I'm Sorry...

avatar for davids
Gentlemen, I am sorry for making so many posts over the past few days.

I realize that everything you have ever said here is completely true and that when I get strippers to date, have sex with, or be my friends w/o paying them I am either

a) delusional or
b) being unethical.

It sure seems real though, and hullcinations or whatever they are are pretty consistent, but I'm sure a psychiatrist will be able to make it all make sense for me. (And maybe show that you are right that RL is one of my "mults" and that I really was burned by a stripper in the past for all my money but just can't remember it now due to repression or something).

Everything you guys have told me over the last year (approximately) is true. None of you are pathetic. I would now like to apologize to each of you individually:

FONDL: For calling you a pussy and criticizing you for paying for conversation and friendship and for compensating women "for their time" OTC. Also for being skeptical when you told me that you can get hot 20 y/o girls like your ATF whenever you want (for free) but just choose to pay since it's the polite thing to do. You are clearly right.

Yoda: For calling you an ass kisser, a liar, shallow and an idiot.

shadowcat: For repeatedly calling you an old man, suggesting there is something wrong with being homophobic, paying for sex, and not caring if the strippers you have paid sex with were sexually abused as children. clearly it does not matter. Also when you do have paid sex with a stripper it is clearly an accomplisment worth braggin about online.

AN: for saying that you are quack, and an alcoholic

chandler: for saying that you are an old man, and had no chance w/ that chick what's her face and you are stupid to think about it three years later. clearly if you had played yourr cards just a little differently when she gave you that look, you would have been in.

JC: for suggesting that you might be gay, and if not that you are definitely a pussy and pathetic

casualguy: for calling you a dumbass

T-Bone: for calling you a bonehead.

driver: for calling your mother a whore. I'm sure she actually a very nice lady. probably nice to lots of people, in fact.

parodyman-->: for suggesting your IQ is in the 60s, that you are obsessed with grossness and excertment and toilet humor and that your wife is 300 lbs, watches jerry springer, while lounging around the couch in your trailer home eating bon-bons and watching jerry springer. You are clearly one of the classiest posters here and I am sure your "human" act is very convincing.

Hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did, drop me a note and I will be sure to get back to you.

love you all,
your friend, always,


last comment
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
......a chance at affection.....
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
There are LOSERS out there who PAY for a CHANCE AT AFFECTION from a stripper while LYING about their EMOTIONAL NEEDS.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Bones, that sounds like a good idea:

providing it's from...

avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Time has gone by and you are still a sorry son of a bitch.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Compensation for time spent......
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Clifbar/davids/RL: Will you be joining your local lacrosse team in the near future?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
You are RL...
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Who is sorry because of lack of EMOTIONAL FULFILLMENT?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
That is the best you can do? Attacking my wife? Though it does not get you on my good side I can't help but feel sorry for you because of your lack of mental development. Just another juvinile move from an all around pussy mother fucker. How sad.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Dude, it's not bullshit. If you put a 300 lb person on a diet, shit, just about any diet, she is going to lose weight. Maybe then you would have something decent to look at at home and won't have to squander your "life" (using the word in merely the biological sense since that is all that is applicable to a SUBHUMAN like you) chasing after strippers who just think you are stupid and gross.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I'm sorry your wife is so fat. You ought to put her on a diet.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Again more BULLSHIT.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
The topic is "I'm sorry..." Well, yes you are. davids you are a sorry individual who has nothing to offer the world other than BULLSHIT! Actually TUSCL posters are the ones who are sorry. Sorry they have to wade through your BULLSHIT posts.
avatar for giveitayank
19 years ago
Can't we all just get along??
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Where are the men who WANT AFFECTION from strippers and are willing to PAY for it?
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Where are the men who are LOOKING FOR EMOTIONAL INTIMACY in strip clubs and are willing to PAY for it?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
JC: "not a single man here is going to make it to 2050 alive"

Dude, it's only 50 years away. Is there some pending apocalypse that I was not informed about.
avatar for baddy
19 years ago
I better be around in 2050, pending the apocalypse of course.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
davids, maybe your therapist suggested apologizing to everyone you've offended as some sort of treatment for your psychosis. Whatever. Sometimes you just have to "let go" and start over some place new where everybody doesn't think that you're a total asshole. Just leave and never come back. Maybe one day we'll forget all about you, and "davids" won't be a synonym for "tightwad asshole who thinks he can talk strippers into dating him though he isn't spending money on them." Nah, that'll never happen, haha. Maybe though, someday enough time will pass where the people who still post on this board won't ever have read your posts and know what a prick you were.

That could happen. After all, a lot of the old fuckers who post on this board probably won't be alive in 30 or 40 years. Time flies when you're having fun, and not a single man here is going to make it to 2050 alive. Maybe by then you'll realize how fucking lame it is to make fun of old guys who go to strip clubs, aka, the person you're becoming.

In the interest of not being a total asshole myself, I'll wish you the best and hope you don't become that old guy in the strip clubs 20-30 years from now. You know, the one who thinks that the 19 year old nubile little hottie loves him for who he is and not for what he has in his wallet and bank accounts.
avatar for driver01
19 years ago
But my mother is a whore if she fucked you. No need to apologize.
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