
The Makeup of a PL

They never tell you what you need to know.
We all have our reasons for being a PL, but who are the PLs?

I’d be willing to bet almost all of us fall into one of these categories:

Married PL. you are married, and regardless of the status of your marriage relationship or the looks of your wife (or goat in SJGs case) or the amount of sex you receive at home, it’s not enough. Strip clubbing is the best alternative especially for guys that need to be covert. Most of the guys in this category have a good amount of discretionary income to pull the strip club habit and a wife.

Divorced PL. divorced, probably never getting married again, and your theory on strip clubbing and strippers is “I’m not paying them for services, I’m paying them to go away when I am finished.” You enjoy your independence. These PLs also have a decent amount of discretionary income because they don’t have a wife.

Never Married PL. most of the guys in the category claim they simply never want to get married. In reality most of them are not sane/stable/capable enough for marriage. Some guys will be offended by this accusation but let’s face it, if you were even remotely considered “a catch” for any woman, you’d be locked down by now. These are the guys most likely to be stripper stalkers and the guys that annoy the shit out of strippers the most.

All guys in all categories above will admire going to clubs to be with a woman that would be way out of their league in real life, whether it be for looks or age difference. After all, all of us can’t be as handsome a Juice.

Disclaimer 1: Lopaw fits in here somewhere, just not sure where.


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    TYPO TYPO - last paragraph.

    “”” All guys in all categories above will ADMIT “””

    Fucking Siri messing up my flow again.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ I’d rather admire than admit
    Jes sayin
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Ha ha - spot on Shailynn.
    One quibble - I’ve never had the desire to take a date/girlfriend/wife to a strip club. Not bad mouthing it, just doesn’t appeal to me. When I go mongering it’s exclusively “me” time - during which I usually follow mostly selfish impulses.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Interesting topic, but need to add the category of strip club PUA, aka Icee and SJGoatfucker. Those that go to clubs and think they know how to select and pick out the woman of their desires to take home with them for free.

    I’m married, don’t have time for strippers OTC are rather too much ITC either, so I use it as a form of therapy. I could do other things like go to a doctor/shrink, but for less than $100 my testosterone shoots up a notch after an hour visit and I can relax with a drink in my hand whenever the time is convenient; no scheduling for an appointment just a walk in basis. The added bonus is almost always ends in LDK and both parties are happy with the outcome. Don’t want any fake conversation bullshit trying to impress any stripper or her telling me about her life, just cum and go with smal talk. I believe that 15-25% of PLs fall into my category, but I’m not at the club for a social life, it’s there to meet my needs for a brief amount of time. I got a life and family to focus on, and I expect others ITC to do the same.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I feel I fall into another category which is strip club God & Legend. Strippers bow before me and throw rose petals in my wake as I strut into the club. It takes a great deal of responsibility but somebody has to do it and I meet the challenge. My wardrobe consists of only white suits.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    A couple of quibbles:

    1. When married guys fuck around on the side, it often has nothing to do with the sex at home, at least not in the early years. Some guys just crave variety. I know that was the case for me.

    2. Divorced guys often have LESS money, not more, especially when the divorce is recent. Supporting two households is more expensive than one.

    I can't help but agree regarding the "never married" category. These are the guys most likely to be lonely and confuse the faux affections of a stripper for something genuine. Some of the girls that I deal with actively avoid these guys.

  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    When I say "actively avoid" I mean specifically for OTC, not for the normal ITC dancing.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Rick you make a good point about divorced guys having less, especially recent divorcees. I was thinking of older guys that have been divorced for a long period of time, usually simplifying their lives in the process as well. I know if I was divorced I wouldn’t have to own half the shit I have or maintain it either.

    See, Muddy is a perfect example of group 3 - never married. He only has white suits which turns off marriage suitors when he’s wearing white out of season.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    An amusing/entertaining thread with a bit of stereotyping. Wrt Category #3: Is it not possible for at least some people in this category who 1) Have a viable well earning career 2) Can properly compartmentalize the total strip club experience, never letting it adversely encroach on ones finances nor non club activities. 3) Don't stalk or otherwise creep out club dancers.

    I agree that creeps/stalkers most likely fall in Category #3 (with even some in Category #2), but don't stereotype with such a broad brush.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    When I read the Headline for this thread, I thought you were going to give us a lesson in cosmetics.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    You know not for nothing being single isn’t that bad. I don’t have to consult with anybody before I do anything, don’t have to be home by a certain time, don’t pay alimony, don’t pay child support, don’t have to “sneak out” don’t have anybody nagging me, I just do whatever I want as long I can afford it. Total freedom just me to do whatever I want. It’s not that bad. If there wasn’t already something severely wrong with me I would take offense.

    As far as getting attached there have been a couple times I’m not gonna lie. But just trust me when I say they were some of the hottest women on planet earth. But I was greener then too. Now it’s more the opposite I’m almost concerned with how callous and unattached I am to people I’m becoming tbth. I don’t even think I could maintain a relationship at this point. It’s always on to the next one, on to the next one etc.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    —>“When I read the Headline for this thread, I thought you were going to give us a lesson in cosmetics.”

    Lol! Same here

    Most of my regulars are in a divorced/never married boat. Idk if it’s Denver that is the reason for that or something else.

    I personally don’t get some of these criticisms. Keeping regulars around has its pros and cons (more pros than cons since the pandemic in my view) but their marital status isn’t something I care much about.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    But I don't wear makeup.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    Wait, wait, where's the "never married, finally done working, the game on TV is over, kinda drunk, and the closet bar to the house is a strip club" guy group?

    Asking for a friend...or something.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    There is another category: Geriatric Trick. We are too old to date young attractive girls. Strippers, however, are happy to see us in the club or OTC.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    A PL is someone who has lost control of their life. It is not something to be ashamed of, it just happens.

    For me it was a death trap of a marriage, so destructive that it was very hard for me to terminate it and then to build back.

  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    there's only a select few of women per club that would be considered "out of your league" attractive. Most of them seem to just be more readily willing to take their clothes off than non strippers. THen again, I'm not really in this catagory, as I have a gf but not married, but also very comfortable with talking with ladies. I do best at the grocery store with the tatted up glasses types ^_^
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I like how divorced guys who lost half their shit can nonetheless feel superior because they are "a catch".
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Thing is I do pick strippers up without p4p and have had some ask me to manage them.

    But as a customer I go to either sit at the bar have a few drinks and people watch. Of I like drinking and partying with strippers.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ paying a stripper's tip out for the night is, in fact, P4P.

    Add providing her drugs and you are definitely in P4P GFE territory, icee.

    But keep telling yourself you don't P4P so you can sleep at night. 🤭🤡
  • WiseToo
    3 years ago
    Using strip clubs as a form of therapy is an interesting thought. The alternative of going to a doctor / shrink is possible, but may not be the optimal choice because a doctor / shrink may be clueless about the benefits of a strip club experience.

    I suggest there could be a lobbying effort to require health insurance companies to include a "strip club benefits" rider in their plans for men. It would be less costly for the insurance company to cover the cost of some lap dances or VIPs each year than pay a doctor / shrink. It would be a win-win experience for all.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    @shailynn: I'm a Married PL for sure, you 100% nailed it.

    @meat: "Strip Club PUA" is hilarious! That term should get added to the glossary. How do we do that?
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    let me guess, you're divorced? I'm with minnow. While you're correct that we all are Married, Divorced, or Never Married, the descriptions aren't so much correlated with those classes. And even within the classes the descriptions some aren't really strongly linked.

    I'm unmarried, but I much, much more closely align to your description of divorced. I know several divorced guys who fit more into the never married description. Many of them weren't capable of marriage but tried anyway, when it failed they turned to strippers as a replacement for the affection that's now missing for their lives. I can't imagine they don't drive strippers nuts, hell I've stopped hanging out with some of them as they were too emotionally needy with me. As Rick pointed out, many of them while successful have less disposable income since much is tied up in alimony and child support. Even the married guys, again as Rick said, the guys I know who are married but hit up strip clubs do so for the variety. If they simply wanted "more" a girlfriend or mistress would likely be a more effective option. Some of them also fit into your never married description, incapable of marriage yet still married. Often "for the kids" but still with a need for affection that goes unfilled at home. I'd say its a 50/50 split on my married friends aligning to your description the Divorced or Never Married categories. I don't know any who'd fit cleanly in your description.

    Sure, there's some married dudes who simply can't get enough and hit up clubs for more. And there's some divorced guys who line up with your description too. For sure, there is abso-fucking-lutely some never married dudes who fit the bill. But overall I don't think you'll bat .500 with those generalizations.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Shailynn, my buddy, my friend, Did you ever watch “Fargo” when police chief Marge Gunderson says.

    “I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Lou."

    I thought about that quote when reading your Bullet Point #3. I’ve never been married and I’m the first to admit I’m undoubtedly a first class PL, but not for the reasons you say. When I was young I was incredibly shy and fat. Not a good combination for dating.

    It seems girls will date ugly thin guys but rarely ugly fat guys. And the older I got I just enjoyed being single. I liked being independent. I could be wrong but I don’t think I fit that creepy, stalker stereotype. And I don’t think I’m that unique. Or maybe I am.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Overall this probably covers the majority of regulars.

    Obviously it's missing the dudes who don't buy dances. The hard hat lunch guys and the happy hour/weekend night Bros.

    I'm curious how common Ethical Non Monogamous guys are. Probably varies a lot by region but I'm lumping in any guy in a relationship whose partner tolerates or enjoys clubbing with him. I'm guessing it's a small slice, but I do know there are older women who give up on sex but allow their guys to have a hobby.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I'm similar to motorhead, only add in Catholic guilt.

    At first, SCs were a way to safely talk and flirt with women. I never had white knight fantasies but definitely thought about a couple more than was healthy.

    I came into my own, socially, but still liked (and still like) the subversive, socially-frowned-upon aspects of strip clubbing.

    Now, I both actively date and strip club. It means I have high standards for dating. I don't date women I'm not 100% into just for sex when I know I can get it elsewhere without commitment.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I knew the guys that were never married would take issue with this. Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone. I just wonder how much percentage it applies to all PLs.

    As for me, I’ve been married for over 20 years, got married right out of college, although I do not have any kids. After all the shit my marriage has been through, I don’t think I’ll ever be divorced although there are time when I envy you divorced/never married guys.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    When I was single I was a PL. When I had an SO I was a PL. Now married I am a PL. It doesn't matter what my relationship status is or how much sex I get or how good looking my SO is, I still go to strip clubs regardless.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    The number of men who can't get married is not as high as is commonly believed. It's not a situation where most women are hot 20 year olds but most men are fat bald middle aged guys. There are a lot of unattractive women walking around. The percentage of the female population that is unattractive is equal to the percentage of the male population that is unattractive.

    The unattractive men and unattractive women could marry each other but the problem in many cases is they want someone out of their league and waste time chasing after members of the opposite sex they have no chance with. The unattractive men never get married and are portrayed as losers who can't get a girl. The unattractive women never get married and end up as middle aged cat ladies who often use the government welfare state as a substitute for a male economic provider but usually aren't similarly portrayed as losers.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This is a very good set of categories - and it provides for a very interesting discussion as well. I’m part of category 2. I was an idiot, and I may still be an idiot, but I was more of an idiot when I was married and in full PL mode.

    I will reach the Geriatric Trick category (mentioned by JackSlash) in the upcoming decade. I don’t mind that category either, it’s the truth.

    I am less interested in hotties - and more interested in finding the filthiest girl in the club. It’s always a treat to find a girl who is honest and upfront about her enjoyment of being a very dirty girl (or woman). That is part of why I am attracted to strip clubs - as sluttiness is less discouraged.
  • yahtzee74
    3 years ago
    >The percentage of the female population that is unattractive is equal to the percentage of the male population that is unattractive.

    I don't think so. I've seen studies that say women only consider 20% of men attractive while men find 80% of women attractive.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ a lot of married guys club, there's a ton of members here that are married including me. I don't club when I am at home, but I travel a good bit for work and that is when I club. If I didn't travel for work (or travel solo for fun for that matter) I would very rarely club. For one reason I do not want to be seen clubbing in my small town, and the few clubs that are left after COVID suck anyway.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    Remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder or “beer holder”, “vape holder”, “crack pipe holder”, etc etc etc

    From a Seinfeld episode

    JERRY: Elaine, what percentage of people would you say are good looking?
    ELAINE: Twenty-five percent.
    JERRY: Twenty-five percent, you say? No way! It's like 4 to 6 percent. It's a twenty to one shot.
    ELAINE: You're way off.
    JERRY: Way off? Have you been to the motor vehicle bureau? It's like a leper colony down there.
    ELAINE: So what you are saying is that 90 to 95 percent of the population is undateable?
    ELAINE: Then how are all these people getting together?
    JERRY: Alcohol.

  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    I think strippers are more comfortable with married guys for several reasons, majority will go home and keep business itc, not get attached, and generally have their shit together meaning what time and $$ they do have will be used efficiently to procure said service. Most have jobs allowing g a little discretionary entertainment funds.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “Thing is I do pick strippers up without p4p and have had some ask me to manage them.”

    Pics and Vids of the strippers “asking you to manage them” or it didn’t happen.

    You also wrote:

    “I like drinking and partying with strippers.”

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    ^^ Could totally hear Jerry"s voice saying "UNDATEABLE!"
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    The truth is harsh - and the standards differ for men and women.

    If 20% of men are attractive to women - that seems very high. Men are generally filthy creatures. We are hairy, smelly, prone to bodily noises. When we get cleaned up, we are still filthier than most women are on bad days.

    On the other end, men can find many women attractive - if the woman will have sex with them. So, 80% is still a high number, but that probably adds women who are true beauties and women who guys think would look good if they were accessible - and it likely adds in women who aren’t attractive but who might not be choosy at all (ie women who guys think they could fuck).

    When I was in college, I had a reputation for hooking up with girls who were complete slobs. I had sisters and they were brutally honest with me. I attempted to justify my actions by finding certain qualities in the girls I hooked up with - but my decisions were honestly cringe worthy. So, my choices of strippers don’t come as a shock to me…
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    >I've seen studies that say women only consider 20% of men attractive while men find 80% of women attractive.

    If that's true, and I've seen those studies too, then it is the women who primarily are the ones with unrealistic expectations and inflated notions of their own attractiveness. If you have a hundred men and a hundred women but the women think only twenty of the men are good enough for them many of them are going to be disappointed if they want a monogamous marriage because there aren't enough men they think are attractive to go around. The math just doesn't add up. So, if this is the situation, you can't really say the men who aren't married are mostly not sane/stable/capable enough to be married. Some of them are sane/stable/capable enough to be married but the women are wasting time trying to get men as husbands they have no chance with.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Fortunately, it doesn't seem that women prioritize looks the way that men do. While it's typical to see hot women with average looking guys, it's not very common for guys with above average looks to hang out with below average looking women. I've been lucky enough to hang with a few women that were above my pay grade in my life.
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