Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?

avatar for Jpac73
I know it is usually not good to ask a dancer whether she wants to "hook up" outside the club, but what if she shows the "signs" of a girl who would be up for doing something? I have only met her on a few occasions but we clicked right away.

I got my first set of lapdances from her yesterday and it was good mileage although the kitty was off limits but playing with my "package" wasn't. She also alluded to the fact that she had a "smoke" right before she came to work.

I know some of you may say if she is smoking Marijuana then why fool with her? well she is hot, she treats me nice and I just think I may have a chance to "get some." So with that being said should I bring up the topic of doing something OTC next time I see her?, or should I leave it alone. I just got the feeling that if I go about it the right way I could hook up with her.


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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
She probably gets asked out OTC every week. She probably also has a lot of other regular customers who feel connected to her.

Go ahead and ask her for OTC. The worst she can say is no. If you have been a good customer to her I doubt she will complain to mgmt to try and get you thrown out for soliciting prostitution.

Chances are though she'll give some bullshit excuse and try to lead you on to spend more money on her in the club. If she does give you her number though then maybe you will get lucky.

Check out and read all the forum discussions about strippers telling other strippers about how they lead on their customers to drain their wallets and not giving them any sex.

They have threads like "what is the typical shelf-life of a regular"? Basically regulars go through the cycle of spending a lot of money...and then wanting to hook up....then not spending any money after getting rejected or lead on for too long....and then eventually coming back and spending money...and then wanting to hook up again....etc.
avatar for arbeeguy
15 years ago
Well of course, inquire. As long as you are discreet in the way you approach the subject, she will not be offended. If she likes you as much as you suspect, she may wonder "what took him so long to ask". The important thing IMHO is not to say anything that would make her think you thought she was a hooker.

Just be natural, polite, and discreet.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Also are you expecting this OTC to be a free/cheap date for you? or are you willing to pay $200-400 for her time?
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
I don't feel she is the type to run to management about a customer asking her OTC, she would probably just say she doesn't do that and leave it at that. I just don't want the alienation that I may get from her if she isn't into that, however as my mom use to say "A closed mouth doesn't get fed." So guess I have no choice but to ask. It's not like she is my #1 favorite, more like #2 favorite at the club.
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
Oh I know she will want at least 200 bucks, but that is as much as I am willing to pay. She isn't a 10. maybe a 7 at best. ALso she only works at the club Fridays and Saturdays. Don't know if she has another job or not.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I've thought about the possibility of hooking up with a dancer away from the club. Then I thought, do I really want to get all involved with another dancer? One dancer started giving me hints that she may want to know me better. I started thinking, uh, I better stop drinking so much if I'm getting involved with another dancer. I haven't even asked if she had a regular boyfriend or was single. It's probably a good thing I don't live within walking distance of a strip club or I'd probably drink a lot more and then end up with strippers over at my house. I do remember one night one stripper told me she was from the same town as me. Then she started making strange moves with her tongue. Weird I thought. Then it seemed like another dancer pryed me away from her.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I don't want to pay any money for any outside the club encounters so in that respect, maybe I should be going for it more often. Of course my time is worth a lot of money to me. I don't want to waste my time. One dancer I wasn't that interested in last night asked me where I had been and I said I was club hopping. She told me the name of one club she had been to and said it was crowded. She asked if I had been there. No. They play country music, not my type of club. Scratch her off the list. Of course a similar conversation may allow someone to meet up with a dancer during her off hours instead of meeting up in a strip club.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I usually ask her if she likes to play or work outside the club.

avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Who cares if she smokes a little MJ? Good for her. Maybe you could ask her to bring you some? For real, if you would think of ruling OTC with a smoke who smokes weed, there goes 95% of them.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
I have always had good luck with a general comment like (after a very hot dance)"that was fun, it would be even better somewhere besides here." If she's interested, her reply is usually "well, maybe we could talk about that...". Then, when we are kicking around a time frame and it is clear that we are setting-up OTC, I usually ask something like. "...and how much will these dances cost me?"

I always try to minimize the fact that I am negotiating with a whore. It always feels better to play like it's a date, you know like in high school: take you to the dance, have some sex, or take you to McDonald's then go have some sex. Or later in life, buy you a house, then we can have some sex.

There is a difference in approach depending on whether you are looking for action that day - like right after she gets off work, or breaking the ice with a fav dancer. In several instances, the fav gets back to me the next time I get dances from her with something like, "what are you doing tonight?".

I've never made a big push for same day service outside of a strip club, but there are clubs or cities where that is the norm. For example, many of the dancers in ESL are at the club to score some (drugs) and set up their evenings. Many will do the deed right there and then which is fine with me because I'm totally into instant gratification. That situation isn't typical tho, so setting up the OTC is part of the hunt; it requires tact, caution and the willingness to pay more than you really want to.

Take-out is mainly because you want to do 69, and if you get the right dancer at the right club, you can do that ITC.
Price can be a killer. She can always say NO and so can YOU!
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
Thanks for the advice from all, especially mmdv. i probably will try out those lines next time I am there and then see what she says.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Sure ask. Some may do the whole evening going out deal, some might be more methodical about it, and of course alot won't at all.
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
This is somewhat of an update to this story. I was at a club that Jada use to work at. I was speaking with the owner/manager of the club. He mentioned to me that he had some customers tell him that Jada "turned tricks" on the side. Well I guess that answers my question of whether she will meet customers OTC. The thing I have to find out now, is will she turn a trick with me. I will find out the answer in the next 2 or 3weeks.
The dancers I have asked this question generally want some outrageous $$$$, so I decline. I'd rather see one of the local professionals who aren't into being a ROB. Thus said, there sure are a lot of them I'd like to do sometime.
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