
TUSCL Gripe: Paragraphs

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:26 AM
I know my own english is not always the best (sometimes it may be worse than the president's, in fact) and my spelling is especially bad, but I have one little gripe about certain posters here: Please divide up long paragraphs into shorter ones. If it's not clear where, or it takes to much effort just do it randomly, say every four or five lines, b/c even that is easier to parse to than one 20 line block. thanks, your friend, davids

1 comment

  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Dude, this is the Internet. You should be glad we aren't talking in l33t sp38k and OMGWTFROFLMAOing with ridiculous amounts of emoticons, excessive punctuation, rampant and sometimes intentional misspellings and grammatical mistakes that would make a fifth grader cringe in embarrassment.
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