
Being Nice to Strippers

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:17 PM
When first meeting strippers is important not to show excessive interest or attraction. We wait until the stripper begins to show to us that she knows that we are not just another horny, loser customer and that she is interested in us. At that point we start to be friendlier to her. We can continue to be friendly when we like the way she is treating us. In fact it is important that we be friendly and nice to her, so that she begins to like us. If she tries to get us into the loser customer frame, at any point, however, we must "punish" this behavior be briefly withdrawling our attention and approval. As her behavior improves we can begin to escalate the niceness once again. This is the basic pattern to befriending strippers.


  • davids
    18 years ago
    Tropical: Conversation I have had with strippers indicate that many strippers do think of their customers as losers. Sometimes you have to dig down a bit, though. I notice that Mouse has observed similar things while talking to strippers as has chandler.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    JC: Nah, take guys or ugly girls for instance: with them be friendly from the start. Btw, I am sorry your life and job and dating situation is so terrible right now. Why not take the money you would have spent on a couple of SC visit and spend a few hours with a therapist instead?
  • davids
    18 years ago
    I would bet there is a strong biochemical/genetic component. Probably your early upbringing, which you don't exacly have alot of control over plays a huge factor too. But yeah, there are definitely components within your own control. I am sure it is debatable amongst psychologists and philosopher how much the controllable versus uncontrolable factors weigh.
  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    Honestly, I don't know of any strippers who think of the customers as losers. Some guys are aggressive or have weird habits like wanting to slap our butts. If I thought of the customers as losers I wouldn't want to work there. I don't think of people in this manner. I might dislike someone's behavior but I'm not quick to sum a person up with a few derogatory words. If you think of people in such a negative way, it's difficult to be happy. Isn't happiness derived from your thoughts and the way that you react to your experiences in life.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Congratulations, genius, that's a basic pattern for befriending anyone. If you think she might think you're a "loser customer," just blow her off and find someone else friendly. No need to chase someone who isn't interested in you; that's just wrong on so many levels anyway.
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