
Wearing shorts

Monday, March 17, 2008 9:40 PM
I've seen guys wearing shorts to clubs and I have wondered if they offer some additional advantages. Obviously side entry could be an advantage. I'm planning a trip to Miami in the near future and since I've never been there before, I've been reading through the reviews. I'm not into the major extras but I sure like to leave a club with a happy smile. Can anyway comment about wearing shorts? I might give it a shot when I visit Miami. Also, the reviews are pretty good for the Miami area but if anybody has any additional thoughts, I'd appreciate it.


  • ArtCollege
    16 years ago
    It's pretty nice wearing shorts. I wear dockers walking shorts, with boxers underneath, and it's real easy for a girl's hand to slide up my thigh and under the pants leg. Just be ready for the consequences; could be a little embarrassing walking to the men's room with love ick running down your legs.
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    In Phoenix, especially during the warmer months, shorts are common in the clubs. You can always claim you just played a round of golf. The shorts thing is not my style, but some of the girls will take advantage of the easier access. In Columbus OH last night (outside temp around 40 degrees F) I was in a club and a young guy walked in with shorts on. He stayed about 30 minutes, had a drink, the girls ignored him, and he left. As he walked out, the girls in the bar watched him go with a WTF? look on their faces.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I always wear shorts to my favorite club. It has to be around 30 degs before I switch to long pants. Yeah I freeze my ass off from the front door of the club to my car but I am usually parked close and have a jacket and blanket to keep me comfy until I get to my hotel room where I have to freeze my ass off again for another 2 minutes, getting to my room. But it is worth the sacrafice. My favorite dancers like it for the obvious reasons already mentioned. There are some that will avoid me but that is ok. Saves me time and money. I even pissed off an unknown dancer last month. She said that I was a pervert. I prefer dirty old man.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    shadow thats the second time in two days you've really made me laugh, keep it up man.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    I go commando when wearing shorts weather permitting-I live in the same town Shadowcat visits & I don't know how he stands the shorts on occassion. Shorts do make for good hands-on contact up the pants leg.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    It hit below zero for a week in February in Detroit. Who wants to got a club with a frozen member?
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Don't those clubs up north have coat checks? Why not check it all and get comfortable?
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I prefer shorts to pants in general, as long as the weather allows for it (and I do push the envelope too...it's 20 degrees outside now & I'm wearing shorts inside...big whoop...). Shorts have an advantage over pants ITC in that obviously there's easier access should the dancer want to take that route. You will definitely get looks if you walk into a club in cold weather with shorts on, but some people don't care. You will also get to be known as kind of a perv if you are constantly going into a club commando with or without shorts, but again...some people don't care. To each his own again...
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shorts = Pervert Pants. Again, a low class move.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I wear shorts all the time when it's hot outside or I'm hot. I don't in the winter time though. I feel like I'm roasting if I'm not wearing shorts if it's hot outside and the air conditioning inside isn't turned up enough. I like temperatures in the 60's or low 70's if I'm drinking ice cold beer. I can stand it hotter if I'm drinking more ice cold beer. Many strip clubs will have dancers complaining about the cold if I'm comfortable. I know a couple of people that have their air conditioning set in the 50's in the summertime and say they don't turn off the air until almost winter time here. At least I've adjusted better than that. hmmm, it was about 54 yesterday evening and I finally stopped sweating. I was wearing shorts earlier and sweating up a storm working in my yard. I remember several times I went bicycling in shorts when the temperature was in the low 50's. Talk about a good chilling effect. 30 mile per hour winds or however fast you peddle and sweat to help cool you off when it's about 51 degrees, that'll help keep you cool. Actually if I drink beer, my metabolism slows down and it makes me feel colder temporarily.
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    About two weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a dancer during which she told me how "disgusting" it was that men came into the club wearing no underwear, or wearing shorts. She said it was clear they were doing that because they thought they would get higher mileage. She had such a smoking body that I took her to the private area, although I wasn't expecting more than a little touchy-feely at most. When we got to the private area, she took off my belt, un-did the trousers of my suit (two buttons and a hook-and-eye snap), pulled my boxers down, and gave me a hand job until I came. I guess the lesson is that if a dancer is inclined to give a high mileage dance, she will do so regardless of what you are wearing.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I really don't see how so many people stand the heat in some strip clubs and some other public places. The only thing I think of is that maybe I do have some Viking blood in me and I am different than almost everyone else living here and in other places where people can stand it so hot. Unless they are drinking up a storm and it's making them colder.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I think what you're seeing is that some dancers don't like it to be assumed that they are all really whores in disguise. They like to be the ones to determine if a guy will get extra mileage or not.
  • ezcaddis
    16 years ago
    Thanks for the comments. I think a couple of things that perked my curiousity were covered well. It isn't that I purposely want to wear shorts to try provide easier access. It is more the fact that I'll be in Miami and the weather will be warm (I hope) and I will likely be wearing shorts anyway. I don't really want to look like a pervert but the appearance of "a dirty old man" sounds pretty appealing to me. I agree that it might be more obvious to a dancer as to why you might be wearing them. Normally I wear very thin, soft slacks. These slacks certainly provide more contact, but more importantly they are much more comfortable for me and for the dancer. I've had a number of dancers comment on how much they appreciate this rather than wearing denim jeans. Normally, when the right dancer comes along under the right circumstances, the slacks go down so it wouldn't matter what I was wearing.
  • Mikeybush
    16 years ago
    I usually just end up in strip joints so I wear what I happened to be wearing. I'm a shorts guy in 40-50 degrees so....if I'm on vacation in FLA, New Orleans or Phoenix, odds are I'm wearing shorts. But tastes are more for your corner bar strip joints....I'm sure they are upsacale places that don't allow shorts, sneakers etc....
  • ArchieB
    16 years ago
    Tried wearing shorts to a SC once (the B&H in Edinburgh) and got much less attention than usual even though I was pretty much a regular at the time. I think the girls were definitely put off. (Well it is Scotland so its rarely really warm enough for shorts in the city.) On the other hand just 2 weeks ago I was in the FP in Edinburgh (Review just submitted) after a Scotland rugby game and there were LOADS of guys there in kilts (& no underwear)! Believe me the girls were NOT put off. Wish I'd thought of it myself!
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    Where can I buy a kilt? Just call me MacHarryDave.
  • joshc
    16 years ago
    ArchieB you might have just started a new fashion trend for SC's in the states!
  • Raincoat
    16 years ago
    I once saw a guy wearing a kilt in at Woody's in Cedar Rapids of all places. His girlfriend was giving him a handjob under the kilt. I wonder what the bitches on the pink site would say about guys that go to strip clubs in kilts.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    LOL My sister used to date a guy who wpre a kilt. He said that you NEVER wear underwear it like imasculating or something. Boy was his face red when it was a windy day.
  • wildguydujour
    16 years ago
    In the summer, I've had girls tell me to go change into shorts, and come back so that there's more mileage opportunities....
  • BuckMcNutter
    16 years ago
    I wear extra large very thin shorts commando, During a good lap dance its like having sex. most of the girls, IN FL, love it. I've had only three girls in my 15 years of lapping to complain. And they were in the North East. One called me vulger, another just said I can't do this anymore and one just ran away :)) I happen to like to pop a nut as well. I try to not soil the dancer as well, but sometimes I can't help myself.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    I would suggest that to say having a woman rub your dick through your shorts is "like having sex," is rather akin to saying that driving the bumper cars at the amusement park is "like driving a car." It's true, I guess, but only if your options are limited to driving bumper cars.
  • Ironcat
    16 years ago
    When you wear shorts, the dancers know what the deal is and have the option not to give you a high mileage lap dance. It is like the dancer who grinds the hell out of you for 3 or 4 dances in a row and then acts surprised (and pissed off) when you nut in your pants - what did she expect? All of this is consentual by both parties, so if dancers don't like it they can chose not to participate.
  • ClevelandTom
    16 years ago
    When it is cold, I go commando in a nice sheer pair of sweats that look more like pants then sweats. I would never wear jeans (because I don't want to piss off the dancers) and I've had a couple pair of dockers ruined by the rubbing in dances. When it is warm (or borderline), I will usually wear shorts with underwear. If the dancer wants to get closer to junior, the underwear is usually not an issue. If she doesn't, then the underwear is usually a deterrent to pissing off a dancer.
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