
Gen-Z Job Interview

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

This would be funny if it wasn’t accurate


  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    That video and your comment remind me of PCU. 25 years ago it was a spoof, but now reality goes even farther than it did.

    Also...I have never worn the shirt of the band I was going to see, solely because of this movie. Very educational. "Don't be that guy."

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I'm a boomer and I generally prefer LibreOffice or Google online office tool apps, and working 10 to 6 or 7. But I'd admit I'm a bad boomer, unloyal to the the highly stable genius who is the Fuhrer of white boomers.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    It's still pretty funny, but, accurate.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    is that jackslash giving the interview?
  • grand1511
    3 years ago
    Friday at work I overheard two 20-somethings talking about their weekend plans. One said she had no plans because she just "had to work 5 days in a row and I'm just going to sleep all weekend." And they think us old farts lack energy!
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    That is hilarious. And just so true.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    So funny
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    LMAO!!! The funniest thing I've read all day. Of course, its 8:47 and I haven't gotten out of bed yet......😂🤣😉
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Future of the human race is fucked.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ hopefully by the time it gets THAT bad I’ll be dead and gone, and I don’t have any offspring… that I know about.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    It is kinda funny. What's scary is the truth in PCU, it's gone from mostly just universities to mostly just everywhere.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This is a parody, and I think not very realistic. But I have had people cut out right in the middle of a plant tour, just because the place seemed so serious. And then I had one who admitted that her resume was written by a head hunter and who said that she would not have said all the things that he said, and who was unable to speak to what was claimed on the resume.

    There are changes about what kinds of things people use on the Internet. Not everyone goes along with the newest social media, or with any social media.

  • TxVegas
    3 years ago
    I enjoyed that. Luckily I don’t interview people of that age. I especially liked the girl not understanding the 8:00 arrival concept.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Thinking about this a little more, when I was the same age as the young people depicted in the video, there were people who were like that. We called them "air heads" or "lint heads". It is not new at all.

    With the young men, I have no patience with such people and will tend to be rather harsh with them.

    With the young women, I will be more patient, but if they want to be hired for a job, then they will have to show that they can do what is needed. Maybe coffee barista or something else, the requirement would be looser. But anyone who is totally lackadaisical, no. With the air head women I have found that it is often a kind of social act.

    Now as far as hours, that varies from place to place and need to need. Some work environments are totally flex time and flex dress code. When that works, it is better. But other situations cannot be like this, and you only hire people who can accept and live with that.

    My role in hiring was usually just to look for people willing to do hard and demanding projects, and my standard for evaluating this was how they could talk about the very things they mentioned on their resume.

    Now because of the Internet, some people do live in totally different worlds, and this tends to be more young people. I am not really attracted to this.

    So for an older person being interviewed by someone very young, they will look for someone who can operate in the world they live in. Quite reasonable.

    Now during the dotcom boom there was much talk about anyone being able to get hired, but then after the bubble broke, "You had to show that you really wanted the job."

    So again, things vary.

    Overall, any place I have been you find people of all ages who are highly committed to doing the job needed and who do in good faith apply their energies and abilities to this.

    Some places have people who are just putting in their time and collecting their pay. I have never gone for this, always people who are highly self-motivated and who are trying to accomplish things which will benefit the company and make a name for themselves. I would always telephone screen people before inviting them in for a f2f interview.


  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    I had one tell me it was unacceptable that she be required to come in to work every day. Also told me she had other things to do before 11 AM but could work 11-5 and work really, really hard in those six hours. The job she didn't think required her physical presence?

    Front desk receptionist.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    That is funny!

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @gold I worked with a (Gen X) guy in the 90s who claimed he only had to work 5 hours a day, cause he got as much done in 5 hours as "average" people did in 8. Me personally, I try to accomplish stuff I can feel good about, rather than thinking I'm better than anyone else because of when I was born.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Reading Chris Guillebeau, probably born about 1980. I think it worth it to try and understand him. Art of Non-Conformity was his first book. Already read #2 and #3. It's not that I am so enamored with him, its that I want to understand where he is coming from.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Guillebeau also has


    I read his stuff and I have more questions than understanding, so I keep reading. This first book I hope will make me understand more of where he is coming from.

    He devalues college, and especially grad school. And he has no regard for corporate 9-5 jobs, or really any conventional jobs.

    His father was 9 to 5er with Boeing, and he counted the days until he could retire. After that he started writing murder mysteries.

    Guillebeau often talks about his wife.

    In the video that started this thread, it shows a young woman in a job interview, and she seems not to understand what would be expected of her. So why is she there then? Maybe because she is being told that that is what she should do. Better if she could be doing something which more fits with what she is looking for.

    And then it shows a baby boomer being interviewed by a young man. So maybe the young man is part of a company's management. Maybe their company will do well, maybe not. But better if he could be interviewing people who think more like he does and who would likely work better for their company.

    I don't think we can judge millennials by the situations they don't seem to fit into. Rather, I think we need to look at the things of their own that they are setting up.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Thinking more about this video: The career building experts always say that you should not negotiate until you get the job offer, preferably in writing and with a time window it will be held open.


    "The job requires relocation to Alaska."

    "That is to be considered."

    "We are looking to pay between $500k and $600k per year."

    "The upper range is to be considered."

    "We are looking to pay between $3k and $6k per year."

    "The upper range is to be considered."

    So you get the offer, then see if you can sweeten it. Don't negotiate until you have that offer.

    The young woman being interviewed, she is negotiating without any offer.

    And the young man who is interviewing and older man, he is not selling, he is trying to run the guy off.

    Well, when the two parties are in totally different spaces, these kinds of things will inevitably happen.

    So better if people talk to people who are in the same space they are.

    Maybe the young woman will have to change, but maybe not. Maybe the young man does not know that he is doing. But maybe he does. In both cases these young people need to be dealing with people who see things their way.

    Only a few times have I ever had to interview a candidate with whom even talking was difficult and whom they seemed to want to make things difficult. Of course it did not go anywhere.

    Now with executive recruiters, head hunters, they are usually this way, and they are often a problem.




  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I like how SJG is trying to be involved in this conversation and everyone is ignoring him.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    And Shailynn with his mom in Sanderson Texas, population 837.

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