
Posters With Crazy "Theories"

Seems there are many posters here with some pretty elaboare theories about why strippers will not want to date, be friends, or have sex with you if you don't pay you money. Many of the same posters theorize that they will just think you are an asshole. These theories are all very nice and good, but unfortunately run contrary to what you would discover if you tested them out for real. So keep theorizing all you want about why things which do work, shouldn't work. (Like my fellow blackjack players who would theorize why card counting shouldn't work). Some of us will continue to live and reality and deal with what actually does work despite your theories to the contrary.


  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hmmm... Fixation on rectums. Told you guys JC was gay. Just let go of your need to conform to societal expectations JC.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Speaking of assholes, davids' head is so far up his ass that a doctor can just attach a camera to his forehead to perform a colonoscopy.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    For the pedantic among you, I am actually abusing the language a bit here: Theories are actually statements which have been tested extensively for correctness. Since you guys have never tested not paying, the ideas of why that won't work and the girls will just think you are an asshole, are merely "hypotheses".
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