
ozymandias PO'ed After His Gayness Outed On TUSCL!

avatar for Dougster

Don't be ashamed of your alternative lifestyle choice, ozy. Celebrate it! You'll thank us for outing you in time.


last comment
avatar for giveitayank
16 yrs ago
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avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

yank trying to post a coded message?

avatar for arbeeguy
16 yrs ago

Who the hell cares whether one TUSCL poster is Gay or another is a Pervert a Dirty Old Man or a Wimp. I don't see the point of this thread at all. And -- to be "outed" on a board where all posters are anonymous..... what a joke. An oxymoron.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Just trying to explain ozy's psycho behavior lately.

avatar for Dougster
16 yrs ago


avatar for giveitayank
16 yrs ago

wdghknm. . . . . ???? ? / // ???

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago


Another want to be agent provocateur of TUSCL. I have to ask. Why are you “

fixated on this fantasy that Ozymandis, Mr. Guy and myself are gay? Are you hoping that if you repeat it enough that we will come to your house and pack your fudge?

Do you sit naked and alone in your basement with three G.I. Joe dolls, our names written in black sharpie across their backs like some prison gang tattoo? Maybe there is a helpline you can call instead of getting all worked up here.

Because I happen to know a number of gay people from various walks of life, I used to get upset at bigoted people like you. Fortunately I had a friend who was able to wise me up. There is no point in holding anger or hatred for you. You are one of lives entertainments. A minor player on this message board who’s only use is as comic relief. Enjoy being the joke that you are.

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avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

parody: "Because I happen to know a number of gay people from various walks of life,"

Not surprising. Given that you are a fucking faggot!

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

If you follow BobbyL/Dougster logic then he has just outted himself. He knows who is gay on TUSCL theefore he too must be homosexual. Welcome to the club!

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

sp. therefore

avatar for giveitayank
16 yrs ago

Parody... Here Here. I too am gay!!! I really am. My penis goes soft everytime my wife tries to interest me in the bump and grind. She hasn't gotten anything from me in five years. And you're right about Dougster and his imaginary friend. The only posts he/they like(s) to make is about people, he hasn't even met or knows, being gay. Butt, he has met me and we have had many nights of adventurous and romantic interludes. Everytime he (dougster) and I get together for a little shitty shitty bang bang, we pretend like the invisible 'Bobbyl' is right there in the middle. I remember one night where he shoved a cucumber up my ass, pulled it out and then licked the brown stuff off of it. And then he said, "That tasted good."

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