
Wish me Luck

The view from the other side of the room
I’ve always felt I am a fairly lucky person. When I fell off a motorcycle at 60mph, I only broke one (hand) bone. My worst ‘incident’ in 200+ days of whitewater rafting had 5 seconds underwater and a quarter mile swim in big waves, but I swallowed very little water. Getting married was scary, but it’s been 40 years of satisfying fun and love.

Doc said I was lucky to catch this cancer so early. Per my numbers, my chance for a ‘permanent’ cure is into the mid-90’s percentile. Once my prostate is removed. Next week.

Removed. . . Damn. . . That’s gonna change things. Night or two in the hospital. Twelve days with a catheter. Recovery. Doc says most men recover sensation & libido - but that at my age only about half get spontaneous (without pills or devices) erections back. But that’s all guys. Since I get hard easily (on purpose or just because) and often, I’m more likely than most to regain that function.

This sucks. Not in a good way. But the cancer will be gone.

Wish me luck.


  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    I do wonder:

    How long after till I feel like clubbing again?

    Anyone know someone who returned to clubbing after?

    Will I learn what the co-pay is on Viagra? Or will wife’s efforts return little Steph to his full stature in due course?

    I don’t know. The future does. And we’re all headed that way.

    I did refresh my stripper fun memory file with a fun visit a couple days ago. Nothing groundbreaking, just a round of reasonably believable artificial affection expressed with fondling, hugging, breast and full body appreciation, and nipple play. You know, a few lap dances. You can read it here https://tuscl.net/reviews.php?d=2021-12-… if you wish.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I wish you a quick speedy recovery sentiment is sincere, the pun is intended
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Good luck to you, gSteph. If you never get a lapdance again, you'll still have all those mammaries to look back on. Not having cancer trumps not getting lapdances any day, every day.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I think it's great that your sense of humor is intact.

    Good luck and take care of yourself.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    Best wishes. Hope you have a quick and full recovery.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Good luck gSteph! I wish you a speedy and full recovery!

    It’s good they found it early on.
  • elmer
    3 years ago
    I also wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.
    I'm also having prostate issues so far no cancer found.

    If you find yourself peeing often especially at night go get checked.

    gStep keep us posted
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Good luck. Hopefully there will be “hard” times for you in the future
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Good luck and don't worry about the cost of ED meds. Using a coupon from GoodRX I have been buying, without insurance coverage, 10 100mg of Sildenafil from my Kroger pharmacy for $10.41.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Best of luck, speedy recovery man! I wish you excellent post-recovery boners
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    Best of luck.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Good luck to you gSteph. Let us know how you make out.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Best wishes and hope you're back in the saddle again soon!
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Best wishes man. You’ve been a great addition to this site. You’re frankly too good for this place. I’ve never prayed for another man’s boner before but I will for yours.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Good luck man but I don't think you will need it given how standard these procedures are. But any surgury involves some risk and even if you lose a but of drive the blue or yellow pill will fix you right UP (soo to speak).
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    I am sure you can see/read that our thoughts and well wishes are with you.

    Good Luck!
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Yeah it’s nuts how much the cost of those types of medication have fallen since 2015. I was pretty surprised. Yay for things going generic I guess lol

    Hope the surgery goes well
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Good luck and best wishes man

    Cancer sucks !
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Good luck! I wish a speedy recovery.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Good luck gsteph get better man
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Congrats on catching it early and godspeed on your recovery.
  • yankeez4lif
    3 years ago
    Your positive attitude and good sense of humor will come in handy as you travel the road to recovery. All the best!
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    ^. Yep, good luck, mostly with the cancer of course, but hope you get to be a cumback kid in the clubs too.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Here's to a speedy recovery and many great boners ahead.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    God bless gsteph! Blessings on your surgeons' hands. Get well soon.
  • ime
    3 years ago
    Good luck.
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Good luck gsteph
  • FishHawk
    3 years ago
    Best of Luck on the surgery. I am on the one pill a day of the generic version of cialis. It’s not too expensive and it is effective.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I lost both my parents to cancer. I don't wish that on anyone. Good luck.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Good luck gSteph, hopefully you come out of this fully healthy and you can get back to putting your Full Attention on strippers in the near future.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Thanks guys, and gal, it means a lot to me.

    Shows that even among the degenerates there’s mostly good people. 😉 Who care.  Stuff like that gives me hope for the future.

    Appreciate it.

  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    I believe your luck will continue... good spirits go a long way in helping the healing process. May you have the very best outcome all the around...😉🤞😘🔆💋
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    A positive attitude goes a long way. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    The take away for others:

    Get your PSA* checked. Simple blood test. Current recommendations is all guys 55 and older. Starting at 40 if father or a brother has had prostate cancer. It's the 2nd most common cancer in men. Used to be fatal for most/many, but with earlier detection, and finding it early enough for a cure, not so much.

    *For those who may not know, PSA is a protein made only in prostates, all prostate containing individuals have some level in their blood. The level goes up with aging. If the # is high, or going up too fast, something is causing it. Get checked out.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    In fact, a PSA test, a few months after treatment (PSA has a half life) is how they determine if "they got it all".
  • chimera422
    3 years ago
    Good luck and keep your positive attitude
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Here's to a successful outcum; my thoughts are with you.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Best of luck, man. FWIW, one of the local mongers I've hung with on occasion had his *entire* prostate removed. It put him on the bench for a while, but he's back at it now. Took him almost a year (he's older than I am), but he's out there banging again. So, here's hoping you have similar success.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    gmd...like you I know of a fellow strip club/SB monger who had his removed and is back in the saddle when he can.

    Best of luck gSteph and I think I'll make an appointment for blood work.
  • lurkingdog
    3 years ago
    Good luck! Hope your recovery is swift and complete
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    Good luck and best wishes for a full recovery.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Just a few hours till tomorrow REALLY early. I checked. Doc says, Yes, I am a morning person.

    I may go radio quiet for some time. Or not. I don’t know. I do know that I’ll be back in a club eventually. I didn’t wander the wilderness for 39 years (https://tuscl.net/article.php?id=57732), and finally discover lap dances 4+ years ago, to give up on them now. May all you PLs have Happy Holiday Clubbing, and all you dancers a prosperous season and New Year.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Stay safe and happy holidays
  • FishHawk
    3 years ago
    Thinking positive thoughts for you gSteph. Looking forward to seeing you post afterwards. You are a valuable voice on this site.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Back home, after one night.
    Ow. But not much, feeling better every day.

    Especially after reading the 8 keys words from pathology report: "Margin Status: All margins negative for invasive carcinoma." Sweet words. They got it all.

    Thanks again for the encouragement and kind words.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Excellent news.
  • math14
    3 years ago
    Good to hear.
    Insurance may limit number of ED pills (like 8 per month, perhaps cheep copay, but limited number)
    GoodRx 30 pills Sildenafil 100mg. Safeway $17.72; Walmart $21.18
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Happy to hear the good news!
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Hope you're feeling boneriffic soon!
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    Couldn't be happier for you! 😘🔆💋
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Wish you a speedy recovery.
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