
Comments by mmdv26 (page 56)

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    15 years ago
    Sweaty Girls
    The dancers with whom I have encountered the clammy sweat were known drug abusers/addicts. Could be that or menopause. Clubs should install bidets in the dancer's restroom.
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    15 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    Avoid drunk dancers! They're too chemically modified to make sense; bad in the sack and they might suddenly puke on you. I had one pee on me.
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    15 years ago
    Do you really think we save any energy on Daylight Saving Time?
    Lots of kids have to walk to school (or stand at the bus stop) at daybreak during standard time. Under DST, those same kids would likely be in the dark.
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    15 years ago
    New Jersey
    Buying ED meds online
    Get 100mg tablets - appx same price as 50mg. Use the pill cutter only if you need to take only 1/2 tablet (50mg), otherwise just bite off 1/3 or 1/4 - whatever works for you. Viagra instructions say to take the minimum amount necessary; my experience has been that less is more if you know what I mean. Sildenafil citrate (active ingredient in Viagra) can be obtained from internet and other alternative sources at a substantial savings. Even though they may ask you some questions about your health when you place an order, that might not become the basis for a legitimate prescription as far as DEA is concerned. Have not heard of legal action against purchasers, but there are increasing number of actions against sellers.
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    15 years ago
    2 stabbed outside Lawrence strip club
    The perpetrator was probably a pissed-off K-State fan.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many TUSCL buddies do you have?
    Based on writing, I have developed varying degrees of respect for regular posters here. However, I have no particular interest in hanging out with any of you. I have had members PM me about various clubs and dancers, and I have tried to answer them honestly and respectfully. I visit this sight about every other day, but usually only read the discussion because I find this forum entertaining, informative, amusing and annoying - all at the same time!
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    15 years ago
    Teacher tells class: I'm becoming a stripper!
    No Child Left Behind Act...LOL. Award-winning example of foolish politics. I can't really think of any teacher that I would have wanted to see in any degree of undress.
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    15 years ago
    surreal night at an adult book store......
    DJ, When they started shooting their squirt guns at you, you should have just gotten up from your seat and stood against the back wall of the theater. A lot of guys do that anyway because the view is better back there, and they will be glad to have you join them.
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    15 years ago
    Tuscl Top 40 lists: Dec 2001
    It would be interesting to compare the current top 40 clubs(by ratings) to this 12/01 list, and evaluate the changes. Lots has changed in the SC business during the ensuing years; lots has changed for most of us as well. Time has certainly flown by - that list was after 9/11... I was an ASS-C lurker back in those days. I did manage to visit 9 of the '01 T40, and ShotDisc is the only name familiar to me. I didn't start hanging out regularly at TUSCL until after '01 tho.
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    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    I have always had good luck with a general comment like (after a very hot dance)"that was fun, it would be even better somewhere besides here." If she's interested, her reply is usually "well, maybe we could talk about that...". Then, when we are kicking around a time frame and it is clear that we are setting-up OTC, I usually ask something like. "...and how much will these dances cost me?" I always try to minimize the fact that I am negotiating with a whore. It always feels better to play like it's a date, you know like in high school: take you to the dance, have some sex, or take you to McDonald's then go have some sex. Or later in life, buy you a house, then we can have some sex. There is a difference in approach depending on whether you are looking for action that day - like right after she gets off work, or breaking the ice with a fav dancer. In several instances, the fav gets back to me the next time I get dances from her with something like, "what are you doing tonight?". I've never made a big push for same day service outside of a strip club, but there are clubs or cities where that is the norm. For example, many of the dancers in ESL are at the club to score some (drugs) and set up their evenings. Many will do the deed right there and then which is fine with me because I'm totally into instant gratification. That situation isn't typical tho, so setting up the OTC is part of the hunt; it requires tact, caution and the willingness to pay more than you really want to. Take-out is mainly because you want to do 69, and if you get the right dancer at the right club, you can do that ITC.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Police: Mom goes to work at strip club, leaves 3-year-old in underwear, T-shirt
    Typical ESL shit. Stupid cop...these people don't have priorities, they have chemical addictions. It's a daily routine: fuck somebody, get some money, buy some shit. Goes on all day long. It's the reason why the mileage is so high in ESL - they need easy money constantly. Kids get raised by whoever steps up to do it, and the father in this story will probably be back in jail in few days. Someday Johnson, the mother, will raise her grandchildren just like her grandmother raised her. It's a culture of have-not's. Blacks and whites, born to lose. And of course they'll be Democrats - the Republicans have no interest in this segment of society.
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    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    "Not right now, but check back with me later", usually gets the interference out of the line of sight. The ones that plop down next to you and want a drink or want to spend the rest of the day occupying the seat you have unofficially reserved for the object of your desires, can be a bit more difficult. But, remember, they are executing a well-rehearsed tactic. A matter-of-fact "Actually, I'm saving that seat, but maybe we could talk later". None of what you say will be unique or "ease the pain of rejection". LOL SC'ing is all about rejection; and that can work BOTH ways. For you, it's all about connecting with the one that strikes your fancy just that day, or every day. Unless you are exceptionally rude, I don't think you can hurt a stripper's feelings.... even if she has any.
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    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Video cameras in VIP area?
    Hey PAS, thanks for the info. When the girls told me the owner had installed night vision (see in dim light), zoomable and IR cameras over the weekend, my first thought was how expensive that could be. Told the girls he would be able to see if they had Johnson out for some fresh air. Another dancer told me they are expensive, but the owner picked-up some "hot" ones for next to nothing. Then he was getting set up so he could monitor the cameras over the internet from either his home or main office. I stuck a strip of duct tape to the lower part of a dome a year or two ago. Heard that the owner got pissed, and grilled the dancers about who done it. Apparently the camera was off during the stick-on misssion. I'll bet hairspray would permanently fog up the plastic dome.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club bill advances in Missouri
    The grand jury investigation resulted from a federal investigation into activities by political consultant Rod Jetton. It is alleged that Jetton is guilty of influence peddling and money laundering by arranging and brokering large campaign contributions from private interests who are affected by certain legislation. The lawmaker-recipient of the contribution usually received the money shortly after voting up or down - as the donor requested. Jetton reportedly received $35k from SC owners about the same time that the 2005 bill disappeared into a state senate procedural black hole. Missouri is the kind of state that would vote for Sarah Palin in the Tea Party's presidential primary. The economic loss will not be great since most conventions are religious oriented anyway. No ocean, no mountains, colder than shit in the winter, and hotter than hell in the summer - nobody who would go to a SC comes to a convention in Missouri. Smarter PL's go to neighbors Kansas or Illinois for quality SC adventures. Since the six-foot rule only applies to semi-nude dancers, maybe Missouri could lead the country in fully-clothed lap dances - with nice dresses and no underwear.
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    15 years ago
    I know some for-real lesbians. To even flirt with a guy is a near violation of the unwritten lesbian code of conduct. I suspect that there are very few dancers who are strictly same sex oriented. I think there is a high percentage of bi-sexual and bi-curious dancers. Bi-curious would be the ones who do some occasional groping, licking or kissing around the club for show. Bi-sexual would be those who reach orgasm with another girl on a regular basis - usually not at the club.
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    15 years ago
    How do bouncers earn their income?
    Sometimes bouncer walks a dancer out to her car as a security measure after her shift. I think most dancers give him a small tip...or half a BJ.
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    15 years ago
    10 is asking if doubles are worth the extra money. Usually the G-G part is pretty lame with nipple lick being the highlite. I usually get deflated at some point during the uninspired oral sex routine, and wish I hadn't wasted the extra bucks. THERE CAN BE EXCEPTIONS!! I have done DATY and received BBBJ at the same time. But, that usually doesn't happen. Be like Player11 and get a contract before you go - I guess remedy for breach would involve not paying them. That can get messy...
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    15 years ago
    My ATF Turned On Me!!!
    Repeat after me: "I am not going to take this personally". You may need to say this many times. Take long deep breaths between. When you go in on Thursday, be cordial to her, but not overly friendly. Sit at the stage and tell yourself that you're enjoying your visit. Then find a different 2nd home.
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    15 years ago
    The Dangers of not Negotiating Before You go to VIP - Is Valentine a ROB or did
    It's very difficult to interrupt this type of physical ramp-up with a comment like "hey, I just want to do two dances", but that should have been communicated early on. The professional PL needs to have the confidence to set that limit if that's all you really want to spend. $450 is the price amateurs and idiots spend for FS ITC. Surprised this Jim character didn't buy a bottle of champagne too.
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    15 years ago
    Do you remember your first time?
    December, 1979. The Fare on Greenville Ave in Dallas. Topless dancers on small, table-high stages around the club. Young, pretty Texas girls. I had just moved to Dallas, lived nearby in the Village. I left Dallas in 1990, and couldn't remember if The Fare was at the corner of Lover's Lane or a block south of there at Milton Street. So I went to Mapquest and zoomed-in using their 360 photo feature and found the building at Milton...WTF, there's an excavator sitting right in front of it getting ready to tear it down. Could still make out the circus tent shaped sign on the roof. Seems like I remember The Fare had moved over to the Stemmons Freeway corridor several years ago. Lots of changes to that area and SC's in 30 years, LOL.
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    15 years ago
    Girls who give full service
    While I believe that txtittyfan's summary is mostly correct, I have known a lot of dancers who make plenty of money and still do FS with quite a few customers. I suspect that some girls feel they will not be accepted by a man unless she has given that man all she has to offer sexually. Sadly, for some girls pussy really is about all they have to offer; they stake their very worth on providing it at every opportunity.
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    15 years ago
    LFL: Lingerie Football League
    Duude....that was nice. Thanks.
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    15 years ago
    should i do this?
    Good job DJ, it's been a while since a topic got 36 responses.
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    15 years ago
    Escort Gals vs Strippers - Which do you Prefer
    Have done OTC with dozens of dancers. Always had a reasonably good time. I have done escorts 4 times. Three were good: received what was promised, no hassle, nice looking girl. All of those 3 I spoke directly with the provider to set up the meet. The one that was bad was an agency where I spoke with a dispatcher to set-up an incall session. The "dispatcher" instructed me to go to a particular hotel and call her when I was in the parking lot. Did that. She wanted to know what I was driving and where I was parked. Then there was a long delay while she called Tony to have him take a look at me I presume. She finally got back on the line and told me to go to room #____. When I got there, I gave the girl the cash - probably $200, but I really don't remember. That was good for HJ. FS was $1000. I wasn't very happy, and felt very stupid for not asking better questions of the dispatcher. Told the provider to keep the money, and left. Was going to call her a whore-bitch-slut-bottom feeder, but thought about Tony waiting in the parking lot, and decided to just shut up and leave. No more escorts.
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    15 years ago
    Dallas prostitutes given alternative to jail--on public's dime
    If I have a strong body and I'm in pretty good shape, but pretty stupid when it comes to education, gee...I could be a lifeguard and get paid money by the people who own the pool because I make it safer to swim in. I could be a lawn mowing person and get paid by the people who own the lawn because I make it look better. If I wasn't in such great shape, I could be a barber and cut your hair for money because you desperately needed a haircut. If I was a good talker, I could be a minister (yeah, even without a divinity degree; I be a reverend...)and get paid by people who's emotions I touch because they would be a mess otherwise. But what if I'm a girl who's got big boobs and an OK face, and I want to help you have a climax because it will make you feel better. If I get paid, and get caught getting paid, I get to go to rehab? For helping you feel better? Girls helping guys feel better (GHGFB) and getting paid for it. It's allowed in a few places without sending either person to rehab. Why? Because there's nothing wrong with them - they don't need to go to rehab. They need to go celebrate feeling better!! Maybe GHGFB will be like medical marijuana. The rulemakers will allow it just a little bit, but not too much. After it's shown that nobody got hurt trying it just a little bit, it is allowed a little more, and a little more, and soon it is accepted and you don't have to go to rehab anymore. Then it's taxed and the rulemakers have a huge new source of revenue.