
The ATF marathon

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:55 PM
How long has your longest relationship been (ITC or OTC) with an ATF? I've been going on 3 years on and off with a fav. from Atlanta. Hasn't always been great, but I can't let go either.


  • davids
    18 years ago
    The definition is pretty broken: my first 11 months before I met my ATF didn't count, IMO, but using JC's definition I had many: I barely even talked to strippers during those days. Sure I had favorite strippers, but definitely not "relationships" unless your idea of a relationship is I pay you money you give me dances. Since then I haven't met anyone I've prefered to the ATF, but one is posed to overtake her. It's been about six months since I adopted the spend no money on strippers you really like philosophy: I've had about six friends stick with me through that entire time never expecting a penny. Now if we are talking ATFs who you did not have a relationship with: Yeah I had strippers where it was just about getting dances from them. Absolutely no connection or relationship: Here's your money, baby: dance. In that case I think the longest was 1.0 years. And Yoda's statement is pure non-sense. I am sure he has never even tried it, so how would he know? Like I say at least six months.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Statistics have shown that most dancers will give a guy 2 nights to figure out if he is going to spend money on her or not. After that she cuts him loose.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Thanks guys for explaining this to davids. I see he has to resort to name calling before he figures out this information that you can have multiple ATF's by the way we have been using the term. I obviously hit a nerve when I originally called davids clueless since the name calling started afterwards. I usually ignore rude people who just don't get it. davids I did feel sorry for you for a moment after you said you were serious that your longest favorite dancer relationship only lasted 2 nights, that is until you resorted back to using insults because I actually thought you were not serious and just trying to spite our discussion here.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Nah, you can have as many ATFs as your overenthusiasm allows. All it means is a dancer you're infatuated with. Thus, hyperbole is built into its meaning.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    I think he means "what is the longest time you considered someone a favorite?" It is possible to have more than one ATF if someone who was an ATF is supplanted by another later on. Example: someone is your ATF for five years, and then someone else comes along and becomes your new ATF afterwards. For the five years up until you met your new ATF, the old ATF was your ATF. At any given moment, you can have only one ATF like you said, but over time, you can have more than one.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Again, the question is extremely poor worded: What exactly does he mean by ATF? By definition there is only one: so the question is equivalent to how long did you have a relationship with your ATF. It is also not clear what relationship means here? If you just spent money on her as a customer and she was obligated to pretend she was your friend is that really a "relationship"?
  • travelingthrough
    18 years ago
    I'm a relatively newbie to the ATF phenomenom. I've only known her 6 months, but they have been a whirlwind...
    18 years ago
    Mine has lasted almost 9 years and is still going strong. She was only a dancer for the first 1.5 years though. My most recent fave lasted about 1.5 years but I only saw her about once a month. Those are my 2 longest.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Well, ATF being sort of my top 5 rather than just one, the longest was probably 4 years with her taking about a 1.5 year break from dancing in the middle. We had a falling out at the end. Another was about 2 years.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I don't know how to report on this. I believe I went 6 years, from 1999 (which might be wrong) to October 2005 with my ATF. However, my original ATF has returned into my life recently after being retired, and I first met her 9 years ago. But I don't know if I really want to follow through on her. I know where and when to meet with her, but I personally think I have moved on from her.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    2 nights.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    The longest mostly continuous run I remember was anywhere from 2 to 4 years I estimate. Then I moved and said goodbyes. I remember when we first banged heads together. It was a painful experience but I never forgot her after that.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    T-Bone, my only real long-term ATF lasted about 2 1/2 years, pretty continuously. I've had several very on and off faves I've seen for anywhere from 3 to 7 years. In these cases, the gaps have been as long as 2 years, and I've rarely seen them more than once or twice a month.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Mine lasted 1.5 years, until she left town. Now I'm sharing the $$$ amongst many. Alot less drama for me that way (at least so far).
  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    More honeys with honey than da vinegars.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    casual: you are a complete idiot. Notice that the topic says "ATF" which by definition there is only one of. Anyway it was on out of town trip and we live in opposite corners of the country so was the best I could do. Get a fucking clue, man.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    my condolences to you davids if your longest friendly relationship with a dancer has been 2 days. I believe you on this though.
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