
What was Your Favorites Like? (This is a No Flaming Thread)

In a recent exchange with Yoda, I got the idea that you might be able to tell stuff about a person by patterns in the strippers who become their favorites. So tell me about what patterns you have noticed in the girls who become your favorites. Could be physical, personality, intellect, background, whatever. Oh, and please let's keep this a strictly no flaming thread. There are plenty of threads for that elsewhere.


  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    davids nice job following your own no flame rule for this thread.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: I think it depends on the type of customer. Guys who just go looking for grinds will usualy try to find the best looking dancer who gives the highest contact. Guys who like to talk (myself included) will try to find dancers more along the lines of the type of woman they would go out on a date with-even if they are not interested in dating them. My preference has always been towards older, more down-to-earth girls. I'm not interested in hard core party girls or early 20 somethings. I have nothing against these types of dancers but they just aren't my cup of tea. I get emails from guys all the time asking about "girls with big tits", "girls with big asses", "girls with tatoos", "girls without tatoos" etc. So I think it's fairly evident that many customers have a type that they prefer. If I have a body type preference it's Short, Natural 34B's, Dark hair, Dark eyes, not too much make up. My type however is based much more around personality than it is around body type.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Fuck you. :)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Dude, I thought you had learned to let go, and left this place?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hey, JC. Are you the same JC as JC2006 on the pink site? Cause that guy posted some really pathetic thread about where a guy in his mid 30s with no dating experience could go to meet when. That patheticness (remenscient of the "how to let go?" thread) and the intials makes think it might be you.
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