
Selecting a new ATF

Sunday, December 14, 2008 1:06 PM
I know providing sex ITC and/or OTC is a top criteria in selecting an ATF. For me, the GFE is just as important, along with compatibility issues (being able to hold a discussion intelligently). Is my threshhold higher or lower than yours in picking an ATF? Do you have other criteria?


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Looks are number one, but the GFE is almost as important. Sex ITC and or OTC isn't important to me.
  • Cougar289
    16 years ago
    I'm new to the discsussion board and not sure of the terminology. What does ATF and GFE mean? I assume ITC is in the club and OTC is outside the club.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    There is also a "Glossary of Strip Club Terms" at the bottom of the page that you can click on.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    A favorite for me (I can't say I've ever had an ATF... the interchangeability of dancers is part of their appeal) is purely about having fun hanging out. The personality has to click. Maybe that could be called "GFE", but I don't regard sex with strippers as particularly important. I couldn't care less about "ITC" or "OTC" because nowadays good fucking is a simple as picking up a phone and dialing a number - it's not a scarce resource. You know what the best thing about strippers is? They're the only chicks who are really good at pool. If you want to go shoot some pool with a hot chick friend, it's got to be a stripper. I'll bet they'd be a fun companion at a firing range as well. Really, my criterion for a "fave" stripper is just - she's fun. O.
  • Cougar289
    16 years ago
    I like to have several types working for me. It depends on the mood I’m in, but I do have several different types of favorites. All of mine can hold a descent conversation, nice looking, but not modelesk, and pretends I’m the greatest guy to walk in – they always drop who ever their with to see me. One is very dominate and we do a lot of fun things that catch attention of others in the bar. Our sex is usually OTC. At another club I have a very sensual girl who kisses great and we do a lot more making out and having sex at the club, but with plenty of conversation going on. Finally I have a club where the girls are very average looking, but always deliver daty, extras, and high mileage and its always a different girl. You can’t have more than one favorite at any one club
  • Dougster
    16 years ago
    ozy: "I couldn't care less about 'ITC' or 'OTC' because nowadays good fucking is a simple as picking up a phone and dialing a number - it's not a scarce resource. " ozy's boyfriends parody and MisterGay are always willing to put out for him and just a phone call a way.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    You should select a new ATF by playing rock, paper, scissors! Just do me a favor. Whoever gets the rock please smack Dougster smartly about his temples until his ears bleed.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I'll have to ditto jablake on this one. "Looks are number one, but the GFE is almost as important. Sex ITC and or OTC isn't important to me."
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    Looks are important, but girls who have a decent personality has to be number one. ITC or OTC activity isn't important on whether they can be one, and I don't demand it all the time, but its always nice when they do it.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Conversation, looks, age range, GFE are important. ITC and OTC not important. Reliability is important which is why no more ATF.
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