
Comments by parodyman-->

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Coming out of the closet!
    Shadowcat, WTF all the "homo shit" on this board is a direct result of your little tapeworm BobbyL mouthing off. All I did was say that orientation doesn't matter in this day and age.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ATF Wierdness
    arbeeguy, BobbyL is mentaly unbalanced. I doubt he is capable of a relationship with a woman. He sees this and it shows in his rantings. I wouldn't hold him up as anything other than a bad example.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I do gay threesomes with Dougster and Bobbyl
    Fucking Hilarious!
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    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    Shadowcat, A good .45 (also made in .40 & 9mm)is the springfield XD line. These are very durable, reliable little mothers. They retail in the newighborhood of $450 - $700 depending on finish, barrel legnth, capacity, and sights. My personal gun is an XD with 5" Tactical Barrel, Trijicon Night sights and it is finished in all black. The magazines are 13 rounders! Quite large for a .45. Shop around and find something that fits your hand and that you can shoot well. Be safe!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ozymandias PO'ed After His Gayness Outed On TUSCL!
    sp. therefore
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    16 years ago
    Ozy Steps Up as New Troll of TUSCL!
    Jesus Ozy you've pissed all over his topic and now he is sulking.
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    16 years ago
    ozymandias PO'ed After His Gayness Outed On TUSCL!
    If you follow BobbyL/Dougster logic then he has just outted himself. He knows who is gay on TUSCL theefore he too must be homosexual. Welcome to the club!
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    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    Glad you weren't injured.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ozymandias PO'ed After His Gayness Outed On TUSCL!
    BobbyL/Dougster, Another want to be agent provocateur of TUSCL. I have to ask. Why are you “ fixated on this fantasy that Ozymandis, Mr. Guy and myself are gay? Are you hoping that if you repeat it enough that we will come to your house and pack your fudge? Do you sit naked and alone in your basement with three G.I. Joe dolls, our names written in black sharpie across their backs like some prison gang tattoo? Maybe there is a helpline you can call instead of getting all worked up here. Because I happen to know a number of gay people from various walks of life, I used to get upset at bigoted people like you. Fortunately I had a friend who was able to wise me up. There is no point in holding anger or hatred for you. You are one of lives entertainments. A minor player on this message board who’s only use is as comic relief. Enjoy being the joke that you are. ...................... /´¯/) ...................,/¯ ..// ................../... ./ / ............./´¯/'...'/´¯/ ¯`•¸ ........../'/.../..../.../ ..../¨¯\ ........('(...´(..´...... ,~/'...') .........\............... ..\/..../ ..........''...\......... . _.•´ ............\............ ..( ..............\.......... ...\
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    Anybody Been To Flashdancers NYC?
    The only thing worse than a shill is a bad shill that is also employeed as a DJ. Fucking sad. Don't be so cheap, if you want to advertise buy a fucking ad.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Big Screens
    With the prices of big screen televisions dropping all the time, this is a cheap way to make a club look like they have a lot of money invested in appearance. Also with club owners it is monkey see monkey do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A Great Holiday Present for Your ATF
    This gift is pushing the limits for classy. Wouldn't be caught dead with one, but if it works for you...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    Q: What is your outlook on dancers all together? A: I’m all for dancers! If I weren’t I wouldn’t be here. I tend to look at them the same way I would anyone else. I’ve met too many people from all walks of life to be casting blanket judgements on strippers. Q: What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? A: Two dollar stage tips to dancers I think I’d like to meet or dancers who have already proven they are “favorites.” The purpose of tipping dancers I haven’t spent time with is to break the ice and get an introduction. I also tip coat check $2-3, Valet $5, and Floor Man $10-20. The waitress gets a percentage of the tab at the end of my evening. This ranges from 20-50% depending on the level of service. Q: What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? A: Lap dances and a VIP experience! As I seem to be in the minority here and am not looking for paid sex partners, my expectations are for a nice sensual tease with some two way touching. I’m looking for a turn on, a fantasy not how cheaply I can buy pussy. Q: Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? A: My favorite club serves alcohol drinks at regular bar prices so I always buy my favorites a couple drinks. I’ve never had a problem getting dancers to spend an adequate amount of time at my table so no I don’t pay for conversation or time. Q: Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers yourself or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? A: I prefer to approach a dancer that I find appealing. If one who I do not tries to engage me I am polite. But I will tell her that I am not interested. Q: What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? A: A more upscale club has been the most enjoyable lately. (SCORES Chicago) What can I say, I expect good service. I also stated that I am not there for a paid for sexual release. Therefore I do not have to solicit extras. I do however think that the percentage of those who could be talked into it is somewhere right around 69%.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    U vs ROB -- Who has the Edge ?
    People will take a chance and steal when they feel they have the upper hand. To do otherwise would be foolish. Who wants to get caught?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Music Appeal
    I like most kinds of music, but some is more suitable for stripping than others. Any old AC/DC with Bon Scott fills this bill nicely. Those were some highly suggestive tunes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Selecting a new ATF
    You should select a new ATF by playing rock, paper, scissors! Just do me a favor. Whoever gets the rock please smack Dougster smartly about his temples until his ears bleed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    RIP, Bettie Page
    A very sad day indeed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    You've been a member since 2004 I shouldn't have to tell you to read the reviews. Thats what they are there for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Jessica Biel
    Her tits are fantastic without the boob job.
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    16 years ago
    Know anyone with a vampire Fetish?
    Have known 3 girls, all seperate situations, one a dancer that had a vampire fetish. Two of them have admitted to blood play. Being the early 90's I didn't partake. Seems like a risky game disease wise.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get bruises from a lap dance?
    Say you fell of your bike if you happen to be one of those pussy-boys who has to lie and sneak around. (venom not directed at anyone in particular)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    Don't worry clubber, someone will bring Bobbyl to justice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"
    Bornloser, I hope you aren't planning to do anything stupid. ------------------------------------------------------- Rohypnol: Flunitrazepam was first synthesized in 1972 by Roche and was used in hospitals when deep sedation was needed. It first entered the commercial market in Europe in 1975 as Rohypnol produced by Roche, and in the 1980s it began to be available in other countries. It first appeared in the U.S. in the early 1990s. It originally came in 1 mg and 2 mg doses, but due to its potency and potential for abuse the higher doses of Rohypnol were soon taken off the market by its producer, Roche, and it is now only available as 1mg tablets. In the countries where flunitrazepam is available for prescription as both 1mg and 2mg tablets, such as the Netherlands, generic alternatives are available for the 2mg tablets. Drug-facilitated sexual assault: Flunitrazepam is known to induce anterograde amnesia in sufficient doses; individuals are unable to remember certain events that they experienced while under the influence of the drug. This effect is particularly dangerous when flunitrazepam is used to aid in the commission of sexual assault; victims may not be able to clearly recall the assault, the assailant, or the events surrounding the assault. It is difficult to estimate just how many flunitrazepam-facilitated rapes have occurred in the past. Very often, biological samples are taken from the victim at a time when the effects of the drug have already passed and only residual amounts remain in the body fluids. These residual amounts are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to detect using standard screening assays available in the United States. If flunitrazepam exposure is to be detected at all, urine samples need to be collected within 72 hours and subjected to sensitive analytical tests. The problem is compounded by the onset of amnesia after ingestion of the drug, which causes the victim to be uncertain about the facts surrounding the rape. This uncertainty may lead to critical delays or even reluctance to report the rape and provide appropriate biological samples for testing. If a person suspects that he or she is the victim of a flunitrazepam-facilitated rape, he or she should get laboratory testing for flunitrazepam as soon as possible. In recent news it has been discovered that scientists can now detect flunitrazepam and related compounds in urine at least up to 5 days after administration of a single dose of Rohypnol and up to a month in hair. It must be noted that an inability to remember events, including sexual encounters, is not conclusive evidence of having consumed a drugged drink: Drunkenness itself causes blackouts, sleepiness, and a reduction in inhibitions. Only a timely screening for flunitrazepam can demonstrate its use. It has been shown that alcohol alone is the substance used in the vast majority of cases of date-rape. A recent study conducted by doctors in the U.K. found that none of the subjects reporting spiked drinks had any traces of flunitrazepam or other medications popularly believed to be associated with rape such as GHB. The study claims that binge drinking was to blame. Recreational drug: Although flunitrazepam has become widely known in USA for its use as a date-rape drug, it is used more frequently as a recreational drug. It is used by high school and college students, rave party attendees, and heroin and cocaine users (who call a dose of flunitrazepam a "roofie") for recreational purposes, including: • To produce profound intoxication (Kurt Cobain overdosed on a mixture of flunitrazepam and champagne several weeks before his death) • To increase sedative effect in combination with heroin, or ease the anxiety and/or sleeplessness of withdrawal • To counteract the side effects of stimulants (e.g. insomnia, paranoia, jitteriness) • To "soften" the so-called "crash" which follows heavy usage of stimulants, such as cocaine or methamphetamine Flunitrazepam is usually consumed orally, and is often combined with alcohol. It is also occasionally insufflated (i.e. tablets are crushed into powder and snorted). In some European countries, there was an alcohol solution of flunitrazepam (Darkene), taken by injection, with very strong effects. Benzodiazepines, including diazepam, nitrazepam, oxazepam and flunitrazepam account for the largest volume of forged drug prescriptions in Sweden, a total of 52% of drug forgeries being for benzodiazepines, suggesting benzodiazepines are a major prescription drug class of abuse. Nitrazepam and flunitrazepam accounted for the vast majority of forged prescriptions.[36] Flunitrazepam and other sedative hypnotic drugs are detected frequently in cases of people suspected of driving under the influence of drugs. Other benzodiazepines and zolpidem and zopiclone are also found in high numbers of suspected drugged drivers. Many drivers have blood levels far exceeding the therapeutic dose range suggesting a high degree of abuse potential for benzodiazepines and zolpidem and zopiclone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Buying shoes for a dancer
    gk, If you don't have some kind of foot/shoe fetish what is the payoff in this for you?