
Comments by driver01

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One-night stand
    And then there is always the possibilty she may be easing her own guilt.. Perhaps SHE had a one nighter herself and this is her way of leveling the playing field. Just a thought... If you do find a way to make this "gift" from your wife a reality, keep it to yourself. A lot more downside to you telling your wife you had sex with another woman than any potential upside, no matter what her motivation for presenting you such an enticing birthday present. Things are not always what they seem and if it sounds to good to be true, yada yada yada...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dollar coins replacing dollar bills.....how would that affect your clubbing?
    There is a restaurant/bar i frequent that does not utilize $1 bills at all. TheIr smallest coin is a quarter. They have $ coins and $2 bills and up.. Bartenders like it- fewer bills to count at the end of the shift.. The valets like it... I started getting my change in $2 bills as it was a bit of a novelty to me when they started doing it and bringing them with me to my local sclub... It was kind of funny because the dancers at first thought the $2 weren't real... Frankly, i'm surprised more businesses with tipped employees haven't adopted this practice of $2 bills...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A Dancer's Dilemma
    Or she could move to Tampa and dance at Mons Venus... come in when you want, leave when you want, pay the house $45 for the shift. No DJ to pay but you have to feed the $1 juke box when you go up on stage to do your stage thing... No VIP area to split fees between you and the house. No one counting your lapdances and wanting their cut. You pay your $45 and that's that.... at least that is my understanding from more than a few of the dancers there. I'm sure someone here will correct me if it is otherwise-- Given the very high fees charged to dancers at many if not most clubs around the country, the fee structure at MONS looks like a bargain for the dancer to me. Interesting contrast to what the club charges the patron-- $20 at the door and $25 a song for a lap dance in the wide open, no place to hide couches that line the wall- not exactly discount pricing--lol. But Redner's business model absolutely draws very attractive women to work there and the guys keep coming. The physical club itself is small and anything but a wow-- I'd imagine his mortgage is non existent at this point given how long it's been there and the $$ that roll through-- the proverbial cash cow for him and the dancers can make good money without having to shell out 1/2 a car payment every time they work a shift. Seems like a win-win-win scenario. Unless, of course you're one of those guys that want s HJ/BJ, etc inside the club- this won't be a win for you. It will, however, be an experience with one of the best looking women you didn't get an extra from- so there is that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Will rich pedophile finally face justice? Polanski arrested in Switzerland
    As I understand it, he took topless photos of this 13 year old after showing her a Vogue magazine saying that she could be a model just like the girls in the magazine. He then took her down to Jack Nicholson's house, did the jacuzzi and got her drunk with champagne and gave her some drugs to get her even more loopy. He then took her into the house and while she kept asking to go home he took off her underwear and went around the world sexually with her. She testified that she was afraid of him and just wanted to go home... This girl was 13... I'm wondering if this guy would get the pass so many seem willing to extend to him were he say... a Catholic Priest or a school teacher or a police officer or a Doctor or a College athlete or your neighbor... I'm thinking not so much... Of course, I'm not a fan of 44 year old men who exploit, manipulate and then have sex with 13 year old girls-- but that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    At the end of the day, like most things vice or not-- the moral law is trumped by the law of supply and demand.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm looking for a stripper in Vegas who looks like this...
    Aren't we all.... been looking for her since 1979:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "jack point" in Tampa?
    Me too Clubber...I heard the same thing--lol. Of course, there is always the Pink Pony-- never had anything but a good time there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    best club in Tampa for "extras"
    Hmmm... your very first day of membership. No posts or reviews. And you ask about the best clubs in Tampa for extras and the names of dancers who would oblige...Well now, let's see... Hmmmm I'm thinking you should check out the Tanga-- And I'm betting the boys here in Tampa will back me up on this. Probably the best combination of strong talent and extracurricular activity ever put under one roof here in Tampa. I remember Celeste, Heather, Candy and Jordan as being most accommodating. The club is a little tough to find these days but if you have a car just drive over near the Hyatt as if heading to Clearwater. The club was on the right-- and as I said, you may have a tough time finding it but just keep driving. If you hit the Gulf, you've gone to far so turn around and head back to Tampa-- this time look on your left. If you get to the airport, you've gone to far again so just turn around and head back the other direction, this time looking for the club on your right. If you do find it, please post back and let us know how it went. Happy Hunting and no need to thank me-- you are welcome.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is this a real man?
    Of course it's an idiotic point. Gee Clubber, ya think??? Thanks for playing...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is this a real man?
    Gee Clubber, ya think???????...I had no idea...lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is this a real man?
    So old men pay younger women for sex? Are you kidding me? Really? I am shocked. I always thought the Donald Trumps of the world who marry women 30 plus years their junior were just extremely charismatic, likeable kind of guys. WOW..it never occurred to me that money might be the aphrodisiac attracting these "younger women." Damn, if the Donald Trumps of the world are paying to marry younger women, maybe shadowcat is on to something- he just pays to fuck em- doesn't actually have to pay their bills too. LMAO- this whole discussion keeps popping up every now and again. And it never fails to amuse me that some of the "younger" men want to chastise the older members for paying younger women/dancers for sex. Yet, these same "younger" men have no problem paying the same women for the priviledge of ogling them in all their naked glory. Pay them $$ for sex-- bad. Pay them the same $$ just to look and cop a feel during a lapdance?-- not bad. The irony is not lost...lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Married Men Who Have Paid Sex with Strippers Inform Their Wives?
    Bobbyl...Sounds like a very noble and honorable approach you have come up with. I'm thinking maybe you ought to test it out at your casa and then report back here on how it worked out for you...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is the worst thing you ever did to an ex gf/bf?
    Not break up with her sooner...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    Ok, I'm sure it's just me but I am less interested in how I am pleasing the dancer and more interested in how she may please me. Something about being the customer... I continue to be amazed at the amount of time spent here talking about the obvious. The question of knowing if one has "pleased a stripper with something beyond cash" is a universal one applicable to any and all relationships predicated and/or continued based on a financial consideration. I pleased my doctor by dropping the 10 extra pounds he asked me to on my last visit. I pleased my lawyer by insisting on a prenup with my fiance. I pleased my real estate agent by painting my house prior to putting it on the market. I pleased my secretary by closing my office door so that I could not overhear her personal phone calls thus causing me to give her shit about spending too much time on personal phone calls. Pleasing a stripper with something beyond cash is no more difficult than pleasing anyone else you have a business or pseudo-business relationship with. I suspect that for some here( though certainly not all) the best non-monetary gift you could give a stripper is to get a life that involves more than dreaming up non-monetary ways to make a stripper happy... Gotta go, I'm writing a poem for my favorite stripper entitled-"How do I make you happy with things other than cash-- let me count the ways"...lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    Or it could be that a kiss is just a kiss...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn stars as featured performers...
    "What can she do on stage that the regular dancers cannot?" Well, for starters she will get an appearance fee upwards of 5k. Secondly, she'll probably get more patrons to clap. Apparently clapping is important to some here so if you want to hear some good old fashioned clapping to go with the dancing, feature porn stars are a good way to go.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    Lol-- at Mons you'd have to start clapping the moment you entered and not stop until you were leaving as there are always at least 4-5 girls dancing on the single center stage and they rotate off one dancer at a time after each song. While clapping may be the typical way audience members show their appreciation in non-adult theatrical settings, I'm thinking most dancers would feel more love if you used those hands to apply some cash to the inside of her garter as opposed to clapping them together.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    Answer-- Try this-- I'm a real good boyfriend one hour at a time every couple of weeks.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Since you asked, I think fair at a MINIMUM would be to compensate her for lost revenue at the club on the days she misses plus the $300 you normally pay her when you hook up with her plus and extra hundred or so a day for her daytime play money while you are out "working your ass off". I presume you don't expect her to sit in the hotel room all day waiting for you to come home?? If you know her as well as you portend, why don't you just ask her? She might be stupid enough to go just for the vacation and if that works out-- good for you, maybe. It may be a short week but even a short week is a long time to spend with a stripper-- really...I like the go alone and find a new hourly friend in the large city you are visiting each night Plan- but that's just me...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another TUSCL change.
    Perhaps I misunderstand your post but I am still able to access posts 26 and beyond just fine...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    I'm sorry...what'd you say?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    "she has been my woman for 3 years"--- yea, that statement pretty much says it all. Leonard, call your momma on this one- that's what confused and needy boys do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be careful in your OTC relationships with strippers.
    Pre-paid cell phones are your friend...I have two.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clearwater/Tampa Florida Clubs
    Go to the "strip clubs by map" feature at the top of the page. Click on florida and center the map such that clearwater is near the bottom and Pasco/new port richey is near the top-- gulf of mex on the left--tampa on the right. Every strip club in the area then appears on the map with a corresponding reviewers score on the right. As you will see, all of the scores for clubs in Clearwater are very low and from my experience, that is as it should be. A drive up US 27 from Clearwater to New Port Richey/Holiday will yield good results at Bare Assets and perhaps Brass Flamingo. Once you venture over to Tampa, Mons Venus- 2001- and Ybor Strip(Scarlett's) are the clubs to go to. The former clubs mentioned are all nude and serve alcohol. The latter clubs in Tampa are all nude but no alcohol. These are probably your best bets given your limited time in the area. Hope you have a car rental-- cab fare would be a bitch from Clearwater to any of these clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    She moved...
    Could it be Jablake, that you received this alleged PM on April 1st?? Hmmmm.... let's see, what is April 1st? Hmmmm....