Roofies: Are the stories true or are they just a strippers "urban legends?"

avatar for bornloser
I have heard dozens of times at different clubs: " Last week-so and so had to be wheeled out of here and put in an ambulance because a customer put roofies in her drink." I have also heard of jealous strippers putting roofies in the top money makers drinks-to eliminate her competition. Considering the drinking and drug habits of most strippers, what can you believe?


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avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
I have observed one case of such poisoning (at the Cheetah in Atlanta) that I can recall, in the early 90s. Most dancers I know are VERY cautious about there drinks; let's face it, there are some fucked-up psychos out there. I think the risk is certainly overstated, though - as are almost ALL risks, really - simply because humans in general suck at mathematical intuition.

avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
Many strippers themselves are fucked-up psychos. Probably alot of the time they just go overboard on drinking or other drugs themselves, or do bad combinations and then blame it on somebody else.
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
Actually your hardcore alcoholic/druggie usually has a surprisingly sophisticated awareness of their limitations and tolerances, and even a passing knowledge of organic chemistry and pharmacology as pertains to their particular interests. I'll never forget my surprise once, years ago, when an un-degreed "dead head" expressed an informed opinion on the mechanistic controversy surrounding bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions ;)

There actually are guys who try to extend the age-old model of "ply the wench with alcohol" with narcotics, something quite prone to incorrect dosages.

avatar for wondergrl5
16 years ago
Ive seen it happen at a nite club and once at a party
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
ozy: Are you kidding me? I've know ones who have "sophisticated knowledge" of drugs as you put it, but still do crazy shit like mix alcohol and heroin or alcohol and GHB. Then there's their driving habits. Ask around about how many have DUIs. Some even drive when on hallucinogenics. Completely beyond irresponsible.
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
Well, I'm unwilling to look up citations, so this is purely anecdotal, but in my experience most of the drug/alcohol users who overdose, engage in dangerous mixtures and the like tend to be the "lighter" users, weekend partiers and the like. The "heavy" drug using crowd is actually quite a subculture (again, this is anecdotal, as I myself have had at best a tangential intersection with this subgroup), complete with "manual", internet forum communities, and other modes of information dissemination which, while enabling the lifestyle, often imposes accepted standards per mixing, dosage, etc.

The DUIs, likewise, are usually "amateurs" caught unawares by their own condition - most of the true junkies I've known either (i) didn't have a vehicle or (ii) adapted their lifestyle to their addiction.

Again, all this is anecdotal, but I'd bet that if you examined clinical data you'd find that morbidity/mortality data inversely correlates toxicity with "experience".

That said - and regardless of public or personal hazard - such behavior is highly irresponsible... I'll certainly agree there.

avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
Just last night, my ATF told me that her very first night she stripped, somebody put something in her drink that messed her up. She is level headed and protective, so I believe her. She never found who did it or why, but she also never danced at that club again.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
Nope, the examples I cited were strippers I knew who very knowledgable on the subject. I think the risk adds to the experience of them. But just like the drugs, they need higher and higher doses of risk to get the same charge.

I know the drug communities of which you speak: bluelight, erowid, etc. Some very knowledge users are indeed responsible, but some do dangerous things even though they know how dangerous: e.g. DUI or mixing combos which are known to be very dangerous.

In some cases I think they "want" to come as close to the brink as they can.
avatar for Yoda
16 years ago
In twenty five years of strip clubbing I've never met a single dancer that has talked about being drugged. By the same token most dancers I now keep a very close eye on their drinks. What this tells me is that it is not all that common but it happens enough that dancers are aware of it and exercise caution
avatar for Anna
16 years ago
Ah...I have seen in Houston, three girls having convulsions in the dressing room...not from roofies...but GHB.
I myself was poisoned last year by a guy who I let walk to the bar and get me a drink because the waitress was slow. I drank half of it and could not get up out of the booth. He kept telling me to go get dressed and he would take me home because the manager would fire me if he saw me like that. I may have fallen for that if I was even able to respond, but instead when the lights came on at 3am I was still sitting there but with no outfit and no money. The manager helped me to the bathroom where one of the girls decided a line or two of coke would "sober my ass up" and yes...I did get taken in an ambulance where the ER doc told me I was lucky to be alive. GHB comes in a vial it is a clear liquid and tasteless. Thankfully my managers know I am not usually into any drugs and they did not fire me...and I am so much more careful in my case, I WISH it was an urban legend. Btw it took me three days to even walk straight.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I have witnessed it at least three times in three different clubs. I have no idea if they are roofies or not, but there's a lot of sick people out there out to screw the strippers over.
avatar for flguytampa21
16 years ago
Wow, I have never seen these. But now I know I know I need to be more careful. If I ever leave a drink, I am just going throw it out.
What's the difference between "roofies" (Rohypnol, right?) and GHB? Aren't they both "date rape drugs"?

Hmm, I could do with a few of those ... might enliven my social life!
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
It's actually a much greater risk in a conventional bar or club than it is at a strip club; in general, though, I'd say it's a good policy not to leave drink unattended anywhere.

avatar for Anna
16 years ago
you should google what GHB is made of...disgusting
I have a bottle of Vino Viagro, rated at 50 proof, That my ATF gave me after returning from a trip to the Philippines with her mother, 5 years ago. I think that it is supposed to be an aphrodisiac.It is produced by Tanduay Distillers but I am chicken to try it. It has asparagus, cinnamoni , red dates and a whole lot of other Asian stuff. If she was around, I would trust her and share it with her but that isn't the case. Now it is just a conversation object.
avatar for parodyman-->
16 years ago

I hope you aren't planning to do anything stupid.



Flunitrazepam was first synthesized in 1972 by Roche and was used in hospitals when deep sedation was needed. It first entered the commercial market in Europe in 1975 as Rohypnol produced by Roche, and in the 1980s it began to be available in other countries. It first appeared in the U.S. in the early 1990s. It originally came in 1 mg and 2 mg doses, but due to its potency and potential for abuse the higher doses of Rohypnol were soon taken off the market by its producer, Roche, and it is now only available as 1mg tablets. In the countries where flunitrazepam is available for prescription as both 1mg and 2mg tablets, such as the Netherlands, generic alternatives are available for the 2mg tablets.

Drug-facilitated sexual assault:

Flunitrazepam is known to induce anterograde amnesia in sufficient doses; individuals are unable to remember certain events that they experienced while under the influence of the drug. This effect is particularly dangerous when flunitrazepam is used to aid in the commission of sexual assault; victims may not be able to clearly recall the assault, the assailant, or the events surrounding the assault.
It is difficult to estimate just how many flunitrazepam-facilitated rapes have occurred in the past. Very often, biological samples are taken from the victim at a time when the effects of the drug have already passed and only residual amounts remain in the body fluids. These residual amounts are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to detect using standard screening assays available in the United States. If flunitrazepam exposure is to be detected at all, urine samples need to be collected within 72 hours and subjected to sensitive analytical tests. The problem is compounded by the onset of amnesia after ingestion of the drug, which causes the victim to be uncertain about the facts surrounding the rape. This uncertainty may lead to critical delays or even reluctance to report the rape and provide appropriate biological samples for testing. If a person suspects that he or she is the victim of a flunitrazepam-facilitated rape, he or she should get laboratory testing for flunitrazepam as soon as possible. In recent news it has been discovered that scientists can now detect flunitrazepam and related compounds in urine at least up to 5 days after administration of a single dose of Rohypnol and up to a month in hair.
It must be noted that an inability to remember events, including sexual encounters, is not conclusive evidence of having consumed a drugged drink: Drunkenness itself causes blackouts, sleepiness, and a reduction in inhibitions. Only a timely screening for flunitrazepam can demonstrate its use. It has been shown that alcohol alone is the substance used in the vast majority of cases of date-rape. A recent study conducted by doctors in the U.K. found that none of the subjects reporting spiked drinks had any traces of flunitrazepam or other medications popularly believed to be associated with rape such as GHB. The study claims that binge drinking was to blame.

Recreational drug:

Although flunitrazepam has become widely known in USA for its use as a date-rape drug, it is used more frequently as a recreational drug. It is used by high school and college students, rave party attendees, and heroin and cocaine users (who call a dose of flunitrazepam a "roofie") for recreational purposes, including:
• To produce profound intoxication (Kurt Cobain overdosed on a mixture of flunitrazepam and champagne several weeks before his death)
• To increase sedative effect in combination with heroin, or ease the anxiety and/or sleeplessness of withdrawal
• To counteract the side effects of stimulants (e.g. insomnia, paranoia, jitteriness)
• To "soften" the so-called "crash" which follows heavy usage of stimulants, such as cocaine or methamphetamine
Flunitrazepam is usually consumed orally, and is often combined with alcohol. It is also occasionally insufflated (i.e. tablets are crushed into powder and snorted). In some European countries, there was an alcohol solution of flunitrazepam (Darkene), taken by injection, with very strong effects.
Benzodiazepines, including diazepam, nitrazepam, oxazepam and flunitrazepam account for the largest volume of forged drug prescriptions in Sweden, a total of 52% of drug forgeries being for benzodiazepines, suggesting benzodiazepines are a major prescription drug class of abuse. Nitrazepam and flunitrazepam accounted for the vast majority of forged prescriptions.[36]
Flunitrazepam and other sedative hypnotic drugs are detected frequently in cases of people suspected of driving under the influence of drugs. Other benzodiazepines and zolpidem and zopiclone are also found in high numbers of suspected drugged drivers. Many drivers have blood levels far exceeding the therapeutic dose range suggesting a high degree of abuse potential for benzodiazepines and zolpidem and zopiclone.

avatar for how
16 years ago
I cannot guess how much this happens, and would not be surprised if the pervasiveness is overstated. However, anyone who surreptitiously slips drugs to anyone else should receive horrific punishment.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

Those that kill and rape rarely even get "horrific punishment", these days.
avatar for parodyman-->
16 years ago
Don't worry clubber, someone will bring Bobbyl to justice.
avatar for how
16 years ago
The appropriate punishment for rapists involves a thin glass rod and a hammer...
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

Since rape is not a sexual crime (go figure!), so I've heard, I don't think that would help much. Since hands are always involved in a rape, use a little islamic justice!
avatar for michele_b83
16 years ago
I have never really seen another dancer drugged. I know I have been drugged. I was working my first night at a club. I know how to handle my alcohol, I had 2 rum and cokes, maybe 3. This is coming from someone who drunk almost a 5th of Bacardi at a party and still was coherent. Anyways, I remember going to the lapdance room with a customer and sitting on the couch, I don't remember dancing or anything, I just remember the manager telling me to leave. I woke up in my car with a terrible headache and had no clue wtf was going on. I left and went home, came back to work that night. The same manager was there and he told me I wasn't allowed to work, I needed to leave for how I acted the night before. I was confused and I asked him what I done. He said, you don't remember? I said no, I don't. I told him how many drinks I had and how many drinks I KNOW I can handle and that I was 99.9% sure I was drugged. He didn't care, wouldn't tell me what I done and just told me to go home.

To this day I have no clue what happened, except that I was drugged for sure.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
When I buy a pepsi at a few of the local strip clubs they serve it in a glass. I notice that they don't wash out the glass very well so the pepsi always has a funny taste to it, like an alcoholic drink was being served from that glass before I used it. Either that or the waitresses are trying to get me drunk.
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