
Comments by harrydave (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    Ok, first porn I ever saw was in a movie theater in Baltimore. I went with a few friends from college, including a girl. It was a double feature. First movie was a variation on Pinocchio, only when the guy told a lie, his you-know-what got bigger instead of his nose. Everyone was dressed like elves. Really stupid. The second feature was 3-D Prison Girls. We had on the goofy glasses and the entire movie was arranged around these shots of long legs and pendulous boobs coming out of the screen at you. The premise was that all girls in prison were really hot, and the prison guards were studs, so naturally they just wanted to fuck. Hilarious! Well worth the nervousness about the few pervs distributed around the mostly empty theater.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This just in -- NJ is officially the horniest state
    The NJ quick overview seems on target to me. My recent experiences in Irvington suggest you want to be out of there by nightfall. In my visit to Vic's, the first girl who walked up to me proposed we do FS right there, standing up, in front of everyone. I declined and don't have the slightest idea of price, although a HJ is $20. Nothing like that would ever happen in a bunch of other places in other states. So I guess NJ gets a prize; some sort of bronzed dick mounted on a little marble square. You could keep it on your mantle, njscfan! ;-)
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    17 years ago
    the boob show
    Well, a couple of perspectives. One is that I don't care too much how big the boobs are if they are a nice shape. The other perspective is that clubs in Ohio are kinda sick right now, and I have not been seeing top talent for a while. Alot of the girls are young or inexperienced. I think strippers get boob jobs after they are on the job for a little while and decide to improve their packaging to make more money. In Ohio, those types of girls seem to have dwindled. In other places, like my hometown of Phoenix, and certainly in Vegas and So. Cal., there is plenty of saline/silicone to go around.
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    17 years ago
    This just in -- NJ is officially the horniest state
    The state motto "The Garden State" became ridiculous years ago, as it is now has the highest population density in the country. So a new motto is in order: The Anthill State? BTW, I love the Jersey Shore, my GF is from NJ, and my brother lives there. But there is plenty not to like as well, including jug handle turns, and the sparkling cities of Newark, Trenton and Camden.
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    17 years ago
    Speaking of porn
    I don't know what role Jenna Jameson had in porn, other than starring in it. In my book, that makes her unremarkable. But I do know she helped defeat a local proposition to restrict strip clubs in Scottsdale,AZ, is a part owner in one of the clubs (Babes Cabaret) there, and managed to turn it into a boring place. It used to rate about 6.5, now it is below a 5. See http://www.azcentral.com/community/scottsdale/articles/0816jameson-ON.html
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.
    SS = Stripper Shit, a unique form of dysentery that flows from a stripper's mouth as she plies her trade. It comes in many forms. Examples: "You smell really good!" "Your dick is really big!" "I give the best dances of any of the girls here!" "No, I don't have a boyfriend!" "Why do I do it? I guess I'm just horny!" "VIP is so much better than out here!" Etc, etc ad infinitum.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I a regular?
    I have been a regular in 2 clubs in Phoenix. In the first club, it was an advantage; the drinks got stronger, the mileage got higher, and the OTC experiences became commonplace. In the second (current) club, a larger and more upscale place, it has not been such an advantage; the bouncers know me, and some of the girls know me, but the mileage is only a bit better than a while ago. Oh well, my GF works there, so I am kinda constrained in what I can do.
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    17 years ago
    Wearing shorts
    In Phoenix, especially during the warmer months, shorts are common in the clubs. You can always claim you just played a round of golf. The shorts thing is not my style, but some of the girls will take advantage of the easier access. In Columbus OH last night (outside temp around 40 degrees F) I was in a club and a young guy walked in with shorts on. He stayed about 30 minutes, had a drink, the girls ignored him, and he left. As he walked out, the girls in the bar watched him go with a WTF? look on their faces.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    Well, I always thought that scat was something a cat "produced". I grew up in a family of 5 kids. We picked on each other mercilessly. If you are an only child, you don't know the joy of having an older sibling. I am just acting out unresolved childhood traumas. Sorry Mr. Shadowcat, sir.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    Yes, this is a sticky subject. Just goes to show what a diverse crowd we have here, with different expectations for what constitutes a great SC experience. As for me, I look for high mileage in whatever form is available in whatever locale I happen to be in. WHat that means is: - In Phoenix, I get it from my GF. But in the SC's, there is no chance of real sex, and very little chance of whipping it out. The only way to cum is in your pants, covered or not. - In NJ, go to a dive tittie bar, meet a girl, tell her what you want. High probability of success. - In Tijuana.... I do agree with njscfan about the SC versus escort bang-for-the-buck comparison. As many of us know, our little brain is an impulse buyer and a poor money manager. The pledge to have more sex is a good one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do strippers watch porn?
    wondergrl, you are my heroine in shining sequins. However, I agree with scat, the interest level on the part of the ladies just isn't there. My GF, who is the most sexually adventurous women I have ever been with, only has a passing interest, and most of that has to do with speculating on how painful a big dick must be for the woman "enduring" whatever is going on. As for me, my interest in porn has declined. Good live sex seems a better alternative. And if not that, there is always the discussion board on TUSCL to engage in BS about sex.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer's Violent and Abusive SOs
    Dudester, I hope you can break the cycle. They say abuse is passed down through the generations. When I had kids I wondered how much of the old-fashioned "spare the rod and spoil the child" approach I learned from my parents I would then inflict on my kids. The short answer, not much. But it was very challenging to think of appropriate discipline at times; it would have been easier to hit the little f***ers. Normally I don't buy into the psycho-babble. But is there any truth to the observation that women who stay with abusive men may have been victims or witnesses themselves in childhood? My experience with strippers suggests they have a lot of that kind of baggage.
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    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    Well, the question is "What do you want?". In my experience. the whole ATF thing was a great exercise in longing, and not knowing the answer to that question. Then one early morning my ATF suggested I should look out more for my own interests. That was interesting advice, as I had become somewhat dedicated to her. I took her advice. She dropped off the radar, I initiated a divorce, and I started pursuing women with a different purpose and a clearer head. So for me the ATF phase (and I had 4 of them over the course of 5 years or so) was heading somewhere. But if it's not doing that for you, don't get hung up. Why not get another ATF and comparison shop? :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    The Bottom 40
    I usually peruse the recent reviews and make a habit of reading the ones with a 1, 2 or 3 rating. As noted, these can be humorous. As for the Blue Moon, I gave it a 2 a couple of years ago. To say there are better options in Phoenix would be an understatement. A recent review said of the girls, "A couple were OK looking, and one was downright cute, but most looked like they were rode hard and put away wet." This is hilarious stuff, pardner!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's Violent and Abusive SOs
    Well, obviously, those SO's are alpha male seed spreaders and the girls can't help themselves. Lord, I'm sorry. That was wrong.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club Violence
    I just watched a scene from an episode of "Walker, Texas Ranger" (Chuck Norris, yeah!) in which an undercover cop punches out a bad guy in a strip club, then throws a bag of cocaine down on the table and tells the bad guy's boss there is plenty more available. The boss man has two blondes hanging on him. There are no bouncers anywhere. I can't wait to see Chuck Norris give the bad guys some round house kicks.
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    17 years ago
    Review and Rating Don't Match Up
    There is no accounting for some ratings. Even a top ten club will get an occasional 3 or 4 rating from some wierdo. Like "I hated Mons Venus because they didn't serve alcohol". Then there are the reviews that give a club an 8 or better becasue the girls were good looking and the beer was cold. Just goes to show there are all kinds of expectations at play when a guy walks through a strip club's doors.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    Th emajority opinion seems to be that allowing stripper boyfriends or husbands in clubs is wrong. So, I guess I will no longer go to my girlfriend's club when she is there. ;-)
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
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    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    Paging Dr. Mendel. Paging Dr. Mendel. Now, peas, they really know how to spread.
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    Well the word was "proclivities" until I typed it.
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    Sometimes the conversation can be a mood kiler. I don't mind talking between dances about kids, hobbies, unusual sexual prcolivities. But for me the worst turnoff is getting an air dance in a club where I know mileage is available. And having the girl thinking her dance was great is bewildering.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    Well, my SO works in a club in Phoenix about once a week, and I sometimes stop by. Originally, she asked me to because the club was slow and she wanted some moral (immoral?) support. Now, she is just used to it, and who am I to complain? But we are discreet. I know what she is doing. Phoenix clubs don't tend to have extras. She does use me as a banker, instead of carrying around her earnings. It's safer. Less chance of getting ripped off by one of the other girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can't we all get along?
    njscfan, you have my vote. Although, I am guessing the proportions of "haters" are in the minority. I visited the "pink site" once (that was enough) and the discussion board was dominated by references to PL's etc. But, the stripper gang there was also being rude to newbie strippers. So I figure, let them stew in their own juices. As for guys on this board, there are a few that are just a bit too passionate about finding (or explaining, ad infinitum) the "reasons" for strippers behaving the way they do. I never figured the reasons were all that hard to perceive. How does "for the money" sound? One other observation about this site. I must agree with everyone who has observd that we are an intelligent crew here. Oops, no, that wasn't the observation. The observation was that sometimes we can't read the intended humor in a person's post. I may be guilty of not building in the proper cues, but I refuse to put "tee hee" at the end of my posts like wondergrl. woo hoo! (c)2008, harrydave
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    17 years ago
    Need Recommendations
    Just go to Tijuana, dude. Stay in a hotel on the US side, and get as much sex as you could possibly want for less than half of any US city.