stem cell research and human cloning, and opposed to adult businesses. It seems to me the above topics are all worthy of a healthy debate. I have at times been a devout and practicing Christian. But when there is a breakdown in the separation between Church and State, and a rush by conservative Christians to enact new laws and/or change the Constitution, alarm bells go off in my head. How is this different from fanatical Muslims using precepts from the Koran to craft "Islamic Law"? By the way, these family values organizations are all run by men. I guess women really are the "weaker vessels"! Lord, help me.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Silver Slipper Saloon #3 in the Nation???
    I'm guessing the minimum number of reviews for a club to be considered for the list is 10. So all it takes is a few guys to pump it up, whereas a club with 100 reviews just can't be nudged very far up or down. IMHO, ten reviews is too few. A really good club, regardless of location, will attract the guys, and the reviews will come in. So clubs with many reviews "tend" to be better. Any club with only 12 reviews (like Silver Slipper) is either brand new,relatively unpopular, or patronized entirely by guys without Internet connections. Anyway, I just want that top 40 list to be credible; and sometimes I look at it and start planning a trip to someplace new. But probably not Ottawa, Illinois!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What a way to GO!
    And on the pink site they would all be referred to as DPL's.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus dancers switching clubs
    I have been to Ohio a lot lately (mostly around Columbus) and have experienced the changes brough on by the new law. Basically, the law said that if a girl is topless (or all nude) then she can't touch the guy, period. The response by almost all the clubs has been to have the girls cover up with either pasties or bikini tops. They are skirting the law. But business is slow, and it seems the talent has shifted to young and inexperienced. So maybe the more experienced girls have gone elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What a way to GO!
    There once was a man from Racine, Who invented a fucking machine, Concave or convex, It served either sex, And whacked itself off in-between. Next?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    shooter girls at Atlanta stripclubs
    We've raked this one over before. Hate 'em. A scam. Waste of money. Throw away the test tubes and food coloring, and tell the shooter girls to make money honestly. Perhaps by stripping ad giving high mileage lap dances. ;-o
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Hey, one of the things not yet mentioned (well, maybe, but this is a long thread) is the whole father-son thing. I can attest that golf has been a great thing for me and my son to share. He started golfing when he was 9, and got better than me in a few years, then went on to play varsity in high school. We played once or twice a week at the local muni course ($20 for me, $12 for him), and he played in various ragtag groups of boys throughout the summer. It was cheaper than summer camp, and a great way for him to stay out of trouble. He learned how to play by the rules, how to focus on a difficult problem, how to control his temper, how to prepare for a big day, how to show common courtesy, and how to socialize with strangers. He's in college now. Of all the joys of parenting, playing with him is what I miss the most. It will be a bond for the rest of my life. Yeah, it's a silly game. But at the end of the day, when the sun is low and the shadows are lengthening, and the cooler smells are rising from the grass, what better feeling is there than walking down the fairway and sharing a memory with your son? It beats the best lap dance, hands down (or hands on). :-)
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    17 years ago
    This just in -- NJ is officially the horniest state
    I've got one right here in my pocket, wondergrl.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Warning about City of Houston clubs
    A few years ago, Phoenix passed a new law that placed additional restrictions on dancer behavior, established monitoring requirements for management, and put in place a variety of penalties. Interestingly, none of the new penalties applied to the customers. They were directed at the dancers and management only. So what happened? Phoenix LE was active for about 6 months, calling out girls and giving them misdemeanor tickets. Then enforcement tailed off. I have seen no evidence of enforcement in over a year. On any given day, LE has way more important things to do than lurk in clubs, looking for violations. I think they will do a little campaign when the political pressure is on, and then back off and go back to the more important stuff.
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    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    twbird, that figure is probably a very wide range. In Phoenix, a girl on day shift will take in from $60 to $200 for a 3 to 5 hour shift. I always figured a girl with a good work ethic could make $1,000 plus per week just working half weekdays. I would guess Vegas is way more for the top shelf girls. I have heard figures like $500 plus per night on average, which seems plausible. I would think your $200/wk in Vegas would be nice, but not high enough to expect anything expect friendly treatment in the club.
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    17 years ago
    Wearing shorts
    Where can I buy a kilt? Just call me MacHarryDave.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This just in -- NJ is officially the horniest state
    njscfan - Vics is the scariest place I have ever been. As a white, 53 yr old, red haired, upper middle class guy, I do not fit in. I'm more like a beacon. I would not go there in a suit. But it is the closest thing to Tijuana in the continental US, and I am a sleazy dive adrenaline junkie. It's also a wierd place. It closes by 8PM. That suggests to me that either everyone wants to get out of the neighborhood by dark, or everyone has a night job. I suspect the latter. I think the majority of patrons easily migrate from the club to nearby street corners, perhaps to earn the money they will spend in the club the next day. Which likely makes the place even more dangerous than it appears. There is no rational reason to go there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Some people have real lives. The rest of us are pathetic. Ahhhh crap, I guess I'm talking about myself again. :-0