Dancer kisses. what to they mean?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

On the cheek. Nothing. Same as a hand shake.

On the lips I like you as a friend.

DFK. If you got the money lets fuck.


last comment
avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

Sorry, shadowcat, I don't agree that there's a set rule here. I've made out with some dancers like I was in high school again, yet we never fucked. And I've had others I've fucked silly, and we've never kissed. Go figure.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

On the cheek: ick, I'm scared to kiss you on the lips!

On the lips: if I get this I'll get DFK

DFK: fuck me OTC: I'll let you do anything you like.

avatar for driver01
16 yrs ago

Or it could be that a kiss is just a kiss...

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


I don't think a "kiss is just a kiss". I know the way i would kiss my mother sure isn't the way I kiss my wife. They do mean something, and not always affection. Just ask an Italian.

avatar for CarolinaWanderer
16 yrs ago

Clubber, it sounds like you are setting yourself up for a game of the dozens!

avatar for arbeeguy
16 yrs ago

what is a game of the dozens?

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Good question, but likely some BS from ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman.

avatar for AbbieNormal
16 yrs ago

On the cheek. "I want your money."

On the lips: "I want your money."

DFK. "I want ALL your money."

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Brilliant, AN. Hint: they always want all of your money.

avatar for David9999
16 yrs ago

on the cheek (nothing)

on the lips (dry) - afraid of germs (typical AMP girl style)

on the lips (wet) - if anything probably sometimes more romantic than DFK

DFK - usually pure sexual, however doesn't mean OTC necessarily

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

arbeeguy: "playing the dozens" is a usually friendly contest where two guys trade insults with each, each person trying to defeat the other by coming up with increasingly better put downs. A typical insult would include a reference to the other person's mother.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


So I hit the nail on the head, "...ikely some BS from ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman."

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

A kiss on the face, they are marking you with their lipstick, property of dancer xyz. Obviously they must think you like being a marked man.

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

Don't think I could play that game with clubber. He dosen't get the concept of friendly.

But If I were to make a mama joke at his expense...

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