
How Do Hot Young Women React When Approached By Older Men in Regular Clubs?

How would they react? Are they likely to reject or would they be friendly? Would it be harder to talk to these women than strippers (in which the men could use cash as a safety net?)


  • davids
    19 years ago
    JC: Dude, women in clubs are friendly for the most part. Most enjoy talking to strangers and having a good time. Just don't point out a creep, or horny vibe and you should do just fine. Why all the issues with women, man? What are you going to do about it?
  • baddy
    19 years ago
    I wish I had the balls too approach davids in a club... he is just too cool for me though. :(
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    If you offer to buy them a drink and you look like you have money, they might not ignore you. Most of the time they'll just ignore you. "Hot young women" in regular clubs are used to being hit on by everything male in the room with the cojones to approach them. Most "hot young women" in the clubs either develop a thick skin to male BS and wind up shacking up with some schlep lucky enough to turn her on and not piss her off by being a total grab-ass tool or creepy son of a bitch.

    The social scene in the clubs runs the gamut, just like strip clubs. There are glitzy, overpriced, overcrowded clubs where shallow young people go to hook up with other shallow young people. There are the laid-back neighbhorhood clubs where if you don't spend an enormous amount of incredibly dull time trying to get to know the regulars there, you won't get much action. There are total dives where you can find totally desperate unattractive but horny women where you have to get totally liquored up to want to screw.

    There's always the possibility that you'll get lucky and meet a pretty woman's who lonely, bored, or just horny, and maybe she's juiced up on enough alcohol/drugs/hormones to overcome her inhibitions or impaired her judgment enough so that she'll sleep with you.

    Unless you're a stud in which case you wouldn't even really need to read books on how to date strippers or spend any time at all on an Internet forum asking questions like these. Not many of us men are studs, of course, and I pretty much can guaran-damn-tee that you and I aren't, davids, considering how much fucking time we waste here bickering and bantering, hiding behind these monitors and the Internet and throwing insults at each other like it's some verbal version of a Quake deathmatch.

    Hell with this. I should just forget about you like the others have and just ignore you, but life and work has been a bitch lately, and I need to blow off steam. Maybe arguing and ranting on the Web is some strange form of Internet-based hooliganism, and I'm just a drunken chav who's got nothing better to do than to ramble on to no one in particular aka whoever is bored enough with their lives to bother reading this shit.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Anyone too scared to even try?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Do they think you're a feak? Do you fear they will?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Any guys here over 40 and tried it?
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    You want find many older men in the "regular" clubs unlessen the crowd is an older crowd like 30years old and up. Most of the men 40 and older like to hang out in a "social" club instead of a dance club. Social clubs don't have loud music and they usually don't play stuff like Rap or Rock music. It's just a place where they can sit down with there friends and have a nice drink. Kind of like a "Upscale" bar with a more neighborly atmoshphere. The reason I know this is because I have heard some of the older employees I work with talk about a particular club in town. They like to party as well, but just not around the Young crowd.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Many women in regular clubs are just as friendly as strippers. Some even more so. Instead of paying for conversation with strippers why not talk to nice women in clubs for free?
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