The Best Part of the Day On TUSCL

avatar for shailynn
When the San Jose Public Library closes for the day and SJG can’t throw up on the board anymore until tomorrow.

You know there’s some major fights in there. Some other homeless guy is like “hey San Jose, when are you going to be finished? I have to look up how many ounces of promethazine I have to mix in my Meth recipe,” and SJG says “wait I have to post for the 453rd time on my Chrysler cars thread on a strip club website.”


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Sundays are good TUSCL days because the library is closed then.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Lol! So true
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
It really does keep me from looking in commenting on threads that he comments on. I can login and literally see 10 consecutive threads with him as the last comment. I just come back later.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^^^^^I can relate, it's like when you go into a public restroom and have to take a shit, and there is only 2 stalls, and there is a guy taking a shit in the one of them. If I can, I come back later. Let a man shit in peace. SJG does not understand that scenario because he shits on a sidewalk.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
SJG is one of those guys that the poor librarian has to tell a 9 times that sir we're closed now you have to leave.
avatar for datinman
3 years ago
Best to exercise caution here. Last time membership collectively complained about his deviant behavior, he was rewarded with free VIP. I'm afraid if we keep after him, what's next? Board moderator?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I nominate SJG for moderator any seconds ?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Note how he brownnoses Founder whenever there's any talk of his bad behavior.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ ever since Founder gave him a VIP upgrade, he's been trying to play a moderator role and has stopped making graphically violent attacks on some members. Maybe it was a condition of his account upgrade. 🤷🤣
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The best part for you is coming on here for the sole purpose of harassing and cyberbullying
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Sadly, what we're all doing right now is exactly what motivates him. Commenting about him being a pain-in-the-ass is like giving more dope to a junkie. He thrives on it.

The only people I ever put on "ignore" are the total morons like those trying to sell term papers or racist fucks just stirring up shit, but I finally had to ignore SJG. Couldn't stand it anymore, and I know that makes him happy.

His antics remind me of this scene from The Dark Knight:…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"The best part for you is coming on here for the sole purpose of harassing and cyberbullying"

^^^ @icee that's a bit rich coming from you, given that you created this troll and harassment thread about me:…

...and guess who gave you the most input and posts in it? Answer: san_jose_creep!

So get off your high horse about cyberbullying and harassment. You're just as guilty, if not more, as anyone else on these boards. 🤭🤡

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
You can’t take anything Icee says seriously. He fabricates the vast majority of his experiences on here and constantly starts fights with other members here. He is just an attention whore coming here for drama because he gets ignored everywhere else in real life. Even SJG has commented what a tool he is.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
SJG is the reason why the San Jose public library IT guy had to customize the list of blocked sites to include anything with a,,,, etc.

Even goatse searches have been blocked!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Without anyone to harass none of you would be posting regularly
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ projection much? 🤭🤡
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Hey icee tell us you're a troll without telling us you're a troll. 🤭🤡
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Still 60 miles outside of Sanderson, cruising along in the new Pacifica with its airfoil shaped roof and its rear spoiler to trip the air flow.

"Mommy, why do we need to go to Sanderson, it has a population of 837, it's just a place they added water to steam locomotives. They only reason it is on the map is that there is nothing else around there to put on the map."

"Oh, but the community chipped in and they have a beautiful new church. That is where Pastor was able to raise the money to buy this new Pacifica. And it is so much nicer than the old Town and Country. And besides, they always love your singing there."

At their home church she had a group build up a whole pile of theatrical flats, and then to paint a manger scene on it. They measured the Pacifica to make sure it will fit. Then she had Shailynn put down a heavy cargo net, and then pull it back over the top, and then tie it good to that rear hatch. All good, but she can't see out the back window at all.

They come upon a guy in a 124 Fiat sedan, taking his time and going only 45mph. The FIAT has California license plates.…

The Pacifica has unlocked its torque converter and it has dropped one gear, but it is still only turning 1100rpm.

Shailynn's mom doesn't use the 10-2 hand position on the steering wheel. She already graduated from the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving. She knows that an air bag deployment can send a hand into your face hard enough to take out teeth. So she keeps her hands low.

Bob Bondurant, Champion Driver and Even Better Driving Instructor, Has Died…

And she is a master with counting cars and recognizing cars and using the side mirrors.

So she waits until they are over a knoll and then makes sure no one else is trying to pass at the same time, then she moves quickly into the left lane and snaps the accelerator pedal to the floor. The Pacifica drops another 3 gears as it winds up to 5500rpm and independently adjusts the intake and exhaust valve timing so that it roars like a Nascar, and it locks the torque converter.

Shailynn feels his spine pulled back in the chair.

The Pacifica, with close communications between the transmission computer and the engine computer, controlling ignition, fuel injection, valve timing, and its fly by wire throttle valve, makes full power upshifts with the greatest of ease.

Seeing the FIAT in the right side mirror, she pulls back into the right lane and backs off of the accelerator. As soon as she sees 65mph on the digital read out for the speedometer, she presses the button on the steering wheel spoke to engage the cruise control, as the FIAT goes back into top gear, 8th.

"They love your singing Shailynn, and they are very generous. So we are going to use these manger scene flats and make a Christmas promotional video."


understands cat eyes…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
"Mommy, we should be staying at home so I can go to school."

"Shailynn, I've been meaning to talk to you about this. I have seen the girls at your school. They are immodest. Sure, in this weather they wear high neck sweaters. But they still parade around pushing their breasts out! Son, I know they must be a distraction to you. In another 18 months you will be attending Bob Jones University in South Carolina. You need to be well prepared. So I have already filed papers with the school district. From now on you'll be home schooling."

Shailynn looks just like his head is going to grow into a point.


more Amber…
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^^ Jesus you’re a retard.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Shailynn and believe it or not but people read some of the posts by you and your friends and think they can't be real. Coz it's so hard to imagine someone that pathetic
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^ Jesus you’re a retard.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
I've read a lot of pathetic threads on TUSCL, including the ones where san_jose_creep tried to make AMP whores GFE auditions back in 2015, but this one has got to be the absolute hardest thing to imagine someone so pathetic:…

^^^ in it, the OP staged a faux suicide over a stripper whore that was using him for money and coke and then dumped him for being too controlling. What say you, @icee? Is this one hard to imagine too? Can you post one even more pathetic? 🤭🤣
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Hey SJGoatfucker, don’t use Bob Bondirants name because he just died you faggit!
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Icee NOBODY gives you an ounce of respect here, go away. Go over to stripperweb and recruit some “hoes” as you like to refer to women but at the same time bitching about political correctness.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
The time Icey was trying to recruit hoes on stripperweb 😁…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
nicespice knows all about that small dick energy ✏️🦄
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I imagine could be entertaining if stoned enough.…

Observe, an exotic goat tree. seems like it would be a more competent form of governance than the current fuckery
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
^ True. Several goat related sites would provide decent visuals for those who are stoned - and looking for viewing material.

Sadly, SJG keeps getting frustrated because of his searches for hot goats keep turning up hot goat yoga class times!

I know the San Jose librarian has needed to replace several broken keyboards after SJG has tossed them in frustration. It took a process of trial and error before he understood - Crunch fitness offers goat yoga sessions - but they don’t allow members to watch with their gym shorts around their ankles…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
What do you get out of harassing him?

You still try for what he taught you

Dances are for chumps
See want get
Toda la niche
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ icee what are you getting out of posting and harassing others in this thread?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Still on the approach to Sanderson.

"Mommy but I like going to high school, I think it is good."

"But those immodest girls pushing their breasts out in order to get attention, they must be a distraction. You should not have to be exposed to that. You will soon be attending Bob Jones University, and so you need to be well prepared. Changing to home schooling will make it easier to get to the Christian Glee Club events, spread all across West Texas."

"But I don't really like the West Texas Christian Glee Club."

"Don't say that, they got us the money for this new Pacifica, and they are getting you the scholarship to Bob Jones University. Then they will help you to restart the Dallas ministry of Robert Tilton. Everyone is commenting on how you already talk so much like Tilton"

"We've Seen Midgets Grow!!"…

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ You are at peak Asperger's when you try to troll other users here.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
If anyone is being made a target for the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence Hoax, my recommendation is Martial Arts Training and Military Commando Training. Sometimes you have to stuff bullies head first into steel garbage cans.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Yeah, that's exactly what I mean.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
CMI, you disrespect this forum by engaging in belligerence that you never could get away with F2F.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
I don't know what elicits a more violent response from san_jose_creep - accusing him of being autistic or being homeless and unable to go to a strip club. Both seem to turn him highly uncivil. 🤷
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Well none of you guys could ever get away with this kind of belligerence and bullying f2f, not with me, not with most people. If you tired it you would be forced to either back down or to suffer severed physical harm.

And then with SLD, not even being alive anymore, he could still be dealt with.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
SJG said "... that you never could get away with F2F."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could. But these violent fantasies you have about guys who directly address how you're broken, creepy, mentally unstable, and only have internet when the library is open says a lot more about you than you realize.

As I've said before, I suspect that you're legitimately dangerous, but not the sort of dangerous that you imagine yourself to be. More like the sort of dangerous that concerns parents and women who live alone.

Also, your privacy wall sucks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No one bothers me f2f. There is no reason why they would, they have their own life.

It is only online which draws Trolls and Zombies like CMI and SLD.

And if you guys tried anything like this on anybody f2f, the consequences for you would be severe.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Wow @san_jose_creep you are easily triggered. It really doesn't matter that you are broke and homeless in San Jose. You make a bigger deal about it than anyone else. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't think twice about just admitting it on TUSCL. I'm anonymous anyway, as you are too! 🤷
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
SLD, you've already lost your life, so what more could you loose? Your animated corpse.

Go ahead, try this kind of belligerence with people f2f, and see what happens. See what happens when you deny someone the privacy of their affairs.

That way, TUSCL won't have to suffer your presence any longer.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@san_jose_creep I'd tell you everything I've posted to you face to face anytime! When I'm in the Bay Area again I'll stop by the library you post from. I'd even buy you a beer at AJs Girls or any titty bar that's still open down there.

Wow you are so triggered. Chillax!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
SLD, my f2f life is private and extremely well protected.

If what you are seeking is suicide by SJG, well that could be possible, except for the fact that you are already dead.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
So you are threatening to kill me then? When both of us are anonymous to each other? Talk about being completely uncivil. 🤷

As stated, you are TOO EASILY TRIGGERED. Maybe you should take TUSCL a little less seriously. Take a break from it or something. Didn't you learn to live without it when the library closed for COVID? Is it that important to you when you don't even club anyway???
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
SLD, My personal life is protected. This is not as you say, triggering, it is fact.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Your personal life is protected by virtue of using an alias name. The FACT is that we are all anonymous to each other which is inherently protecting privacy.

What's triggering is you getting so easily butthurt and we don't know each other anyway. We're both anonymous to each other, dumbass.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Your personal life SJG is known As LLoyd Schoene! We all know it so that firewall of yours is a piece of shit!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No, my f2f life has far more protection in play than that. As I have told you, I have sensitive responsibilities, and so I am obliged to maintain a very high and well defended privacy wall. If you were not such an imbecile, a dead imbecile, you would cease challenging and disrespecting my privacy.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ no, your privacy wall is nothing but a smokescreen to hide the fact that you are homeless and broke in San Jose.

Also you and I don't know each other in real life, so it still doesn't matter whether or not we know whether or not we actually go to strip clubs.

Quit hiding from irrelevant facts. You're not that important, dumbass.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And SLD loosing his security job in nuclear power plant because he was caught masturbating in the control room.…

They fired him and documented the incident. At least they didn't make a criminal case out of if.

So now he has to go everyday to the unemployment office, and as always his wife ties his shoes for him.

If he gets caught masturbating at the unemployment office they are not likely to be as lenient.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ He's a broke ass creep on a bike riding past strip clubs and AMPs that he can no longer go to. He ran out of money and/or he got himself banned. He looks on with envy, fantasizing but never actualizing GFEs with women he can never have without paying. He lost his wife and he has ED.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
LloydSchoene is SJG!!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
He seems to fantasize about those things that are out of reach.

He may have worn out his welcome in a few nearby strip clubs, at the underground dance clubs, and with bikini coffee girls.

He now fantasizes about the past, and creates bizarre scenarios of being with strippers and whores. His fantasies move from average sexual interactions - to disturbing scenarios.

He doesn’t have the social understanding to tone down his sharing of very uncomfortable fantasies.

He has no car, and appears to be a bicycle rider. He fantasizes about Oldsmobile vehicles. This might be one of his most bizarre fantasies - thinking about an old vehicle line, and sharing his almost climaxing love for a car manufacturer.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ @Cashman all that is because his "reality" on TUSCL is completely a fantasy "life", created through his own posts. He doesn't actually do anything with strippers or women in general in real life. Instead, his 4+ hour daily visits (except Sunday when the library is closed) to the library and thus TUSCL is his fantasy escape from his destitute life. Where most PLs use TUSCL to share something they actually did with a stripper in real life, san_jose_creep uses TUSCL to fantasize about being with strippers (and women in general) BECAUSE he can't actually interact with them in his literal real life. His time on TUSCL is the ultimate in escapism.

Besides strippers and sex fantasies he also does this with cars.

Also since he has time to kill as he waits for his turn for a computer, he browses the library books which then feed his posts and threads in books.

And tied to this he absolutely goes back in time to relive the times when he actually did things in real life with strippers and cars. It's the ultimate in reminiscing about the good old days for him. Back to a time when he actually had money and a relationship. Ever notice his few real stripper interactions are the same story over and over again? They are throwback stories from over 10 years ago. I think recently he posted about going to The Brass Rail in San Jose and getting a dancer's number. That was many years ago. The Brass Rail has been closed for years.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
This post is pure gold. SJG blew a homeless claiming to be ex-military in tent city behind the San Jose Public Library last week so now he thinks he’s military trained!!!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
SirLDAlot - I appreciate your insight and analysis of SJG. It must aggravate him to know someone sees through his facade and knows the sad truth.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Shailynn - I thank our military folks for their service to our great country.

It appears SJG services our military folks as a form of thanks.

A scene from Falling Down. SJG could be the homeless guy.…
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
"It must aggravate him to know someone sees through his facade and knows the sad truth."

^^^ @Cashman it absolutely aggravates him as evidenced by his violent fantasies at those that point out that sad truth. Look at his recent violent replies to me for calling him out for being homeless and broke and posting from free internet at the library. He literally wants me dead for this. It's because I'm completely ruining his fantasy and making him face his real life.

He's TUSCL's poster child and cautionary tale for being an out of control PL with strip clubs and AMPs. He lost his money, his wife, and his worldly possessions for too much excessive mongering. It also gave him PTSD and made him batshit crazy. And now he can't change himself and recover from it. I actually hope that through reading my posts it helps him to snap out of his funk and start bettering himself in real life rather than relying on TUSCL as an escape from it. He's mentally suffering in a vicious cycle.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
san_jose_creep gives new meaning to a military hummer. When he wants to show you one, run!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
SirLapdance, there is something you need to learn,

"SJG does not have to prove anything to me and his f2f life is private."

Even though you are a zombie, you are animated so with your breath and mouth you can still say that. Say it now and keep repeating it so that you and who ever is animating you will not forget it.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@san_jose_creep, there is something you need to learn,

"Everyone on TUSCL already knows that I'm homeless and broke and I post from the free internet access computers in the library; therefore it is futile to try to hide this knowledge through a faux wall of privacy"

Even though you are autistic and mentally ill from PTSD, you know this deep down and you know that TUSCL knows it too. Say it now and keep repeating it so that you will not forget it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
SLD, what you are trying to do is to erect scaffolding to lay siege to my privacy wall. You throw out whatever you want, thinking that some will believe it, and that you can break down my privacy.

Believe me, f2f, even though you are a zombie, you would be saying,

"SJG does not have to prove anything to me and his f2f life is private."

avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^^ f2f yiu would not get by without admitting f you are LLoyd Schoene of Beaumont Canyon Drive, SJGoatfucker!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@san_jose_creep, what you are trying to do is to continue to put up a faux privacy wall for irrelevant information to anonymous people. You throw this faux wall up for no other reason than your own personal shame of your predicament in life.

Believe me, f2f, even though you are autistic and mentally ill from self induced PTSD, you would be saying,

"Everyone on TUSCL already knows that I'm homeless and broke and I post from the free internet access computers in the library; therefore it is futile to try to hide this knowledge through a faux wall of privacy"
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