
Comments by JC2003 (page 14)

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    19 years ago
    Half of these dancers aren't worth chasing after
    It isn't half of them; it's most of them, maybe all of them. Women working at strip clubs don't have a lot going for them other than their looks, or else they would have found a job doing something else. The only thing that keep strippers doing what they do is that they can make a lot more money stripping than working some shitty minimum wage job. The profession attracts either shallow, materialistic women who will do almost anything to make a lot of money and don't want to work too hard for it or women who are desperate for money because of their circumstances (single mother, drug habit, shopaholics) but not so desperate that they're willing to try other less savory professions.
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    19 years ago
    TUSCL strip club trip
    Good ol' davids. You're going to make a fine abusive, woman-beating boyfriend to some unlucky stripper someday.
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    19 years ago
    Half of these dancers aren't worth chasing after
    Ordinary women aren't much better than strippers, plus most of them don't look as good. So, in a sense, they are "just as good." We're no princes ourselves though. We're the schleps who go to the clubs to see them strip, instead of doing something a little more productive or interesting with our lives. Some of us schmucks even spend an inordinate time in the angry verbal mosh pit known as the Internet pointlessly bickering and bantering about this wretched excuse of a hobby. Every moment I spend here is one more moment I have something in common with a pathetic mentally deranged loser like RomanticLover. That doesn't sit too well with me. I think it's time for me to get out of here.
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    19 years ago
    What was Your Favorites Like? (This is a No Flaming Thread)
    Fuck you. :)
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    19 years ago
    On behalf of all the strippers out there who work at strip clubs to make money, not to chit-chat with losers like you, davids, fuck you. Why not go to a regular club and see how far your sparkling personality gets you with the ladies? Coward.
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    19 years ago
    "Men" Who Brag About Paid For Sex and "Friendships"
    It's asinine to brag about a woman's sex or friendship, regardless of the means by which you accomplished either, because it reveals a part of your nature that craves somebody else's positive estimation of your self-worth. More ridiculous is to crow about not having to pay money for a woman's sex or friendship. It's almost as if, in this wretched state of mind, not paying any money for the attention of a woman who usually asks payment for her services is considered worthy of attention. In a misguided attempt to better himself, he strives to put himself above the deluded souls who pay for company when maybe he should just forget about the others and judge himself on his own merit. That is, if he is actually worth a damn. Then again, it's so much easier to insult and poke fun at those you consider lesser than yourself and achieve an imaginary sense of self-worth in that perverted fashion than it is to accomplish actual noteworthy feats and build self-esteem in a truer sense. Isn't that right, davids? It's so much easier to brag about your imaginary stripper girlfriends than it is to actually have a stripper girlfriend, isn't it, davids?
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    19 years ago
    Normal Clubs
    The only people who enjoy listening to themselves talk are either incredibly vain or mentally unstable. Or, in your case, davids, both.
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    19 years ago
    Where Can Old Men Go to Meet Young Women?
    davids, you seem to believe strongly that only old, pathetic losers post on message boards like these, but guess who is #1 for starting threads here lately? Surprise! It's you. Why not go out and live life and see how it goes? Nobody gives a fuck what you think, because it's obvious that you're full of shit and that none of your bullshit theories actually work worth a damn. If you're such good friends with strippers, why not get one of your stripper friends to log on here and post that she knows you, has sex with you, and dates you? Why not go to the clubs and practice what you preach in your "date a stripper without paying money" gospel and see how far it takes you? Or maybe you would rather just spend your evenings on the Internet with us "pathetic losers" insulting and abusing us rather than going out and spending time with women whose job is take off their clothes, wiggle their ass, and pretend to want to be your girlfriend? And you call me gay... What a fucking joke.
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    19 years ago
    Posters With Crazy "Theories"
    Speaking of assholes, davids' head is so far up his ass that a doctor can just attach a camera to his forehead to perform a colonoscopy.
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    19 years ago
    Help JC Get a Date!
    davids has now officially become an Internet stalker! Congratulations!
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    19 years ago
    The Ultimate Test
    The only difference between you and that guy is that they claim to have 20 years of experience. Your theories are just nutty BS. Just 5 days until davids' account "expires" and he leaves us forever. Woot!
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    19 years ago
    See ya, wouldn't want to be ya. Creep.
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    19 years ago
    I'm Sorry...
    davids, maybe your therapist suggested apologizing to everyone you've offended as some sort of treatment for your psychosis. Whatever. Sometimes you just have to "let go" and start over some place new where everybody doesn't think that you're a total asshole. Just leave and never come back. Maybe one day we'll forget all about you, and "davids" won't be a synonym for "tightwad asshole who thinks he can talk strippers into dating him though he isn't spending money on them." Nah, that'll never happen, haha. Maybe though, someday enough time will pass where the people who still post on this board won't ever have read your posts and know what a prick you were. That could happen. After all, a lot of the old fuckers who post on this board probably won't be alive in 30 or 40 years. Time flies when you're having fun, and not a single man here is going to make it to 2050 alive. Maybe by then you'll realize how fucking lame it is to make fun of old guys who go to strip clubs, aka, the person you're becoming. In the interest of not being a total asshole myself, I'll wish you the best and hope you don't become that old guy in the strip clubs 20-30 years from now. You know, the one who thinks that the 19 year old nubile little hottie loves him for who he is and not for what he has in his wallet and bank accounts.
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    19 years ago
    davids: In Search of a) Forgive b) Redemption
    Nobody cares about you. Piss off already.
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    19 years ago
    How to Let Go?
    You're an insincere son of a bitch. Rot in hell, punk.
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    19 years ago
    TUSCL Gripe: Paragraphs
    Dude, this is the Internet. You should be glad we aren't talking in l33t sp38k and OMGWTFROFLMAOing with ridiculous amounts of emoticons, excessive punctuation, rampant and sometimes intentional misspellings and grammatical mistakes that would make a fifth grader cringe in embarrassment.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Do Hot Young Women React When Approached By Older Men in Regular Clubs?
    If you offer to buy them a drink and you look like you have money, they might not ignore you. Most of the time they'll just ignore you. "Hot young women" in regular clubs are used to being hit on by everything male in the room with the cojones to approach them. Most "hot young women" in the clubs either develop a thick skin to male BS and wind up shacking up with some schlep lucky enough to turn her on and not piss her off by being a total grab-ass tool or creepy son of a bitch. The social scene in the clubs runs the gamut, just like strip clubs. There are glitzy, overpriced, overcrowded clubs where shallow young people go to hook up with other shallow young people. There are the laid-back neighbhorhood clubs where if you don't spend an enormous amount of incredibly dull time trying to get to know the regulars there, you won't get much action. There are total dives where you can find totally desperate unattractive but horny women where you have to get totally liquored up to want to screw. There's always the possibility that you'll get lucky and meet a pretty woman's who lonely, bored, or just horny, and maybe she's juiced up on enough alcohol/drugs/hormones to overcome her inhibitions or impaired her judgment enough so that she'll sleep with you. Unless you're a stud in which case you wouldn't even really need to read books on how to date strippers or spend any time at all on an Internet forum asking questions like these. Not many of us men are studs, of course, and I pretty much can guaran-damn-tee that you and I aren't, davids, considering how much fucking time we waste here bickering and bantering, hiding behind these monitors and the Internet and throwing insults at each other like it's some verbal version of a Quake deathmatch. Hell with this. I should just forget about you like the others have and just ignore you, but life and work has been a bitch lately, and I need to blow off steam. Maybe arguing and ranting on the Web is some strange form of Internet-based hooliganism, and I'm just a drunken chav who's got nothing better to do than to ramble on to no one in particular aka whoever is bored enough with their lives to bother reading this shit.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Tried the TUSCL-Endrossed "Just Pay Them" Strategy: It Sucks
    You think way too much about this, davids, especially about money. Are you always this cheap? Or maybe you're just broke? Just go and have fun, man.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Being Nice to Strippers
    Congratulations, genius, that's a basic pattern for befriending anyone. If you think she might think you're a "loser customer," just blow her off and find someone else friendly. No need to chase someone who isn't interested in you; that's just wrong on so many levels anyway.
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    19 years ago
    Punking Off Loser Strippers
    Fuck body language and hints. Just tell her you're not interested. Part of the job description for being a stripper is being turned down by men all the time.
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    19 years ago
    Seniors Discounts?
    What the fuck do you think this is? AARP?
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    19 years ago
    how to get rid of persona non-grata
    It's spelled "misogynist." It's ironic that davids dislikes the only two people here who still actually read his posts. Founder's anti-censorship, perhaps because this site's probably been dogged by the morally outraged members of the Internet community who don't like the idea of a Web site about strip clubs. I wonder how much hatemail he gets from the religious right about this place.
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    19 years ago
    The ATF marathon
    I think he means "what is the longest time you considered someone a favorite?" It is possible to have more than one ATF if someone who was an ATF is supplanted by another later on. Example: someone is your ATF for five years, and then someone else comes along and becomes your new ATF afterwards. For the five years up until you met your new ATF, the old ATF was your ATF. At any given moment, you can have only one ATF like you said, but over time, you can have more than one.
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    19 years ago
    Any Guys Go To Strip Clubs Because They Are Misogynistic Manipulators
    How long have you been a misogynist manipulator, David?
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    19 years ago
    Who Here Uses Money to Compensate for Lack of Attractiveness
    David, I didn't realize that you were old as well as ugly and pathetic. Good to know. Thanks for sharing.