
Comments by JC2003 (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What's the worst city?
    Orlando is the worst city in Florida, with Jacksonville a close second. The clubs near Pensacola and Panama City are no good as well. Hawaii sucks for clubbing, at least in Waikiki. The women working Kalakaua Ave. are better looking than the ones in the clubs, all of which are clip joints.
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    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    Dancers in strip clubs are similar to athletes in professional sports. Athletes and dancers are best at their physical peaks at a young age but can work out strenuously to stay in the physical condition necessary to make their careers last longer to an extent. They can learn tricks and use techniques younger people don't know or aren't capable or willing to learn because they can get by on their natural talents. Similarly, fans appreciate different things. Many like the raw talents and natural gifts of the younger performers closer to their physical prime, while others prefer to see performers who know how to work with what they have to the fullest and to superlative effect.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Best boonies area
    In Florida, Key West clubs can be excellent and are not particularly metropolitan.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unusual attractions
    There are places to share time in hot tubs with women in many places. They are usually at lingerie modeling studios, not strip clubs. There are limousine and bus services with strippers and escorts in Vegas, Miami, and other tourist attractions. If you are loaded and connected, you can rent boats and hire women in bikinis to spend time with you on the boat. The St. James in Houston advertises a swimming pool where the dancers swim and wander about in tiny bikinis. I am surprised that more clubs don't do this, though I guess there may be licensing requirements and health code considerations that prevent more clubs from trying this.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Best boonies area
    FONDL, heh heh, I know you were joking, but just in case someone less knowledgable of US geography reads this thread, Key West is in fact part of the United States. ;)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Police raid strip club on wheels
    I met a dancer who claimed to have worked on that bus. According to her, she was high on something and performed oral sex with one of the other dancers. I doubt that she was telling the truth, but if she were, I wouldn't be so willing to share that with anyone. The Tampa police released a public record report on the Web with detailed information on who was busted during that raid. http://www.tampagov.net/appl_tampa_announcements/ViewRelease.asp?ReleaseID=3152
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    The 18-19 year olds have nothing to talk about, but you can't blame them. They haven't really lived a life yet. They're just getting started. They usually get interesting in the early to mid 20's. They've traveled a little, they've partied a lot, and usually they have enough stories to fill the time before you start getting dances from her or tell her no thanks you're not interested. The late 20's to mid 30's dancers usually like to talk about what they're going to do after they quit dancing. The ones without career goals wind up working at the club in some other capacity like waitress or housemom until they find some guy to marry them. The ones with career goals move onto their next careers, usually nothing ambitious, just the same kind of job they would have gotten if they were just out of school in their early 20's. I've never met a dancer in her 40's. Ever. At that stage of their life, they've moved onto prostitution or gotten some lowly job like convenience store clerk, grocery store cashier, or secretary if they have't found someone to marry by then. The price you pay for neglecting to get an education and developing a realistic career plan is that your job choices are severely limited at this stage of your life.
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    19 years ago
    Day vs Night Girls
    I'm not much of a day guy, but the few times I've been over the years have always been disappointing. The one exception was a club in Fort Lauderdale that has excellent talent whenever they're open. The only difference between their dayshift and nightshift is that there are more girls and a ton more customers at night.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'll tell you what (Time to vote...)
    RL hasn't posted a review ever, yet he can post. I think you only have to be registered to post here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    What exactly does an 18 or 19 year old dancer talk about that is so interesting? Now, mind you, an 18 or 19 year old dancer doesn't really have to say anything to be interesting. She can just fiddle with her G string or bikini, wiggle in your lap, and show you her new strategically placed tattoos and piercings. That would qualify her as interesting to men. It has just been my experience that their conversational topics aren't all that interesting, at least intellectually speaking. I'll grant that perhaps I was too, erm, distracted to listen to what they were saying though. ;)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many clubs have you reviewed.
    23 reviews, 16 unique. I had more reviews entered before the database crash last year plus reviews that were entered into the old TUSCL database before it became membership-based.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Day vs Night Girls
    I hear this all the time about day girls being just as good, and occasionally I buy into that lie and try a dayshift. Always disappointing with one exception that proved the rule in my opinion. I'll admit that the women I like have to be in excellent physical condition, and I'm very picky/shallow/whatever.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers BOYFRIENDS who are FAILED MUSICIANS and are ABUSIVE and are GAY
    A gay man masquerading as a stripper's boyfriend? That's just fuckin' ridiculous, RL.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    For me, it's easy to tell. Unfortunately, I can't describe the thought process in detail for how I determine their age except to say that I have to study them carefully and wouldn't be able to tell from a casual glance. A couple quick things to check are their hands and their eyes. Also, plastic surgery can make it difficult to determine, but it's easy to determine if she has had plastic surgery, which is a clue to their age as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you PAY a stripper for CONVERSATION, are you looking for FRIENDSHIP with her?
    I don't think most men pay strippers for their conversational skills, unless you're speaking euphemistically.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Day or Night Visits
    Night visits. At the clubs I go, the best looking girls show up at night, not during the day.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    Don't wait for her. Get dances from someone else interesting. If there's no one else around that fits that bill, leave. She won't ever get jealous or cry to you about leaving her though. She might pretend if she thinks you'll fall for it though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How often do you ASK a stripper for her PHONE NUMBER?
    Ditto what AbbieNormal said.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    chandler, I assume you're replying to davids, because my second sentence was "Get dances from someone else interesting."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I think it's udderly possible that steers would talk about cows like this if they could (rim shot).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers with full lips (on the mouth)
    I'll notice it if the plastic surgeon did a bad job on someone's lips. Aside from that, I don't particularly care how big their lips are. Maybe somebody else can explain why full lips are sexy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    FONDL, working as a stripper in a tiny shithole of a strip club is not the kind of job a woman is desperate to hold onto.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    You don't save a spot for your ATF. If she's not going to drop whoever she's with to be with you, then either she doesn't really think much of you to begin with, or he's a better regular than you are. Maybe both. It's up to you though. If your ATF means that much to you, then you'll be willing to put up with her BS. This is like when you see a woman hang around with a loser of a boyfriend who treats her like dogshit. You wonder why. Well, now you know.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too young to dance?
    I found it interesting that, in some cultures, the age is younger than it is here in the US. In Brazil, for instance, it isn't that uncommon for older men to marry women in their mid-teens. I reckon shadowcat wasn't including girls with single-digit ages in his "chair" comments. Least I hope he wasn't.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    TUSCL strip club trip
    It looks like someone fell off their abusive tendencies wagon again.