
Do you remember your first SC experience? What was it like?

avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin

Mine was 2014 at Magic City and I went with my ex gf. This was peak Atlanta, before the Cali people and other out of towners came and ruined it. I spent maybe 500 on dances, food, and just throwing ones. Sadly Magic city sucks now, even the girls back then looked better, Esco was still a DJ there so the music selection was on point. But this started me going to clubs, next was Cheetah and so on.

What were some of your first club experiences like? I’m curious because this site varies in age.


last comment
avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

Mid 90s went to Thee Doll House in Myrtle Beach as a 19 year old with a good fake ID. During those times that club had an insanely hot line up. Got my first air dance that night too.

It wasn’t until I was a senior in college that I was in a club again. A friend dragged me to a dive strip club off of campus because they would stay illegally open when all the other bars would close. I was drunk, I met a hot stripper there the same age as me that was drunk as well, and in the private lapdance area we performed oral sex on each other. After that trip I assumed stuff like that was a common occurrence at strip clubs. I quickly found out that it was not, and finding other strippers that hot in my neck of the woods was not common either.

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

@shailynn see these are the kinda stories I like lol. I wasnt able to club in the 90s so hearing stuff like this is great. Thanks for sharing. Lol fake ids were big back then, people use them now but some clubs don’t even card in day time, night time is a different story. Lol at oral sex on each other, yeah you had to be drunk. Idk if I could do that on a dancer sober.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

Hollywood Tropicana in LA in the early / mid 1990s. A lot of the popular porn stars of the time worked there to make extra cash. It was low(ish) mileage but still pretty great.

In my most 1990s moment, it was there that a very drunk and high Pauly Shore mistook me for someone else and took a swing at me. He missed. I counterpunched and did not miss. We both got chucked hard into the sidewalk, though.

So, yeah, I punched Pauly Shore. It was nice to check that off the bucket list.

avatar for Rod84
3 yrs ago

The Spotted Giraffe in Newport, KY - circa 1986. Full nude, leg spreading enjoyment. No VIPs back then that I recall. Mostly a show/stage performance club. I was hooked from the moment I walked in. Sadly, nefarious conservative elements have gutted the Northern KY SC scene since.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

Summer of 1961. Read my article on Tijuana remembered.


avatar for EastCoaster
3 yrs ago

I was in college in Boston in the early 1970s, and my roommate, who was a theater tech major, worked at the Pilgrim Theatre. He handled all of their tech work -- lighting, sound, and whatever else needed to be done. What he didn't tell me for quite some time is that the theater featured strippers.

The Pilgrim Theatre was one of the most infamous places in an area of downtown that was called the Combat Zone, Boston's way of containing the seedier elements of society (like yours truly, I guess). The typical thing at the Pilgrim Theatre was for them to show what were then called XXX movies for an hour, put live strippers on stage for 30 minutes, then repeat that rotation. At age 20, I had never seen a stripper, and I asked my roommate about it -- and wondered whether it would be OK to bring my girlfriend, who was as curious as I was. He said sure, and told me that they didn't do anything the law didn't allow. Sounded safe enough for me.

We came into what looked like a normal movie theater with a stage. Yes, the porno movie was going full tilt, as graphic as anything you'd see online today, and the most startling thing was that instead of the movie soundtrack, all you could hear was loud rock music blaring from the speakers. Much to my delight, it was the Allman Brothers. Sweet!!

The strip show was quite an eye-opener for my 18-year-old girlfriend and me -- apparently the law allowed the girls to dance in nothing but high heels, and the expression "spread eagle" took on a whole new meaning for me.

In terms of strip club experiences, things have obviously progressed considerably in the years since. Thank heavens.

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

I've mentioned this before. 1978, my 17th birthday. A club in Fort Erie, Canada the name of which I can't recall. Friends took me to get over my cheating girlfriend by getting under another one, i.e. a tiny little Vietnamese dancer who called herself Kim. A couple hours of raw fucking and sucking paid for by said friends. This was before the HIV/AIDS outbreak, when all you really had to worry about could be fixed with a shot. Didn't need one, though it freaked me out a little when I sobered up. Went back to see her a few months later, but she was gone.

The rest, as they say, is history.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

January 1999, my 18th birthday. My buddy took me to Dream Palace, before it was the crazy scam place it is now. It was just cool to walk through the door and suddenly see a bunch of ASU girls nearly naked... it'd be seven more months until college, where nearly-naked ASU girls would become a little more common. He told me to walk up to the stage and put a dollar in my mouth. This wasn't Great Alaskan Bush Co, so it wasn't a muff dive, but she smashed my face between her snack trays and took the buck. That was about it, trip was nothing special, think I tipped a few other girls and we bailed w/in an hour.

@CMI we, too, saw a very drunk and high Pauly Shore there one night a few years later. He was walking in right in front of us. No punches, though. And then he went and sat by himself. I don't even remember strippers going to him. This would have been about 2003, so long beyond his prime, but you'd think these girls would have seen Bio Dome or Son in Law!

Same friend who took me on my 18th birthday is is in town for his bachelor party of sorts this weekend. I will NOT be taking him to Dream Palace. No thank you. Bourbon Street could be a possibility, though.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

At the time we were both there, Shore's relationship with the porn star Savanah was falling apart. She occasionally worked at the Tropicana. Another dancer I talked to later suspected that he mixed me up with someone else who was wrapped up in that drama. No idea if that's true, but it's all I've got.

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

In Atlanta in the mid 70's there was a club called the She Bar. I was 18 and in college. I went there by myself out of curiosity. it was a classy place. I saw a stripper getting hassled at the tip rail seating. A waitress brought a guy a new beer and while he was paying the stripper squatted down on his long neck. Like I said, classy joint.

Some of the seating was 3 sided booths that had a rather high cocktail table in the middle. The tables had floor length black tablecloths. A stripper sat down and stated fawning over the little boy on his first strip club visit. She said for $10 she would show me a trick that would keep me coming back the rest of my life. She slid under the table, threw the tablecloth over my lap (and her head) and gave me a BBBJCIM. I probably lasted 30 seconds! This was before clubs had VIP rooms, so this was the top of the line extras on my very first trip. I was hooked for life!

Not long after they got rid of the tables.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

January 2013. Went with an at-the-time-boyfriend. Had dances paid for by the drunk friend of the bf who purchased $600 worth of club funny money from his credit card. At one point, five dancers turned around to bend over and I was put on the spot to judge with dancer had the nicest ass. I was being a dork and didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings so I said everyone had a nice ass. And ended up being the center of a giant lapdance of five dancers simultaneously while the rest of the lapdance area was staring at us open mouthed.

Sadly, after walking out of the lapdance area, there was the drama of the friend disappearing. Drive north on the interstate a very short ways and sure enough his vehicle had rolled over upside down and there was already a couple of flashing cop cars behind.

avatar for docsavage
3 yrs ago

My first strip club experience was in my thirties sometime around 1990 when I went to Harem House in Indianapolis with a couple of friends. The girls all ignored us and they all had unfriendly looks on their faces. The experience left me with no desire to go back. I lived near three clubs for twenty more years before I decided to try again with a nearby PT's. I walked in and sat down. I saw a guy go up to the stage to tip a very pretty girl. I went up there to tip her and she smiled at me and said I could touch her. I touched her leg and then she asked me if I would like to do a lap dance. If I hadn't run across an unusually pretty and friendly girl that might have been my last trip ever. I wonder how many guys there are who had a couple bad experiences in clubs and then never went back the rest of their lives.

avatar for goodyman
3 yrs ago

2008 Booby Trap- Doral, Miami A bunch of people from a newer site named Brazzers were there at the time handing out t-shirts.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

I was 18. Legal age for drinking in Texas was 18 back then. Top of the Strip in San Antonio. I was hooked when I saw the first topless girl. Although all I could afford back then was tipping $1 bills at the stage.

avatar for WavvyCain
3 yrs ago

Lmao I love the responses and I like how I’m able to see how clubbing was in different eras. Nice peaceful thread with no trolls and fighting. I love you all

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 yrs ago

Hey fuck you, Wavvy Cain. Eat shit and die. I dunno what Wavvy Cain means, but Ruffles are better than wavy Lays every day of the week, so your choice of adjective sucks ass.

(Is that how it's supposed to be done?)

avatar for Subraman
3 yrs ago

I don't remember my initial SC experiences too well, or where. They were mostly in college, going to SCs in various places. Mostly just the standard poor college guys going to the tip rail and tipping singles and high fiving. All a blur now.

I do very solidly remember my first SC trip that ultimately led to PL-dom. A good buddy of mine came back from a trip to SF with his friends, and told me he spent $90 -- $90!!!! -- at a strip club. I was incredulous. "Dude, WTF did you spend NINETY DOLLARS on at a strip club???". Then he told me about "lapdances", which were $10 at the time. "Take me to this strip club and show me how to get one of these 'lapdances' as you call them", I demanded. He took me to New Century Theater, back then still independent (this was 10 years before the evil empire started its takeover of SF SCs, and New Century was a competing with Mitchell Brothers). A couple years of that, and then I connected with the ass-c guys and started hitting Chez Paree a few times a year. A bunch more years before I really transitioned to PL, which happened in 1996ish when I discovered Mitchell Brothers, but that was definitely the first step.

avatar for misterorange
3 yrs ago

^^ Subra

So New Century was like your gateway drug!

avatar for Subraman
3 yrs ago

Ha yes! NCT was my dealer, it gave me a little free bump of Lapdance, and that was that! Next thing I know I'm going to dealers with better shit, higher mileage lapdances, VIPs. Then MBOT pours a little extras into a spoon and heats it up, next thing you know, I'm hooked. Don't even want to think about when my OTC habit started

I was 17. Went with my girlfriend who got a job dancing illegally. I got sjit faced drunk and acted as her security and agent lulz

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

^ Cool story bro


avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

A buddy took me to Circus in Cleveland for my 22nd birthday, to buy me a lap dance. Despite Cleveland being a shit club city, I got my first lap dance and was hooked.

Expanded my repertoire to Sundowners and Seductions Niagara Falls soon after.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Some nigga named Icee tries to get in my pants my first sc experience. Scared me straight!

avatar for eyeofodin
3 yrs ago

Was working a summer job at the company my father worked for and went with an employee to pick up some parts from a vendor. He was a biker and there was a biker strip club across the street from the vendor. Since it was lunch time when we loaded up the parts, he took me across the street for lunch. Had a pretty good burger, a lap dance and a blow job at 13 yeas old.

Tetradon --- if you are over mid fifties closer to 60, you might have heard of the place. The old Circus was a blast.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ I'm low 40s. This is the one on the east side of the Flats in Cleveland.

avatar for eyeofodin
3 yrs ago

That's when Circus was at it best.. before Hustler bought it and then had to move it the other side when the building was sold. Topless side and nude side.

avatar for eyeofodin
3 yrs ago

Circus, Mickey Finns and the old theater on short Vincent..... damn Cleveland was once a seedy city after dark.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

I hit the tail end of that with Circus. A couple years later I moved out. Now it's regarded as a strip club desert.

I always had a better time with my friends driving to Niagara where we could gamble (no Hard Rock at the time). And Seductions Niagara was my first introduction to extras.

avatar for FishHawk
3 yrs ago
  1. I turned 21. A couple of friends took me to a club with topless go-go dancers. Not sure that counted. 1969 went to a burlesque show at famous local club. Not sure that counted. 1972 went to club in San Diego near where I was stationed in the Navy. Girls stripped to nude on stage. Stage was behind the bar you couldn’t get close to the girls except one girl got off the stage and leaned over the bar to place her boob in my hand. Now that counted. I have been going off and on ever since.
avatar for shanny72
3 yrs ago

Late 80's at The Pink Pussycat in Ft Lauderdale FL. 18+ but they really didn't check IDs. I was probably not 18 yet. One of the first places in sfl to offer "Friction" dances back then. $10 table dances were the norm at most places.

Had my first Latina experience there... Hooked ever since. Both on smoking hot Latinas and strip clubs

avatar for mike710
3 yrs ago

I was 18 just starting college in AZ in the early 80's and had a friend who was a semi regular at the Squeeze Box in Phoenix. The drinking age was 19 but they weren't carding a lot in small bars. I was poor so didn't have a lot of spare cash to do more than tip on stage.

The bar wasn't even topless but the girls were small bikini bottoms that showed a little bit of bush. Full on shaving hadn't become popular at that time.

To this day, I still walk into the current bar in the location, Sugar 44, with a fond feeling. It helps that it a place where fun can still be had but sometimes the talent can lack on a very slow day. Other days, and at night, there can be some hot ones working.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

This is a long/wordy description of my PL-journey.

Early 1991 – I had just turned 21 – was going to school and working nights and weekends – a bit-older co-worker (he was 24) invited me to my first strip-club visit for turning-21; he wasn’t a hardcore strip-clubber but being a couple of years older he had been to some.

He took me to the current Deans Gold in North Miami – back then in 1991 it went by Solid Gold – the layout was the same as it is today – it was an upscale club back then like it is today w/ fancy cars parked outside – I didn’t know shit about strip-clubs and no-internet at the time – it was a weekend night and the club was packed – we sat stage-side but tipped sparingly (in that visit the stage-side-seating was packed but most people didn’t tip and just watched).

Back then there wasn’t the Cuban-invasion – lots of American chicks at the club and it was a 7-up club – one of the cool-things about the club was the dancer-showcase – the stage would be empty – then you would hear the intro to the Motley Crue song “Girls Girls Girls” – that songs starts w/ a Harley motorcycle cranking-up and revving – this was the clue that the dancer-showcase was about to start – when the song starts, you hear the Harley revving but the actual music does not start for about 5-seconds – so you’d hear the revving of the Harley; then the first-dancer would come on-stage on-cue exactly when the song/music started – they had it coordinated well and on-cue and the girls would come out in single file as the song played; it was a cool showcase w/ a cool-song that really matched strip-clubbing.

As I said – I didn’t know anything about SCs and just sat w/ my friend stage-side looking at the T&A and tipping sparingly – my friend decided to get us a dance – it was a floor-dance – the girl would come up to where you were sitting w/ a little round foot-high-or-so step-stool that she would dance on – she put the step-stool in b/w on us and danced – she was a voluptuous American blond with a great-tan an hourglass figure (when women were women) – she had full natural firm Ds and meaty hips and ass (a lot of woman) but had a flat-stomach (just a lot of woman and she seemed mid-20s) – IDK how much the dance-cost since my friend paid for it; I tried to feel her ass and she wouldn’t let me so IDK if it was just her or a club rule (since I sat stage-side looking at the stage the whole visit I didn’t notice any other dances given) – I also don’t know if there were lap-dances available nor did it even cross my mind since I was so green; I was just happy so see some hot-women naked.

I wanted to go-back and we did 2-weeks-later – but by now the initial “wow factor” has worn off a bit and I was put-off one couldn’t touch the girls (as far as I knew) – given that I had little $$$ at the time and not a lot of free-time, I didn’t go to another SC after those 2 early-1991 visits till the late-90s.

[a little history for those familiar w/ Deans Gold in North Miami – to the best of my knowledge, the club opened as Solid Gold circa 1989; some time circa 1997 it was sold to some guy named Dean and thus the new/current name of Deans Gold – I “assume” the original owner wanted to keep the name Solid Gold and not long after the sale the popular Solid Gold club in Oakland Park near Ft Lauderdale opened which was subsequently shut-down by the city a few years ago and then opened again a couple of years later in the current Pompano location]

In the late-90s I lived for a while in Palm Beach County an hour north of Miami since I was working in the area – there wasn’t that much to do and it was a pretty-different vibe from what I was used to in Miami – one weeknight I was bored and I had one of those free-mags/newspapers they used to have in adult-book-stores that had advertisements for adult-businesses – I was looking thru it and saw some strip-club advertisements and decided to try out a club near me – it was a midtier club but closer to a dive than upscale – the dancers were mostly 6s w/ some 7s – mileage was ok (topless 2-way) but it was kinda hit or miss depending on the dancer – I visited this club maybe 3 times in the time I lived in the area mainly out of boredom but it really didn’t do that much for me.

Come 2000 I got a good job offer in Dallas so “Dallas here I come” – move to Dallas in Spring of 2000 – had bought a new car when I got there and one night I was cruising-around getting to know the city w/ my moon-roof open enjoying a nice Spring night - I get to a traffic light and I’m waiting for the green – I look to my right and I see a parking-lot packed w/ cars around midnight – I was slightly intrigued and imagined it was some kinda nightclub – I started looking around for a sign of what it was then I look up and about 30-feet up I see a sign that says “Baby Dolls”.

I wasn’t a strip-clubber back then nor was it on my mind – but seeing so many cars it kinda piqued my interest – I was new in town (only been in town maybe 2 or 3 weeks) and didn’t know anyone – had a good paying job in an area w/ a low COL – although I wasn’t a strip-clubber I knew, or assumed, what Baby Dolls was and assumed it was a strip-club.

Made a note of the place and came back a week later on a weekend eve a bit past 10pm – there was a bit of a line and I heard the doorman tell someone ahead of me they had 85 girls that night – didn’t think much of it – paid my cover and went into the main-room and was pretty-impressed – women all over the place including 7-or-so-stages each one with a dancer, and all shapes and sizes from skinny to full(but-not-fat)-figured – great vibe at the club – no thug factor – nice club that wasn’t a dump but not plush either; fun vibe w/o being pretentious and lots of attractive girls (no Cuban girls at the time; in-fact in the 10 or so years I clubbed in Big-D starting in 2000 I never ran into a Cuban-dancer).

Baby Dolls had good 2-way-contact dances with mileage being fairly uniform – not crazy-mileage but most dancers gave 2-way-contact topless dances and I rarely ran into a dud – this is where/when I got the strip-club-bug – I was new in town; didn’t have much to do in my free-time; had a good-amount of disposable-income; and I was never one that enjoyed bar-hopping nor nightclubs too-much; so Baby Dolls became my thing on weekends – subsequently I started experimenting w/ other clubs in the area.

This was the old Baby Dolls location (about 10-minutes away from the current-location) – the old location had 3-clubs sharing the same parking-lot – part of the Baby Dolls building seemed to have been walled-off and made into a different small club that went by Déjà Vu which had its own entrance and cover; basically a different independent club that just happened to share part of one building/structure – there was a 3rd-club that I think went by “The Fare” (but can’t remember) – it was a standalone building in one corner of the parking-lot.

With time I started visiting Déjà Vu next-door more and more b/c it was Latinas and AAs both of which were in short supply at Baby Dolls – Déjà Vu was a small dive but it was more my speed – one thing I liked about it was that the seating was on long continuous tables and the stage-rotation was the girls spending a few songs dancing from table to table – as she walked by in front of you at the table she would stop if you wanted to tip and would stay dancing for you right there in front of you as a personal-show per se and many would step off the table and grind on you as part of the stage-tip; it was a great little unpretentious club.

Circa 2003 I made my foray into the black-strip-club-scene – I had been hesitant, ok scared, till that point – around that time I had started to hit a club in Arlington, TX (Hardbodies) about 30-minutes west of Dallas that was mixed but about 1/2 AA – after about a year it became all-black – there was a club down the street that had always been all-black (Peep N Toms) and the girls at Hardbodies would tell me they didn’t like it there b/c it was too-hood – at some point circa 2003/04 I finally decided to try out Peep N Toms and after that I rarely visited Baby Dolls anymore and mostly stuck to black SCs – Peep N Toms, and similar black clubs; had the type of women I like (full-figured and lots of big tits and asses in the place) – Peep N Toms kinda became my go-to club b/c it provided what I wanted in terms of mileage and type of woman; but liking variety there were other clubs I also hit mainly in Arlington like the old Fantasy Ranch and a small dive down-the-street from Fantasy Ranch called Flash Dancer; these 2 other clubs were mixed but usually had a fair # of AAs (unfortunately all these clubs were shut-down in 2010 when the Cowboys built their new stadium in Arlington).

End of ’09 I moved backhome to Miami and didn’t club for all of 2010 – started clubbing a bit in 2011 then became a hardcore clubber in early-2012 after joining TUSCL and becoming TUSCLarly-educated w.r.t. SCs – from about 2012 -2015 I hit mostly black-clubs in SoFlo but would also hit mixed-clubs like Tootsies – with time I started to rarely hit the mixed-clubs and just hit the chocolate-clubs – by early 2019 I had gotten pretty-burned-out w/ SCing and started to SC a lot less – then Covid hit and didn’t club for about 14-months and didn’t miss-it that much except once-in-a-while when I’d get the urge to SC but didn’t b/c of Covid and not being vaxed.

May 2021 I was vaxed and started making the rounds again – I still had the SC-burnout feeling but was curious to see how the clubs were doing – the first clubs I visited post-vax were the Miami black-clubs I used to hit in years past but none of the old-dancer-crew was there; these small-dives seem to have had a harder time getting back to pre-Covid levels and I just wasn’t feeling them post-Covid and have stopped visiting them; they started to feel like a waste of time whereas in years past I would spend 2 to 4 hours in a visit – since the black-clubs were not doing much for me post-Covid, I started getting reacquainted w/ the mixed SoFlo clubs which I had mostly stopped visiting pre-Covid and was having a better time in the mixed-clubs and have mostly stuck to the mixed-cubs post-Covid although I am not SCing anywhere close to the level I was at my pique from 2012 to 2017/18.

avatar for WiseToo
3 yrs ago

I had a summer job stocking shelves in the evening at a local supermarket. I thought one of the girls working there was kind of nice and tried striking up a conversation with her. Needless to say, I experienced a nuclear rejection. I felt like crap, but as I walked back home I noticed an old man's bar that was a neighborhood fixture for years now had a sign "under new management" "girls girls girls" "cage dancers" I went in hoping it would make me feel better. There were two cages, one at each end of the bar with a dancing girl wearing nothing more than pasties and a bikini bottom. It was continuous dancing to the background music in the bar. The girls were gorgeous. I was mesmerized and couldn't get enough of watching mostly naked girls dance. My strip club journey began.

avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

Mid 70s, downtown Atlanta on Peachtree Street. I don’t remember the name of the club. It’s been closed for decades. It used to be a seedy area, but now there are upscale restaurants. I was 18, which was the drinking age at the time. The entrance was a short hall lit up with neon lights to give kind of a “time tunnel” effect, if anyone remembers that old TV show. I remember David Bowie’s “ Fame” was playing as we walked in and I was thinking this is cool. My buddies and I sat down at a table and we were joined by a big boobed blonde dancer. We only had enough money for a beer each and a dance or two from the girl. It was a short visit.

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