Does anybody remember TUSCL meet ups?

Bacon props!!
Pre-COVID PLs would meet up at random clubs nationwide, generally organized by some well respected member who knew the better clubs in his local area. Do you think pandemic has killed these circle jerk meet ups for good, or can guys eventually celebrate in common the joy of having some good pussy in your lap while chasing down your favorite beverage one day?
There has to be an all star line up to make a grand return if a large turnout could ever be attained with the likes of LDK, Juice, Rick Dugan, and Dr. Phil dot? Or Maybe I’m just too old for this and should lay down to take a nap.
last commentMeet-ups are not very successful - hardly anyone shows - it's hard to get people in one place at one time
OldWhiteGuy, Ishmael, Skibum, Rockie, bostonfinance, and I have meetups at Desire Providence all the time.
We just don't know it.
^^^ that goes on a lot here at our local clubs. It’s happens a lot, but few are in attendance.
Jim, you need to supply the bacon. Maybe that would get more PLs to show up.
Since being fully vaccinated, I've met up with a couple TUSCL PLs and a TUSCL dancer in Detroit clubs. But organizing a large gathering is a lot of work (I know from experience) and many members who promise to come never show. I'm talking about you Juice.
Jim a few years back you asked for a meet up in Miami at the Body Club, but you never followed through, do you remember ? Bacon to you
While there are guys here that I would enjoy having a drink with, I think that those guys are like me and work the club better on our own. The guys I would want to meet would probably do a shot with me and then we would go on our own way.
Twentyfive, you were the only one to respond and I was in no shape to lock down a solid time with the gig I was running in Miami that day. Sorry, maybe when I’m retired and can nap all day I’ll have more time. Kids take a big bite out of your day when you’re trying to raise them right and not be like their father.
First off at that time I wasn't retired, and you asked for responses, I didn't initiate contact that was you, so if you just want to troll and throw out insults go fuck your self stupid fucktard Again Bacon to you.
No big meetups on my end. I've met 10 tuscl members. Largest meetup was 3, most of the time just 1 other member. While it was nice to chat with someone with common interests, chit chat didn't last more than 10 minutes before we pursued our respective "activities".
Holy shit Twentyfive, where the fuck did that come from??!! Did your ATF reject you or something and you’re projecting your shortfalls on me??
Still trying to see where I insulted you, trolled, and made any promises to you that I didn’t keep? I’ve met a couple of PLs from this site, but now I can see why some would be hesitant. Try Metamucil, that will help you unwind. Their crackers are delicious!!
maybe when you're retired and can nap all day would be considered insulting, point was simple you requested responses I responded, you had time to make shit posts about every thing else, Like I said fuck off troll oh yes bacon to you.
It doesn’t seem like there are many seattle based PLs, and if we did have a meet up here, I’d be afraid that out of town PLs would think our clubs are too divey (probably fair) and lame for not serving booze (definitely fair). Though I do fantasize about buying scrubby an extra dirty daytime dance or two at our local extras clubs and then saying “see I told you I wasn’t club ad-ing!”
Twentyfive, I like when you talk dirty! It shows how passionate you are for me. I change my mind about creating an all star lineup, and you definitely need to be added for the entertainment factor. Holding a grudge for this long would be delightful as you reminisce and gossip about all your past dancers who’ve slighted you at your local clubs. Maybe 11even is more your style, or Tootsies? Definitely don’t seem to be a Body Clubber, 2 bits!!
Metamucil is great for keeping regular, but keep eating that bacon you’ll be getting a bypass and taking statins before your able to retire Retirement is great, sorry you’re probably not gonna make it to there.
I was part of 2 meet ups at the Columbia SC Platinum Plus in 2007 and 2009. We called them conventions. Read the following discussions for the 2009 event.
I've met over 60 TUSCL members. Most of them at Follies. I think there were 2 or 3 times that we had small informal groups of 4-6 show up there. They were fun even though it was crowded. I don't think there will ever be another Follies. So I doubt there will ever be another meet up in Atlanta.
Jesus two bits! You’re looking for ways to be victimized, first by stating Rick Dugan makes fun of your religion and children and now this? You got too much time on your hands to be holding long grudges like this, and in my case we never agreed to a time or place. I just threw out the topic to see what interest there was, and k owing you were the only response to my request was hardly calls for action!
I didn’t know you thought I had asked you out on a date. Well anyway to prove how butt hurt you are over minuscule things, seems yiu thought I was trolling you with my “nap” comment, when in fact it had nothing to do with you since I used the “nap” in my opening post regarding my age (considering retirement soon). Well anyway, spending time with my kids seems safer than meeting angry old members like you from an anonymous website. Thanks for answering my question so subtly…..
^ Sure thing said by the troll who pretends to be the lamest non-funny comedian of all time Bacon bits to you
^^^ sure thing. We all know you’re a mentsch, right?
^I personally don't believe that you went to the Body, and everyone knows Dean's doesn't get started till later like after ten so my opinion is, you are complete fraud and as much of a liar as ZIcee
BTW I personally have met well over 26 Tuscler's and spoken by phone to 4 others, only twice have we had more than 8 or 9 members in attendance, both times at Tootsies, first time was 5 or 6, second time nice spice organized it and I believe 8 or 9 showed up so gassy if you really weren't a punk you'd meet several easy I'm sure, but it's irrelevant because I doubt very many would have an interest in meeting with an undependable jerk.
I have read about fellow members meeting ITC a few times in the past. That’s fine.
If things work out so that a group can get together, it could be great to put a face to a screen name.
This thread reminds me that the council has not had a meeting in a long time. I’ve spent too much time driving around in an alcoholic fog and bangin’ sexy female hairless apes that I haven’t gotten together with my rick buds to drive around in an alcoholic fog and gangbang sexy female hairless apes.
Maybe we should do a rick meet at the dugan’s favorite club. You all know the place. You’re welcome to show up and watch our ninja awesomeness from across the room. Maybe by us a few drinks to make it clear how much you worship us.
We’ll let you know when this goes down. Especially the Daddillac ape so he can show up and apologize. ROAR!!!
Here you go 2 bits(25), a reminder of what you got your panties all tied up in a knot for. Basically it affirms that you’re being the troll on this thread, as the apology was given nearly 5 years ago at the time as I had a good reason to not respond and even stayed so at the time and again in this thread before you went off the rails, so stop trolling my thread for the sake of trolling.
I will ask you again, are you a mentsch or not, because you’re response appear to make you seem senile and weak? Maybe get some new braces so you can get around better, my mentsch?
===> "You’re looking for ways to be victimized, first by stating Rick Dugan makes fun of your religion and children and now this?"
Huh? I'm confused. I would never make fun of the religion of another God fearing Christian. I think I've been wrongly accused.
^ Those would be sensible words if you didn’t believe that Mr. 25 was Jewish. And they would be reasonable words if the anti-Semitic sock puppets that I’ve been told you run (in PMs) did not exist.
But I have a hard time believing the words of a guy that invented a fictional wife and children to discuss on a titty bar web site. We see through you Mr. Dugan.
^ Last I heard 25 enjoys bacon cheeseburgers and celebrates Christmas. When did he become Jewish?
Sheesh it's hard to keep up on these things around here. But I have no problems with the tribe either, so I'm not sure how I could possibly be anti-Semetic.
^ I was under the impression that Christians didn't lie and bear false witness against others or am I wrong ?
You must understand Mr. 25 that Mr. Dugan is a twisted individual that has been definitely been shown to be the creator of a fictional wife and fictional children. It is hardly surprising that he would lie about other things.
I understand Doc, RickiBoi not only is a fictional character IRL he probably looks just like that character Pee Wee Herman, come to think of it wasn't that guy actually arrested for performing homosexual acts in an adult movie theatre in Jacksonville, I don't believe in coincidences do you ?
When's the next big meet up anyway
^ Ask RickiBoi, if he hosts I'm gonna show up just to ask him a few questions F2F, so he can't weasel out of them, and I'll get one of our members who I'm friendly with to video, just to post here so he can't get away with weaseling out of answering
The Shady Lady - Salina, Kansas, seems to be the nearest strip club to the Geographic Center of the USA
let’s all meet up. The dancers can teach us about wheat and we will introduce them to evolution
===> "^ I was under the impression that Christians didn't lie and bear false witness against others or am I wrong ?"
Did I lie? About what? Do you not like bacon cheeseburgers? Do you not celebrate Christmas?
And I definitely didn't lie about my respect for those who keep their Jewish heritage alive. It takes and extraordinary amount of dedication. It really is too bad that so many former members of the tribe have chosen to abandon their customs and heritage for the sake of blending in.
No son I really don't like bacon cheeseburgers, as far as Christmas is concerned when have I ever mentioned celebrating that holiday, tell us though have you ever been arrested for public indecency, because it seems to be a public record, I guess that's your little secret
I get it - grilled cheese with bacon is more your speed. Those big ass burgers must be tough to wrap your dentures around.
But I clearly remember those wonderful Christmas celebrations you have with those lucky grandkids. There's no shame in that 25. You are far from the only person in this country to decide that Judaism is just too hard to bother passing down to your children. 50% of Jews in the U.S. intermarry and end the traditions for good.
But to say that I'm anti-Semitic couldn't be any further from the truth. If anything I probably have a stronger understanding of the Jewish faith than you do and definitely more than your grandkids ever will. I have always found adherence to those traditions and the sacrifices that are made worthy of much respect.
That is quite the speech RickiBoi, it's now out in the open, you're a bigot and I hope to run into you at some point you are afraid of Dadillac, I'll only tell you he's the least of your worries.
You interpreted THAT as bigoted? You're even more delicate than I thought. At least you stopped accusing me of anti-Semitism so that's a start I suppose.
As far as the rest, believe what you will, but I'm not hiding. ;)
we'll see what happens RickiBoi I don't need to accuse you of anything you just tossed it out front and center for all to see
The word is MENSCH No T. Desires would be a great meet up place and so would Florida.
This thread is possibly why some guys aren't anxious to meet up...
I had a meet up at Desires yesterday, with Ivanna, my life is good.
@Ishmael: my thoughts as well! =|
Come on Mr. Ishmael, guys ripping on each other for laughs is a time honored tradition. Most of the time it’s just for laughs.
Then you meet some weirdo that has done something out of bounds, like claim to have a wife and kids when he doesn’t or claim to incessantly drive drunk or ____ (fill in the blank with some other example of Dugan’s douche behavior).
Then you mean it. You still get some laughs because what would be the point of interacting with a douche except to get some laughs.
You’re welcome
^ Labeling anyone else's behavior as "douchey" when you spend your days trolling a strip club discussion board is...interesting. I suppose it beats what you'd otherwise be doing - it's widely known that Internet trolls share many characteristics with pedophiles - but nonetheless it ranks pretty low on any socially acceptable totem pole.
^ douchbag if you have something to say, try saying it to my face you phoney coward, else it’s way part time for you to shut the fuck up, guaranteed if you said to my face what you say hidden behind your keyboard here, you’d have a need for dentures and more.
25, wrong account by chance? You're responding to a comment aimed at Phil.
But hey, I get it. You saw the word pedophile and immediately assumed that I was talking about you. Given what you've posted over time I think we all understand why.
My argument hasn't changed.
RicklBoi's M.O. hasn't changed in all of his years posting here, same sniping from behind his keyboard, claims to be out in the open but he's hiding shaking like the beaten dog we know he is. @CMI I have met many of our fellow board members never have I had a bad meeting, your argument really doesn't hold water. We all know I'm hardly the only one that can't stand that lying prick.
Yes CMI, they liked to swap stories about 14 year old girls on sailboats. I'd avoid 25 too if I were you - he's probably being monitored by an FBI task force.
^ Unlike you I don't come on a website telling people how they should practice their religion, or how they should be raising their children. Bigoted motherfucker
Jesus Christ, how butt sore can people get about others commenting on an anonymous website? Well if I was ever to be invited to a local meet up, it will be with trusted members who dont have any outwardly anger issues. Take it out on your atf and pay her for her services!
Even though there isn’t a direct yes or no response to the OP’s question - I think the discussion here is a good reason why we don’t have meet ups.
If I were to do a "meet-up", then I'd get in touch via PM with the local TUSCLers with whom I already get along.
I'd never post publicly, "Hey, we're getting together at X club on X date. Open to all local randos!" Because there are local guys who are on here that I never want to meet based on their reviews, comments, or other interactions.
A lot of people who post here are pretty normal guys who are overly horny. But there are several other guys who are each a scratch-and-sniff book of abnormal psychology.
I don't want to know those guys, let alone meet them.
That’s fine for you still doesn’t invalidate the many meets I’ve had with like minded guys and gals you do you, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having an open meeting,
I’m waiting for my invite to one of Juice’s meet ups. That’s sure to go quite well, except we’re limited to flying into tye Smoky mountain range to do it.
A Juice meet up would be great!
We meet at the Wawa - buy some scratch offs - a few cans of malt liquor - and a few bags of funyons - and sit on folding chairs watching folks pull up to get gas!
If anyone gets a winning scratch off ticket - we know who’s buying at Waffle House!
This has been a valuable thread,cuz at least now I know why no one will party with me at desires lol.
^ You seem like a cool guy. And you like spinners, I like 'em stacked. I'd party with you.
I have never attended a formal "meet up" but as Ishmael suggests above, I have often met with one, two or three locals at a club in a city that I am visiting. I have done this method both pre and during Covid. I am really a guy who clubs mostly by myself, but a number of the guys that I have met have been extremely helpful to me and hopefully I have helped them in return. I think that almost all of them are really decent guys and contribute positively to our society. I see no reason to change this approach, but probably will not ever do a larger meet up.
Been to 3 meet-ups:
Have been at Follies where there's been 4 or 5 other TUSCLers but it wasn't a formal meet-up - I just posted a thread stating I was gonna be there from out of town and met a few other TUSCLers thru shadowcat
Have met ~30 TUSCLers usually 1-on-1 in my almost 10-year-TUSCL-career (mostly out-of-town TUSCLers coming-down/visiting Miami were I live).
When I'm hard-up for clubbing I prefer to club-alone - when I meet w/ someone it's more to hang and socialize and trade some SC stories and experiences.