I recently had a favorite dancer at my favorite club tell me that she was part American Indian. I took a hard look at her and I could see it. I said "Cherokee" and she said "Yes. There are a lot of girls around here that are." I thought about that for awhile and realized that I have probably known 2 other dancers at this club that were. So How does she stack up with the rest? She does a great Indian fertility dance and I would like to visit her Tepee.
They are not so common. Here in Arizona, I think I have run into 1 or 2 in 5 years. I think there are two reasons for the low representation, even in areas with a relatively high general population: 1) tight-knit social structure; big disapproval by the whole community if discovered, and 2) a tendency to run overweight.
A work friend and I met a slim native american girl in a club in AUstin once. She had long black hair down to the small of her back. My friend has been talking about her ever since, and that was maybe 7 years ago.
I've seen a few Native American dancers at some of the clubs here in Nebraska and over in western Iowa over the years. I think they come from one of the Nebraska reservations or the South Dakota reservations (of which there are a bunch). Its close enough that they can get there within a reasonable drive, but far enough from the reservation that they don't worry about them coming in for the night. One of my current favorites at my favorite club is part Kickapoo, which is a tribe based in Kansas, which is another area they could potentially come from. She is definitely an exotic dancer.
The hair, a commonality between the American Indian and Asian women. I tend to agree with harrydave as to why more are not seen. Those seem to be perfect examples of the local Indians.
I feel the same for Native Americans as I do latinas. I absolutely love them. There is something about that long dark hair, dark eyes and brown skin that makes me weak in the knees.
In my recent adventure in KC I met a bleached blonde native American with huge man made boobs. I can't remember how we even got on the conversation but I was quite surprised to find that she was native American. She looked more like an all American porn star.
As a general rule Latina asses are not their best attribute. They do not have bubble butts. They are flat. Or large. I know because I have traveled a lot in Mexico and was married to one for 27 years.
Funny how Latinas have that weird hipless short-waisted look, too. I don't find that attractive at all unless she's super-small spinner-sized (like the one on "Desperate Housewives") in which case she'd be hot regardless of whether she were Latina or not pro'lly.
clubber WOW your one of the few that actually recognize the diffrent latin cultures as opposed to lumping them into one category thats really cool!!! :)
I tried explaining the whole anti-"Latin" labelling thing to a cousin of mine recently, and he didn't get it at all. Actually, until recently when I saw a guy on "The Colbert Report" (of all places) talk about how Mexicans view themselves as different from other Latin American cultures/counties...I never knew that it was such an issue. My Columbian and Guatemalan relatives/friends tend to look down on other culture/countries in the region (like Puerto Rico...sorry wondergrl)...it's kind of odd to listen to IMO. I guess it makes sense though since we don't usually refer to people as "European" so much, but we do sometimes when they are from Asia or Africa...it's odd...
Well, growing up in South Florida, there has always been a heavy Mexican presence, and since the early 60's many many cubans. The two cultures are very different in many ways. One of the most obvious is how they act as Americans. The Mexican culture is generally very humble, quite, and appears to feel lucky to be here. The other, however, is none of those. I know this is a generalization, but it is based on my nearly 60 years of observations. NOW, if we could only get rid of those RICANS!!! Just kidding! :)
The only Latin girls who I've really liked in clubs all turned out to be Puerto Ricans. And what's even more amazing is that I encountered them all at the same club just north of Philly. And one of them hadn't even started dancing yet.
Generalizations plague this board this industry and this country constantly. So yes I do get offended for a moment but then take a look at my own life and know Im guilty of the same. Although race isnt an issue for me sometimes I generalize men,religious groups and quiet honstly have been known to say I dont trust anyone over 30. LOL Its our ability to rise above those sterotypes that helps us enrich our lives and overall character. Lifes a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!!!!!!!!!!
Wondergirl, you are absolutely right. Unfortunately no one can possibly live without making unconscious generalizations all the time, it's how we make minor decisions without having to think about them, which is what you have to do otherwise you'd get bogged down in the minutia of life. The problem is when you begin to think that your generalizations are always true. Generalizations provide a useful frame of reference but you have to be willing to question them regularly. BTW, I knew that about your background, you told me that before. Hope you're feeling better.
I agree that generalizations plague this board but some things have to be. Asian women are generally small breasted. African women are generally black. Latina women are generally not bubble butted. Now the culture of the country they are from can and is very different. Japanese men are known for their lack of passion in love making (not to mention small dicks) while the French are known to be great lovers but also cheat on their SO's. Any Mexican women past the age of 30 turns fat while in Brazil they hold their own. I have a favorite Puerto Rican dancer that is around 30 with 2 kids. She has a great body but no ass. The same is true of my one and only Brazilian dancer. No kids but no ass either. I have never met any Cubans but I already have no respect for them. How could a culture put up with Castro for all of these years. They must not have much passion for life.
like hmmm let me find an example......."Latina women are generally not bubble butted. Now the culture of the country they are from can and is very different. Japanese men are known for their lack of passion in love making (not to mention small dicks) while the French are known to be great lovers but also cheat on their SO's. Any Mexican women past the age of 30 turns fat...." The male counterpart to those statements
I did have a question thouhg what did you mean by African Americans are black? Was that a typo?
"I have never met any Cubans but I already have no respect for them. How could a culture put up with Castro for all of these years. They must not have much passion for life."
You've got to be kidding me. I'm sure they say the same thing about Reagan & the Bushes from their angle...sheesh... As if it were THAT easy to overthrow what is basically a one-party system backed by the military, and BTW, their health care system down there kicks our butt. We should have opened up trade with them a loooong time ago if we ever really wanted to improve their situation down there. Isolating someone never works out in the long run IMO.
wondergirl: no typo. There are white Africans too.
MisterGuy: After 41 years of working for a major Air Line and flying for free, I think that I have done my share of getting out. Do you know where the Margarita was invented? In Hussongs Cantina, Ensenada, Mexico in 1941 by a bar tender that worked there. Ensenada is where I met my ex wife. I could write a book about my adventures in Mexico. All over Mexico. Flying, driving and even by ship. I spent '64 & '65 in Japan while in the USAF. I once made 8 takeoffs and landings in a single day, in the observers seat of a B737 and spent the night in Billings MT. Wanna match me for getting out?
Cat, you have proved what I already knew: Misterguy is a moron. I have zero attraction for afro-american dancers, and I find filipinas in general to have unsexy bodies.
two fer: I like your handle. It follows my strip club rules. TUSCL buddies that know me and my favorite club , know that I am not bull shitting them. As for MisterGuy. Who cares?
So you went to Mexico...news flash...the Hispanic community extends far beyond just Mexico. I betcha there aren't many Hispanics in Japan or Vietnam (another place you love to go on and on about)...lol...
Mr. 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever...you have already proven to be probably anti-Semitic before...so your comments are no surprise to me...
Ummm You guys DO know you white folk aint got asses to speak of right? Especially the older you get. And dont get me started on your dancing skills. LOL
MG: You couldn't accept the challenge, EH? Just hurl more of your moronic insults at me and others. Is that the best you got? I have heard better on a kindergarten play ground.
awww misterguy you know ya dont have an ass just an upper leg that conveniently attaches your legs to your torso. At least you guys are pale enough to be iredescent at nit. LOL
Mr. scat, this is all I hear when you post on this board...about anything: "Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me..." etc., etc., etc..
It's always all about you, and if the focus is on anyone else for any reason...you apparently can't stand it. Well, that's too bad...
Here's another news flash for you...all you apparently know is what you've managed to see with your own two eyes & you constantly limit your perceptions of reality by that very small lense. The fact is you apparently don't know the first thing about Latina women or how their bodies are usually proportioned. Maybe you don't care, and if that's the case...then great...but don't expect me to listen to your constant barrage of BS and expect me to take it at face value.
As for your "challenge", that's just it...it's not the point as to how many places you've flown to for free or how often you get "special treatment" at basically the ONE strip club that you choose to frequent often. Could it be that some of the rest of us don't happen to give a damn one way or the other? What the hell does spending one night in Billings, MT of all places have to do with the subject of this thread in the first place??
This post of yours on another thread says it all: "I don't understand this whole recession thing. Nothing has changed in my world."
Exactly! As long as your tiny bit of the planet has not been disturbed, it must not be important, period. There's one word and one word only for that kind of behavior...selfish. Do us all a favor and get over yourself my friend...
Hey! Stop picking on MisterGuy. The man has had three way sex (or more way?) in "several states." Plus he never cums in his pants. Not once. Honest. And the next time he goes to one of his favorite clubs, he's going to get one of those girls to talk to him, even if it takes all night!
On the other hand, MisterGuy, it's not very nice to beat up on a bunch of Civil War Vets. Shit, they can't be too racist -- they ended slavery didn't they?! And it's unfair to stereotype them as a bunch of Fat-Old-White-Buttless-Geezers-With-Limp-Dicks-From-Prostate-Surgery-Who-Would-Like-To-Fuck-Girls-Young-Enough-To-Be-Their-Daughters. Because the truth is some of them are Fat-Old-White-Buttless-Geezers-With-Limp-Dicks-From-Prostate-Surgery-Who-Would-Like-To-Fuck-Girls-Young-Enough-To-Be-Their-GRANDDaughters. And proud of it. In fact Shadowcat has that self-description etched into the rear window of his sports car.
You know I could make more old fart jokes, but instead I'll ask this poll question: how many of you guys pick up the remote when the phone rings? Aha, I thought so.
Yet another "dissatisfifed customer" of mine above...still bitter after...what the hell were we pointlessly fighting over before njscfan? It was probably something stupid that you said that you wish you could take back now...lol...whatever...
Njscfan, are you aware that you've become the most obnoxious person here? Why are you so quick to insult others but can't take it when someone insults you? It's becoming very tiresome. Thankfully there's an "ignore" button.
I haven't had to use the ignore button, but seems like a very useful feature that should cut down on flame wars. Thanks founder. :)
If anyone has a problem with my posts, then please do feel free to ignore me or use the ignore button or even better do both! :) So far I haven't needed to place anyone on ignore, but who knows perhaps that is short sighted on my part.
I learned about another death in "Angels Family." Stanley's brother who appeared to be very young died in his sleep (a blood clot). A couple dancers were in mourning. It reminded that although many people have difficulty dying peaceful deaths that life is still fragile. One moment a person is joking with you and the next you could be dialing 911 to no avail. Stanley was a extremely well liked manager (his main problem stemmed from a personal feud with a man who wasn't the owner of Angels at the time; once the man bought the club Stanley was fired; there is sort of moral here because that man was Stanley's only known enemy) and I feel sad about the grief Stanley is probably feeling. Anyway, the moral is life is short so you might want to try and be HAPPY!
As far as my death, I'm mainly just praying for quick and painless. I don't think it would be negative going sooner rather than later, but you never know. For those of you who are interested in a long life, I guess the best I can say is good luck. :)
I think I smell jealousy! You said that I needed to get out more. I was attempting to prove to you that I have and do get out. A LOT. Billings MT? Probably the best cowboy town in MT. Or would you rather talk about bigger cities. The Ginza area of Tokyo? Inchon (Seoul, S, Korea), Honolulu, Maui,Anchorage AK, or should we switch to Europe? Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Rome? How about GITMO, Cuba?
You say that it is all about me. Well, who the hell do you think I am going to talk about? I got in trouble with shekitout in a recent topic and I didn't even mention his name.
Yes I brag about my favorite club. It was not even in the top forty when I first started going there 6+ years ago. It was me and Shekitout's reviews that vaulted into the #1 topless club in the country. If you doubt my word on this, I can assure that there a a dozen TUSCL members that will back me up. Come to the convention Apr 25 and 26. This will be the third. Do you know of any other TUSCL conventions? BTW do you know who Bones is? He is the guy on TUSCL with more strip club reviews than anybody. He is also a close friend of mine. I got an email from him today. He wanted to know if its was Ok to bring his son? Hell Yes!
I don't know what I am talking about when it comes to Mexican women? My ex wife,of 27 years, who was born and raised in Mexico had no ass.And turned fat after age 30. My step daughter pushing 40 is fat and has no ass. My own daughter as much as I love her is 1/2 Mexican, is overweight and has no ass. My ex wives girl friends did not have asses either. I lived in SO CAL for 45 years. I knew and saw a lot of Mexicans in all of those years. The women did not have bubble butts at least not after the age of 16. My ex has one brother living here legally and 3 or 4 that are here illegally. I have thought about doing a blog about may travels but who would really care to read them. Not you for sure. Have you ever been outside of Hazzard county?
Of course you smell jealousy...because you think that most of your ramblings on here Mr. scat are bragging, when they're really not. You get $10 LDs...news flash...that's the *standard rate* in more than a few strip clubs (in some rare cases even cheaper)...you're really nothing special IMO.
Do you know how many *free* LDs that I've gotten at strip clubs or how many free sexual escapades that I've had with strippers outside of a club setting? No, because as I've said several times here before...I don't feel the need to ramble on & on about who does what to me.
You got in trouble with your buddy in another thread because you just can't keep your mouth shut when someone gives you personal details of their life. You think you're the only one on here that knows the personal details of some of the people that post here? Think again...you think you're the only one that has a freindship with Bones outside of this board (I don't though)? Think again...
MT, Japan, South Korea, HI, AK, Italy, Denmark, Germany...what do ANY of these places have to do with Native American or Latina dancers? Absolutely, positively nothing, period. So you've been to Mexico...there's more to Hispanic culture than just Mexico my friend...get a grip. Ever hear of J-Lo??
As far as your "favorite club", you are nothing but a shill for it at this point. I've seen you not only review the PP in your reviews, but you review the reviews of other people that review the PP...that's plum crazy IMO.
You're becoming a broken record njscfan...kick your stereo...
njscfan: Actually it is a sports truck. Nothing etched in glass but I do have a personalized license plate. Don't fuck with a candy apple red Ford Ranger Edge. This ain't your grandpas truck. lol ...
last commentA work friend and I met a slim native american girl in a club in AUstin once. She had long black hair down to the small of her back. My friend has been talking about her ever since, and that was maybe 7 years ago.
I will agree with SOME latin women's hair, but I can do without all the rear baggage many seem to have.
So yeah LOVE the latina & native american comments fellas.
Most latin dancers I see are cuban, and not Mexican. Actually, I've not seen many Mexican dancers.
Well, growing up in South Florida, there has always been a heavy Mexican presence, and since the early 60's many many cubans. The two cultures are very different in many ways. One of the most obvious is how they act as Americans. The Mexican culture is generally very humble, quite, and appears to feel lucky to be here. The other, however, is none of those. I know this is a generalization, but it is based on my nearly 60 years of observations. NOW, if we could only get rid of those RICANS!!! Just kidding! :)
I wonder if strippers post discussions about "Old overweight white customers who tip well." Oh, but that would be a stereotype. Nevermind.
Its our ability to rise above those sterotypes that helps us enrich our lives and overall character. Lifes a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!!!!!!!!!!
So then here is a general question for you guys(kinda fliping the perspective)
What sterotypes do you fall under?
I did have a question thouhg what did you mean by African Americans are black? Was that a typo?
We all use generalizations, just as we all discriminate. They are part of being human.
You need to get out more dude...
"I have never met any Cubans but I already have no respect for them. How could a culture put up with Castro for all of these years. They must not have much passion for life."
You've got to be kidding me. I'm sure they say the same thing about Reagan & the Bushes from their angle...sheesh... As if it were THAT easy to overthrow what is basically a one-party system backed by the military, and BTW, their health care system down there kicks our butt. We should have opened up trade with them a loooong time ago if we ever really wanted to improve their situation down there. Isolating someone never works out in the long run IMO.
MisterGuy: After 41 years of working for a major Air Line and flying for free, I think that I have done my share of getting out. Do you know where the Margarita was invented? In Hussongs Cantina, Ensenada, Mexico in 1941 by a bar tender that worked there. Ensenada is where I met my ex wife. I could write a book about my adventures in Mexico. All over Mexico. Flying, driving and even by ship. I spent '64 & '65 in Japan while in the USAF. I once made 8 takeoffs and landings in a single day, in the observers seat of a B737 and spent the night in Billings MT. Wanna match me for getting out?
Mr. 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever...you have already proven to be probably anti-Semitic before...so your comments are no surprise to me...
Don't insult my handsome ass wondergrl. ;)
"Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me..." etc., etc., etc..
It's always all about you, and if the focus is on anyone else for any reason...you apparently can't stand it. Well, that's too bad...
Here's another news flash for you...all you apparently know is what you've managed to see with your own two eyes & you constantly limit your perceptions of reality by that very small lense. The fact is you apparently don't know the first thing about Latina women or how their bodies are usually proportioned. Maybe you don't care, and if that's the case...then great...but don't expect me to listen to your constant barrage of BS and expect me to take it at face value.
As for your "challenge", that's just it...it's not the point as to how many places you've flown to for free or how often you get "special treatment" at basically the ONE strip club that you choose to frequent often. Could it be that some of the rest of us don't happen to give a damn one way or the other? What the hell does spending one night in Billings, MT of all places have to do with the subject of this thread in the first place??
This post of yours on another thread says it all:
"I don't understand this whole recession thing. Nothing has changed in my world."
Exactly! As long as your tiny bit of the planet has not been disturbed, it must not be important, period. There's one word and one word only for that kind of behavior...selfish. Do us all a favor and get over yourself my friend...
On the other hand, MisterGuy, it's not very nice to beat up on a bunch of Civil War Vets. Shit, they can't be too racist -- they ended slavery didn't they?! And it's unfair to stereotype them as a bunch of Fat-Old-White-Buttless-Geezers-With-Limp-Dicks-From-Prostate-Surgery-Who-Would-Like-To-Fuck-Girls-Young-Enough-To-Be-Their-Daughters. Because the truth is some of them are Fat-Old-White-Buttless-Geezers-With-Limp-Dicks-From-Prostate-Surgery-Who-Would-Like-To-Fuck-Girls-Young-Enough-To-Be-Their-GRANDDaughters. And proud of it. In fact Shadowcat has that self-description etched into the rear window of his sports car.
You know I could make more old fart jokes, but instead I'll ask this poll question: how many of you guys pick up the remote when the phone rings? Aha, I thought so.
Damn it, there I go again, picking on the weak and stupid. I have to stop. Forgive me, Lord.
Thank you so much for the aforementioned "IGNORE" feature! I've added another. Thanks again.
If anyone has a problem with my posts, then please do feel free to ignore me or use the ignore button or even better do both! :) So far I haven't needed to place anyone on ignore, but who knows perhaps that is short sighted on my part.
I learned about another death in "Angels Family." Stanley's brother who appeared to be very young died in his sleep (a blood clot). A couple dancers were in mourning. It reminded that although many people have difficulty dying peaceful deaths that life is still fragile. One moment a person is joking with you and the next you could be dialing 911 to no avail. Stanley was a extremely well liked manager (his main problem stemmed from a personal feud with a man who wasn't the owner of Angels at the time; once the man bought the club Stanley was fired; there is sort of moral here because that man was Stanley's only known enemy) and I feel sad about the grief Stanley is probably feeling. Anyway, the moral is life is short so you might want to try and be HAPPY!
As far as my death, I'm mainly just praying for quick and painless. I don't think it would be negative going sooner rather than later, but you never know. For those of you who are interested in a long life, I guess the best I can say is good luck. :)
You say that it is all about me. Well, who the hell do you think I am going to talk about? I got in trouble with shekitout in a recent topic and I didn't even mention his name.
Yes I brag about my favorite club. It was not even in the top forty when I first started going there 6+ years ago. It was me and Shekitout's reviews that vaulted into the #1 topless club in the country. If you doubt my word on this, I can assure that there a a dozen TUSCL members that will back me up. Come to the convention Apr 25 and 26. This will be the third. Do you know of any other TUSCL conventions? BTW do you know who Bones is? He is the guy on TUSCL with more strip club reviews than anybody. He is also a close friend of mine. I got an email from him today. He wanted to know if its was Ok to bring his son? Hell Yes!
I don't know what I am talking about when it comes to Mexican women? My ex wife,of 27 years, who was born and raised in Mexico had no ass.And turned fat after age 30. My step daughter pushing 40 is fat and has no ass. My own daughter as much as I love her is 1/2 Mexican, is overweight and has no ass. My ex wives girl friends did not have asses either. I lived in SO CAL for 45 years. I knew and saw a lot of Mexicans in all of those years. The women did not have bubble butts at least not after the age of 16. My ex has one brother living here legally and 3 or 4 that are here illegally. I have thought about doing a blog about may travels but who would really care to read them. Not you for sure. Have you ever been outside of Hazzard county?
Do you know how many *free* LDs that I've gotten at strip clubs or how many free sexual escapades that I've had with strippers outside of a club setting? No, because as I've said several times here before...I don't feel the need to ramble on & on about who does what to me.
You got in trouble with your buddy in another thread because you just can't keep your mouth shut when someone gives you personal details of their life. You think you're the only one on here that knows the personal details of some of the people that post here? Think again...you think you're the only one that has a freindship with Bones outside of this board (I don't though)? Think again...
MT, Japan, South Korea, HI, AK, Italy, Denmark, Germany...what do ANY of these places have to do with Native American or Latina dancers? Absolutely, positively nothing, period. So you've been to Mexico...there's more to Hispanic culture than just Mexico my friend...get a grip. Ever hear of J-Lo??
As far as your "favorite club", you are nothing but a shill for it at this point. I've seen you not only review the PP in your reviews, but you review the reviews of other people that review the PP...that's plum crazy IMO.
You're becoming a broken record njscfan...kick your stereo...
Maybe he counts both sheep.