
Comments by mike710 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Handling bad news
    Based on what it seems how you feel about him, a friendly lunch together doesn't seem like something crazy if he doesn't feel up to going to your club. If he is so sick, you could always bring it to him. I'm sure you could work with him to figure out a "how we met" if he is in a situation where he might be questioned. Another innocent option is meeting for coffee. All of this depends on how bad his situation is and what you are both comfortable with. Who knows? He may want to go out with a bang and hit your club one more time while he's still up for it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: What fast food do you actually find good?
    I was working in Indianapolis last year and there was a Fazzolis across the street. One of my coworkers was talking about going there the entire time I was with him. Last month, a coworker from Wisconsin was wanting to go to Weinerschnitzel in the worst way while we were in the SF area. Been to both on other trips but had no lasting memories of either.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Wish me Luck
    Best wishes and hope you're back in the saddle again soon!
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Hookers. From customer to lover?
    I've hung out with stripper OTC that were both paid and non-paid. To preface this, I am just an average dude that enjoys life with or without someone to share it with as there is always a way to have fun if you approach things in the proper mindset. The topic was about Ho's without paying and I dated a woman that I met as an escort initially for a couple of years. I had no fantasy of anything else than enjoying the ride while it was happening and love was not an issue for me. I even hung out with her and a client or two during holidays or parties. I didn't over-analyze it like what I read about here. It was just fun. We went on some vacations together and I had some of the most memorable fun times in my life. But, I never looked at it as more than someone who I had fun with. It's probably been over 15 years since I met her and, while we don't date, we are still friends and talk several times a year. People are people and, as long as you are open to the situation, stuff just happens. As long as you don't overreact or overanalyze, you can have fun.
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    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Last One Out
    I have done it before but not often. Most recent was during the height of the pandemic and rideshares were hard to get at any time of day. Luckily, an acquaintance of mine stayed with me and was going to let me sleep on his couch since he didn't want to drive me to the area I was staying in as it was a known DUI trap. I tried both Uber and Lyft and watched them both go on never-ending search for a ride. I got in my friend's car and headed out with him. When we got a mile away, an Uber driver called and said he was waiting for me (I had forgot to cancel one of the ride searches). The next time I was in that club, I was telling the bartender about that adventure and she said if that happened that night, she would drive me to my hotel. I didn't push it on that trip and left an hour before closing.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Best Part of the Day On TUSCL
    It really does keep me from looking in commenting on threads that he comments on. I can login and literally see 10 consecutive threads with him as the last comment. I just come back later.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (NEW)
    @misterorange. I've been on several juries myself but for civil trials that don't have to be unanimous. Once, I was on a jury with 10 women and 2 guys. We were to rule against a 90 year old doctor or a 60 something serial lawsuit woman. The doctor lied on the stand with some contradictions. I was foreman due to previous trial experience. So I did an initial poll and it was 10-2 for guilty. The problem was the jury hated the plaintiff bitch and didn't want to give her a penny. If we found guilt, we had to deliberate a bunch of other things. Since nobody wanted to give the plaintiff a penny,I used the jury instructions to question each guilty verdict female to turn them to not guilty. I knew was guilty but he was old, frail and a better person to the women on the jury. Everyone hated the other bitch. I had no interest in spending more than a week of my life on this and turned the other jurors even though he was guilty as charged. I just wish I could talk strippers into bed as easy as this was.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/30/us/portland-trump-rally-shooting.html Don't see CNN breathlessly covering any legal proceedings in this case.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why Tampa has so many strip clubs.
    Tampa can be less permissive than other areas by rule but with some girls you can have "hidden" fun as many girls are will. The Tampa area has someone the highest mileage clubs I've ever been to and a club in Tampa is where I learned that I didn't have to sit on my hands during a dance like I did at home in San Diego.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Come on down and get some free shit in California!
    How's that defunding and alternate policing working in real life Oakland? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/21/oakland-california-100-homicides-2021 https://abc7news.com/oakland-police-department-gun-violence-city-council-shootings/11036585/
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Does anybody remember TUSCL meet ups?
    While there are guys here that I would enjoy having a drink with, I think that those guys are like me and work the club better on our own. The guys I would want to meet would probably do a shot with me and then we would go on our own way.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Shotguns shot itself in the foot?
    I only visit a few times a year and have no idea about the owners politics. Being that they sell weed across the parking lot and Colorado's general politics, I can make an educated guess. I just a bit saddened to see a place that always had a good atmosphere be on it's apparent death bed. Maybe I caught a bad day but there was more than one thing that had gone bad.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Makeup of a PL
    Fortunately, it doesn't seem that women prioritize looks the way that men do. While it's typical to see hot women with average looking guys, it's not very common for guys with above average looks to hang out with below average looking women. I've been lucky enough to hang with a few women that were above my pay grade in my life.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Come on down and get some free shit in California!
    My nephew worked at a retail chain that was non-union and it was closed in his SF location. He is still with the company but transferred to a location where police still enforce existing laws.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Come on down and get some free shit in California!
    You also get the opportunity to watch people crap on the sidewalk, pay some of the highest income taxes in the country and pay almost $5 for a gallon of gas. Newsome sent checks to his voting base just before the recall election so, of course, he survived that. In the meantime, people funding the free shit are looking to leave. They will eventually run out of other people's money.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Baseball Playoffs
    Fun to see the "woke" get their panties in a bunch. https://www.yahoo.com/news/thoma-column-baseball-toxic-champion-233100653.html
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Customer Installed Tracking Device on SWer's Car and then Murdered Her
    @BubbleYum. If you give out your phone number to customers at the club and that number is attached to your social media, you are bound to have that happen. I've stumbled across real stripper names by innocently taking a number in a club. I intentionally don't follow them so that others might get their real names. You have to think twice about how your actions in the club and personal life might run together though.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Let’s Go Brandon Announced on Southwest Airlines
    Another funny one. Gotta love Texas cops. https://news.yahoo.com/texas-cops-laughed-biden-aides-234807973.html
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Let’s Go Brandon Announced on Southwest Airlines
    It's funny that the liberal reporter admittedly almost got thrown off the plane trying to react.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Region with Best Weather?
    I don't know why someone could say San Diego has bad smog unless they haven't been here since the 70's. It could be 75 and sunny any day of the year in San Diego. Other parts of Southern CA can get hot but it doesn't usually get hot in SD. I travel all over the US and have never seen better weather than SD. Unless you like cold, cloudy and snowy/rainy weather than SD is not for you. Sure the ocean is cold but that is what keeps the temperature moderate. I'm at the age where I'm probably done going into the ocean anyway. There are plenty of pools if you are looking to get wet.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Problems with strip club drunks
    A couple of months ago I was in a small Wyoming town and decided to go check out a local strip club around 6pm. I drove out and first did a drive-by to see what it looked like. On the first pass, I saw a couple of Harleys and a couple of rough looking guys standing outside near the door smoking. I drove around the block and decided, "what the hell", let's give it a try. I walked in and there was a square bar with the sides filled up but mostly empty right in front of me. I took a seat at the bar and watched what was going on. It was a small bar in a small town so it was all locals and no dancers had hit the stage yet. Well, much to my luck the 2 dudes outside walk in and proceed to sit at 2 drinks right next to me. The one who sat next to me was the bigger and uglier of the two. He was wasted and loud. I basically ignored him until I ordered another beer and he said he was buying it loudly to the hot bartender. I said thanks and he yelled at me "because I said so!" I guess he thought I asked why. I said thanks again and he mumbled something like you better be thankful. I stayed about another 30 minutes while he went and annoyed all the customers and dancers around the bar. Even his friend that he was smoking outside with suggested to the bartender that he should be kicked out right in front of him. He kind of got sheepish and asked if he was going to get kicked out. The bartender said no so he took out another few hundred dollar advance on his credit card. About that time, I figured it was best to cut my losses after a few beers and find dinner. I left and went across the street to dinner. In the end, he was gruff and tough looking but he was just a dumb ass drunk. We can all escalate things if we get confrontational back but it's usually not worth proving you are more of a man than the drunk asshole. They are easily distracted so they will focus on something else when they get bored with you.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Baseball Playoffs
    It is funny that Atlanta, and Georgia, are getting this extra attention. To make it even worse for the "woke" crowd, they still do the Tomahawk Chop during the game. With the voting law and Tomahawk Chop, now all is needed is Trump to show at a game in Atlanta to watch the woke crowd go into spasms.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Please don't judge me, give suggestions
    I usually go to clubs by myself and sometimes, even in busy clubs, it's just not my night to find someone I would prefer to hang out with. That being said, on occasion, I've allowed myself to be open to girls I would normally shut down right away. Sometimes, when you engage in conversation, a girl you wouldn't normally be attracted to becomes more attractive from a simple conversation. In the recent past, I've had fun with women that I would normally not choose and chase away. Not always open to this but it can lead to fun.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Do you remember your first SC experience? What was it like?
    I was 18 just starting college in AZ in the early 80's and had a friend who was a semi regular at the Squeeze Box in Phoenix. The drinking age was 19 but they weren't carding a lot in small bars. I was poor so didn't have a lot of spare cash to do more than tip on stage. The bar wasn't even topless but the girls were small bikini bottoms that showed a little bit of bush. Full on shaving hadn't become popular at that time. To this day, I still walk into the current bar in the location, Sugar 44, with a fond feeling. It helps that it a place where fun can still be had but sometimes the talent can lack on a very slow day. Other days, and at night, there can be some hot ones working.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Gen-Z Job Interview
    It's still pretty funny, but, accurate.