strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?

I'm assuming most here don't ever think about the morality issue in a club but still hear me out. And there are 2 sides to this..... I think if we all really got down to the brass tacks we would mostly agree a strip club is not a "good" place. Women are selling sex, or the illusion of, for money to strange men. Strange men who some are married men. Married men theorhetically should not have a naked chick named bambi in their lap. That man goes home (assuming he didn't bang bambi) and "makes love" to his wife while picturing bambis tits that were just in his face. I think most would agree that stripping is a degrading job in the purest sense. The girls usually force themselves to drink or do a bump just to perform. Let's be real...not many of these girls are innocent college students just paying for school. Most are professional liars and hustlers with their main job being teasing and lying to men in order for them to give them cash. No question most girls are not from good homes with mom and dad. Something lead them there. Normal people DO NOT just think one day "hey I'm gonna go sell my nude body to perverts for a dollar". There is a reason you don't see too many dancers with college degrees. Most are prob high school dropouts. I think some dancers have abuse in their past of some sort. I think we could all probably agree that working in a strip club for any duration of time fucks with these girls heads. They probably look at men differently and will do so forever. At the end of the day, these girls are not there because when they were in middle shool they said "when I grow up I'm gonna grind on boners with my thong on and get paid 10 bucks for it". Nobody wants that life. The ones that say they like it and nothing is wrong with it are probably so deep in it they cannot see the forrest for the trees. Chris rock said it best...."they don't give daddys grades, but if your daughter is a stripper, you fucked up".
Ok side b. who defines morality?? My view or right or wrong doesn't set the benchmark. So why do people bitch about clubs and dancers? Its a free country. If a man is dumb enough to pay these girls 500 bucks a night then damn how is it their fault? Why do our lawmakers think they can define right and wrong. Who are you to say that a 25 year old woman cannot expose her tits to a consenting grown man? Nobody put a gun to her head.
Final thought for those that think there is nothing wrong with it..... would it be ok for your daughter to do it? That questiion usually kills this duscussion. No man wants his 18 year old baby girl doing that. And if its not ok for her then we need to remember that although bambi is a fucking slut, she's still someones baby girl. Someones sister. A mother. Etc.
End rant.
Ok side b. who defines morality?? My view or right or wrong doesn't set the benchmark. So why do people bitch about clubs and dancers? Its a free country. If a man is dumb enough to pay these girls 500 bucks a night then damn how is it their fault? Why do our lawmakers think they can define right and wrong. Who are you to say that a 25 year old woman cannot expose her tits to a consenting grown man? Nobody put a gun to her head.
Final thought for those that think there is nothing wrong with it..... would it be ok for your daughter to do it? That questiion usually kills this duscussion. No man wants his 18 year old baby girl doing that. And if its not ok for her then we need to remember that although bambi is a fucking slut, she's still someones baby girl. Someones sister. A mother. Etc.
End rant.
last commentAt least a stripper's lousy job gives us something beautiful to look at (etc.), which imo makes the world a more beautiful place. I also strive to make the world a beautiful place, but I don't get much opportunity to do so on the job. But I very much want to encourage that sort of behavior! Throwing around some money seems to do the trick, and usually makes everyone feel a little better.
WE are the exploited, and I am damn glad to serve.
Although I would not like my daughter to be a SC dancer, I also would not want her to serve in the armed forces, but she is being raised to be able to make her own decisions, of which one is obtaining an education.
And not all dancers are fucking sluts as you call them. I have known many intelligent articulate dancers that are smart enough to know how to make a lot of cash to save for their future needs/goals. The arguments presented by andersonsc IMO are the typical generalist/stereotypes of a disgruntled individual.
IMO the prevalence and success of SC's has nothing to do with morality, but a lot to do with societal hypocrisy.
Everything in a SC is between consenting adults.
I didn't come out of grade school and dream of selling office supplies and nor did the young girl dream of dancing at an SC.
Bottom line is were both being paid to do our 'job' so we can enjoy the earnings with our fam and friends etc.
How ones occupation and morality get thrown together is the same sentence is beyond me.
Reminds of the movie The Godfather: "Don't get me wrong, I don't care what a man does for a living". I hate threads like this because people will just do what they want to, and then rationalize it with statements that can't even stand up to 10 seconds of logical scrutiny.
I also have a 21-year old son. I go to the car wash, and a kid my son's age dries off the car for minimum wage and tips. His life probably sucks, and he probably has no future. I still go to the car wash, and tip him, and don't feel bad about it.
Now I have no problem telling my kids that I go to the car wash. Sometimes they even come with me. I don't discuss my SC visits with them. There is definitely a moral stigma associated with SCs that doesn't apply to car washes. But it doesn't change the fact that working in either one is not a dream job, and that I don't feel badly about tipping the employees at each.
As for me, I've never been comfortable with American norms for morality, especially around sexuality. I'm an unmarried adult. The "girls" in the club are there of their own free will. We're not hurting each other. In most cases, we're enjoying each other's company. The moral turpitude in this situation is pretty obscure to me.
Sort of. But as the OP says many of the girls do what they do because of drug addictions or due to sexual abuse. The most hard core customers (posters here?) are likely playing out their own addiction or other "issues".
Although there is no physical coercion it basically boils down to everyone exploiting everyone else. If your definition of morality says that's ok, then it's a pretty weak definition.
Now, the interesting thing here is that many here will think their ATF/whore/whatever you want to call her is doing what she is doing because she feel for his charm. Girls can hide their real reasons well, especially to customers determined to live in denial. At the same time it is also pointless to try and make such claims to them because their need for denial and to escape cognitive dissonance blinds them from reality.
Anderson, I think if you ask us to "hear you out", you owe us something better than a litany of the most cliched bad things about strip clubs. Let's hear your story. What brings you to this site, and what are you doing in response all this nasty business you bemoan?
If this country would get it's head out of it's ass and legalize prostitution, legalize marijuana, fix the immigration laws and stop deciding who's wrong and who's right, especially those of us who want to PAY for a BJ at the end of the week!
Those who are with me say "AYE"
Sept 2003, John, "Life is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder".
Yeah, a stripper wrote that. Gone but will never be forgotten.
Anybody want to take a field trip to Amsterdam?…
Some comments: First, on the "killer question." Wrong! If my daughter, God forbid,ever faced starvation, not being able to provide for her children or dying for lack of any other job, I would hope that if there was nothing else available, she could find a job stripping. My killer question to you: are you saying the alternatives I've listed above are preferable?
I have known several dancers with college degrees. They are now nurses, CPAs, psychologists, health care providers, social workers, business owners. I have seen their resumes and helped them prepare for job interviews and took pleasure in seeing them find mainstream employment.
I think most of us would disagree with the assumption that strip clubs are bad places. They are places of escape, relaxation and comraderie.
Selling sex? I know of no strip club that bills itself as a sex emporium. But what two consenting adults do together should not be a concern of yours.
Some dancers enjoy what they do. Granted, some do not and struggle with it. But it's their choice and they've made it for various reasons. Who are you to pass judgment on personal choices that may or may not be the right ones for an individual? That's what life is all about.
Most strippers need the big cash from limited hours stripping provides them because they have responsibilities/obligations. More power to them. If not for the job they chose, they might be a burdon on society and our limitedsocial safety net resources. Yes, some have complex issues they must deal with. Wouldn't it be better to help them through these than to persecture them for having difficulties?
And finjally, as it's been noted, strip clubs exist because there is a demand for them. You don't need to be a part of that market if you don't want to.
They want healthcare, we'll give them healthcare:
- Pain medications and marijuana will be covered by insurance
- Getting a prostate massage and exam at your local strip club is also covered by insurance if people decide to
- Asian Massage also is covered as massage therapy by insurance
- And could someone please tell these politicians that getting laid, blown or jerked off once a week is part of "preventative care", I believe (and I am not a doctor) that these enlarged prostate issues happen because men are not getting laid, blown or jerked enough. They tell us we need 8 bottles of water a day, 4 bowls of cereal, 2 glasses of milk, and add 1 getting off to that weekly regiment!
Now if the politicians give us what you suggest, they would probably want to control it which would makle it worse, although I have heard that the medical marijuana is pretty good.
I have heard that south carolina is close to having a 6 foot rule. That's dumb. Its not for columbia to decide what we do.
And without getting specific I know way way way more about sc's than anyone on this board other than a dancer. I know everything involved from a to z. The good and the bad. You "regulars" think you know but you don't. That's what happens. Not many junkies realize they are junkies until its too late.
Isn't this the same guy who was posting he didn't know if his best friend the stripper had ever sat on a hard dick? While it's tough enough to fit their egos on the board as it is, what most of these guys sporting senior discounts have forgotten about clubs is more than the average "I have a stripper friend" poseur will ever see. Good to know that Anderson, SC finally gained access to the internet.
Can Timbuktu be far behind?
AndersonSC- I honestly couldn't give a rat's fucking ass what those people you are referring to think.
Please tell whoever religious, uptight, judgemental pricks who are saying this shit. The United States of America is a free society to think and live within the freedom provided to us. The religious right is likewise afforded the right to practice their religion even though not every one likes christianity and their beliefs. Stop telling others how they should live their lives or try moving to a country where the goverment tells them what to think and believe, how would they like that?
Be free, be happy, mind their own fucking business!
Well I understand it even better than the dancers, so, at best, you are second to me. :-)
This topic is the equivalent of AndersonSC posting:
Everyone who posts here and goes to strip clubs are assholes, but I'm not saying your assholes I just heard you were assholes
Even with that, I believe there's always some cost to the soul that comes with the kind of NSA pleasures that hardcore strip club junkie like us indulge in. I can't agree with those who talk as though it can have no consequences at all. Sex always has consequences. *snort*
Agreed. Interestingly, chandler himself is a perfect example of this "corrupted soul" phenomena.
I just read the Wikipedia article on morality, and it points instances where morality is subjective or certain moral prescriptions are controversial. Like, "killing is wrong", except when you invade a country.
I bet each of us has seen illegal and immoral acts by the thousands in strip clubs (and on the highway, every day). In my mind, this does not then paint all the patrons and strippers with the broad brush of immorality. I like the challenge in life of sorting out the people I meet one at a time.
I don't understand guys who go to strip clubs with the predisposed notion that "they are all whores". They are missing out on a lot, and must leave each time drenched in a stew of self loathing. I usually leave sorry there are only 24 hours in a day!
In the case of strip club addicts they don't want to know what really goes on beneath the surface because, of course, they would then have to struggle with the dilemma that their money is helping keep it going. And of course they will kid themselves that their ATF (often a whore) has no part of it.
Let's talk morality on those fucks, they wrecked this country! I've never heard of a stripper being able to accomplish that.
Could be merely because they lack the competence to accomplish much of anything outside of strip clubs.
your anger is misdirected, while true that investment bankers fit your profile, they were only part of the problem. The public, by buying homes beyond their means and lying about their income, helped by unscrupulous mortgage brokers were the bigger problem. I lived in Phx during the housing bubble and saw first hand the recklessness on behalf of John Q Public and the mortgage industry. Fortunately, I was astute enough to sell my properties and move to TX where the strip clubs are brothels.
As an ex stockbroker, I can agree that they are for the most part clueless. I left the industry after a few successful years to work on my own
tx who said to short treasuries the day before they bottomed, and then said China was going to stop buying treasuries just as they were ramping up their purchases is calling other brokers clueless? Now that is truly too funny!
gatorfan holding "stock brokers" LOL! responsible when they are pretty much the bottom of the financial food chain suggests to me he wasn't being serious.
No, I'd never invest in GoldClub-Sax (unless we consider lap dances as investments, which I actually consider some strip clubs more as sperm banks!)
The OP never said all were the same. Went to lengths to point out there are exceptions. I'm not sure why people make the incredibly obvious point that they are not all the same when no one ever says they are.
Okay, I wrote that and I'm sure at least 5 people agree with me.