
Comments by mike710 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Woman caught on video stripping from dress, using it as mask in ice cream shop
    If I owned the place, I would have told her she needed to use her panties as a mask and bra as earmuffs or leave.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Have You Had COVID-19 Yet?
    I have really no idea why I haven't had it. I've probably flown over 150 flight segments and been around Covid patients in a hospital setting almost weekly. I had a couple weeks at home during this latest surge of this highly contagious strain. Maybe this will be the one I get? I'm triple vaxed so hope it does offer some protection. I've barely had any type of cold symptoms in 2 years either. Maybe a handful of times I've woken up feeling like I might be catching something, but I attribute that to developing allergies as I've aged since I never really got sick.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Why the discussion board?
    I joined the site when I first started traveling a lot for work in the early 2000's. I wanted to see what good clubs might be near me when I traveled. At about the same time, I got heavily into different aspects of sexwork, escorts. What I found from that is that a general guideline could be read from someone else's experience but that each individual interaction between 2 people is going to be a thing of its own. I rarely read reviews on here unless I'm going to a place like Wyoming where there are not a lot of clubs in the area and I don't want to waste my time. The boards are a bit more entertaining but have to admit that I look less than I have in the recent past lately.
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    3 years ago
    Sense of urgency in a club
    I'm one that doesn't necessarily go looking for extras at a club, but I obviously don't mind when I stumble across them. Therefore, I don't ever feel pressure. In my travels, I have come across a few places that I know are more likely to have extras available and some with, almost guaranteed, extras. But I still go into those clubs and don't see anything that really interests me all the time. My city, San Diego, sucks for strip clubs so I do all of my strip clubbing out of town. I usually make at least one trip a month to a nearby city where I might be considered a regular at one club and semi-regular at another. I'll make trips to Tampa just because I know that I can have fun there. If I get a trip that doesn't go as well as planned, I don't really sweat it. I figure if I am too worried about extras, I might regret my trips even more.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ya Know, He’s Not Wrong
    I don't automatically dislike newer music but it does seem to appear that music becomes more popular from an artists looks than musical talent.
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    3 years ago
    Music - Before they were famous
    Saw Billy Idol play at a college party bar called the Devils House in the early 80's. He only had one popular song, "Hot in the City", at the time. The Romantics also played there once. It wasn't really a live music club but b a party bar. A buddy of mine got into a scuffle with the Drummer of the Knack at a bar called Dooleys.
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    3 years ago
    For those who been around for awhile has the world always been this depressing?
    I've never understood the whole climate change whining. The Earth has had climate change, with or without man around, for millions of years. The magnetic polls have flipped over time and there have been mass extinctions. That's just the Earth being the Earth. We are just a gnat on the ass of the Earth and not as significant as we think we are.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Robotic Fast Food
    More than one airport in the US has McDonalds with screens to take your orders like described above.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    It's the modern version of Soylent Green. Knock of those old fucks!
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    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Harry Reid dead
    The one thing Harry Reid opened the door for was confirmations without the 2/3 majority. Granted, he didn't do it for Supreme Court Justice but he was the one that opened Pandora's box.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Vehicles - What Could You See Yourself Buying?
    @El Dud. I have a 2012 SS Camaro with a manual transmission. I know that you can't see anything from these cars so I bought a convertible. I just don't drive it unless I can have the top down. Living in San Diego, that's pretty much all year. I have less than 40K on it so it's still nice despite getting up in years.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you have a strip club in your basement?
    Looks nice! The bed must be in the champagne room. I actually just rented an Airbnb that I picked for price and location. I looked closer at the amenities today and saw that it has a stripper pole in the living room. One of the amenities listed was an on-call pole instructor. Kind of funny since it's in an upscale condo in an upscale community.
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    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Creative ways of using leftover Christmas ham
    If only Bubba from Forest Gump was a pig farmer instead of a shrimp boat captain wannabe. He could fill 10 minutes in a new movie.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I am not Anti-Vax at all. I went out and got a booster and went through my day of waking up feeling like I had a hangover the day after the booster. I have to keep up with any vaccination as part of my job. Everyday, it is becoming more apparent that the vaccination is not stopping people from getting this version of Covid. Hopefully, it is preventing people from getting really sick. I'm starting to think that saying that the Vax is keeping people from getting sick is like saying they didn't die from thirst today because they had a glass of water during the day. Sure, it may be true but it seems to be stretching the truth. Most people drink water because they are thirsty.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Robotic Fast Food
    I'm sure the rising minimum wage in some places across the country has nothing to do with this.
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    3 years ago
    Canadian Strippers
    One Canadian Escort I was with called me an "animal" in a nice French accent. I think I enjoyed that more than if she would have thanked me. Back in the day, there was an escort service out of Montreal that used to send girls on tour in the US.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ending '21, Clubs that didn't make it
    I have to do some more investigating on a club a mile or two away from me, Pure Platinum. I drove by after work one Friday and saw a sign that said doors open at 4pm. I pulled in and found the doors still locked at around 5pm. Social media for the bar says it's still open but they are posting some self-reviews about how wonderful the new management is. It was closed since July 1st 2020.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    My Father Left My Mother for a Stripper. Now He Wants Me to Mourn Her Death.
    This sounds like the making of a Country Western song.
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    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    NYPD rookie gives lieutenant lap dance
    Are they investigating to find out how many fingers he had inside in the last picture?
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    3 years ago
    Sexy Politicians
    I might go back to VIP with the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas if I was in the mood for a Milf and she was working at a club. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kaja_Kallas_(36784407542)_(cropped).jpg
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Sexy Politicians
    The Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, likes to party and doesn't look too shabby for the leader of a country. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/12/finlands-prime-minister-sanna-marin-is-sorry-for-partying.html
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    2AMer at a club reported as closed in Salt Lake City. Even Mormons do it. :)
    Maybe he went to see wife #4 dance on a night he was supposed to be with wife #5 and she got jealous?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Urban Meyer gonzo
    I'm sure a onetime good program like Nebraska would hire Meyer in a heartbeat to return them back to glory.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Still waiting to return to clubs?
    Everyone has to decide what risk tolerance they have and make the decision for themselves. I stopped last year from mid-March until May because everything was closed. Otherwise, I've been going to support the single moms. In my case, I'm around Covid in my professional life so why would I let it stop my personal life. In that time, I've also probably been on at least 150 flight segments. I know that it's real from seeing sick patients. At the same time, I think there has been some media hype to scare everyone to stop their lives and comply with some of the shit that gets pulled out of the "experts" ass.