
The Dangers of not Negotiating Before You go to VIP - Is Valentine a ROB or did

Jim is a VIP member at a club that is very extras friendly. There are always a lot of hot girls on shift. He called and told me this story.

Friday nite about 6PM he came into to the club with $280. Something told him to skip the club and go home but he went anyway anxious to see what gals on shift. He had pussy with his ATF on Wednesday for $200 otc who dances at the club who he has seen for months. He just wanted to chill and enjoy the free admission and free buffet and take say two dances max. The last time he was in the club was when he did his ATF in CR for $120 the Saturday before (so 2x in less than a week).

A hot tall blonde dancer (about 5" 10"), 20 named Valentine plopped down beside him in a bikini like outfit. She mentioned she is night shift and works from 5pm to 2am. After some conversation they went to the upstairs VIP area ($125 for non members, but no charge for members). A Bartender / Mgr checked his VIP card and drivers liscense while he and Val engaged in small talk about how her x BF had beaten her (wonder why?). He got the impression this was not the first time someone had beaten her.

Valentine took him to a area against the wall and made a couch fort. She stripped everything off and got in his lap in the nude (this is a topless club lol). She did some french kissing and Jim got some mileage. He put $40 on the table by the couch (for 2 dances?). Then she started to suck his dick and it was a fantastic BJ. At this point he was out of his mind and says he simply forgot about negotiating price of extras.... It then went to sex (he put a condom on) and Val went up and down in his lap plus he kissed with her more plus groping her boobs. She said "I use those kind of condoms too" she said smiling, but he wondered if she simply would have done him without one if he had made no effort putting one on. It was nice and tight as she is 20. After about 7-10 min he came. The used condom fell on the floor. Jim reached to pick it up but Val said "I will clean it up." He put $210 on the table saying "here's the rest of what I have. That was so fantastic, your so beautiful." Val said "I need another $100 we will go to downstairs ATM."

They took the elevator downstairs and at the ATM she said she needed $200. Jim gave her $200 not wanting an arguement but thinking what a ROB. Val asked when they could meet again and Jim mentioned he had been getting it otc for $200 and itc for $100 - $150. Val said that was way too low (she is a tall, hot 20 yr old blonde from Lousiana). He took her ph # (turned out to be fake) and she took his business card. He said Val was really good, some of the best he had had and got him off easily (I guess that tight pussy LOL).

My take on this is Jim should have negotiated POP before going to VIP as Val easily had her way with him. I also cautioned Jim on how pissed his ATF would be if she found about his adventure with Val especially what Val charged him was more than what he paid for 2 sessions with her.

How would you handle Val before going to VIP. Would you ask what services she offers and her best price or simply state what you pay? IMO Val is a ROB bc she did not mention what she wanted for the FS. What if Jim had balked at paying the extra $200 - remember Val said first said $100 but changed her mind to $200 once the elevator reached downstairs where the ATM is.


  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I should have mentioned this - Jim's total cost for the experience with Val was $450.
  • sinclair
    15 years ago
    Throw down the $210 and run like hell!
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Two takes,

    A fool and his money are soon parted.


    The money is irrelevant. Jim had a good time, and paid what she asked because it was no big deal.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Thank you for posting this. It is a strong reminder for me and others that you should always negotiate the price BEFORE to take out the guesswork and mystery from what she wants for her services.

    Just wondering how much does the VIP membership cost? You said it costs $125 each time for non-members but I do not see what the price of the VIP membership was.

    If this was the first time Jim has been screwed over like this then it can be a good lesson. $200 is not gonna break the bank for him. A Mcd's worker could probably make that up in a week (assuming $7 per hour * 40 hours in a week = 7 *40 = $280, which would be about $200 after taxes, etc.)

    If this has happened to Jim before, then he needs to start getting his shit together.

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I can agree with one thing, if you have the money , pay it and learn from it. I've been in similar positions, with and without enough funds. If I have it, give it to them and learn. When I didn't have it, I told the dancer I'd come back with the cash. The club ATM was broken. I walked out to a gas station ATM and came back to pay her. She was so shocked that what she provided more than made up for the extra funds. I also learned form that.

    Money is just not worth a major hassle.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Any dispute over cost for extras need to be raised by the stripper prior to delivery of said services. Otherwise pay whatever you deem fair for the extras but do not expect to be receiving said services ever again from that girl. As long as the club is paid for the actual lap dances, they will have nothing to do with disputes over cost for extras.
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    I would have told her what I thought about the first $100 pile on but said I would give it to her anyhow and again when she said $200. After giving her the extra $200 I would have told her there was no chance in hell that I would ever engage her in any activities ITC or OTC. I did this for a measly $20 that a stripper told me I owed her after two table dances when I had paid her the $20 before she did the dances.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    I totally agree with gatorfan. I think that the dancer outta do the negotiating. I mean, how do you really know if the customer really has the funds. And if they are gonna be steeper than other dancers, they outta let them know that ahead of time. After all, it's her pay. Seriously, what happens if you don't have the full amount that they require. Now the question is, "Is that what the dancer requires, or is it was the club requires?" Next time there is a discretion in dance prices, go see the bouncer/cashier for a final answer.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    It's very difficult to interrupt this type of physical ramp-up with a comment like "hey, I just want to do two dances", but that should have been communicated early on. The professional PL needs to have the confidence to set that limit if that's all you really want to spend.

    $450 is the price amateurs and idiots spend for FS ITC. Surprised this Jim character didn't buy a bottle of champagne too.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    She sucks dick and the dude kissed her.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Let 'em know what you're willing to pay up front. Then let them know what your standard play budget is in the future. If she wants your money in the future, she can have it under those terms. If somebody says they are worth more...well, that's your decision, but you're being played.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    The VIP membership at this club is $800. This is a lifetime ViP. Major benefits are free admission to the club (normally 7-10$) and no charge for the CR (downstairs) or VIP (upstairs). I would say most (possibly nearly all) of the dancers do extras. I negotiate POP before I take a gal to VIP and their prices have ranged from $150 - $300.

    Some good comments, appreciate your input. I agree with you Clubber on paying the money and learning from it. Jim had a good experience and did not want a scene where mgt might have become involved. Why take a chance on losing your VIP membership?

    gk - I like your comment, it sums it all up.

  • how
    15 years ago
    Jim should have not brought any ATM debit/credit card with him. He gave her 250 already, and when she demanded more, he should have apologized for her misunderstanding, but noted that she should have made that clear up front, as 250 is more than his usual and therefore more than any expectation...
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    But I again say any misunderstanding over price is the dancers upfront liability not the customers. There should be no question as to how much something is going to cost. Customers know the price of a lap danc, therefore extras or whatever else should be clear. I realize the girl does not want to be entrapped into quoting tit for tat to LE, but there needs to be some understanding before she starts sucking his dick. If she doesn't, I see this as her problem not his. I dont think the girl is going to threaten anyones VIP card status and complain to the club manager "Jim didn't pay me enough for the blowjob and fuck", I doubt it.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    gf: No, but she might accuse *him* of asking for it to a bouncer or managment. In an extreme case, that might get LE called, just to protect the club. Not likely, I'll admit, but that might occur to "Jim" in the heat of the moment.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I seriously doubt it, the last thing this club would ever want is LE involved especially if this club is extras friendly as Player11 originally pointed out. And it's your word against hers, if she provides extras it is not likely that accusation would hold up.

    Why is everyone so afraid of standing their ground. Strippers who provide extras need to be as upfront and clear about it as escorts, no difference whatsoever. If they are not, they risk the perils of not getting paid, plain and simple.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I think he made a good choice in paying her but I certainly see your point gatorfan. I just wonder what she would have done if he just simply started on his way out. Believe me they can make a scene, I have seen them follow a guy out screaming and cussing, then hanging on to his car as the poor fellow tries to escape. They could accuse him of hittig them and then getting a bouncer involved.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I'd think it's reasonable to assume most strippers are not out for a scene especially when it comes to activity they themself could be arrested for. She could say he hit her, but it's unlikely she would or the club would intervene. The club always protect themselves, not the stripper or the unwanted attention the police involved would bring.

    We inherently want to do the right thing, but if the girl is unclear about the price then these problems arise to more customers than just Jim. If Jim pays for his lap dances and drink tab, the club's interest is complete. This is why escorts are always clear about rate and time, strippers providing extras should be as clear.

  • gk
    15 years ago
    Back to the core of the question, if you get hourself in that position, to avoid a big fuss, you probably need to pay up or do some desparate negotiating after the fact. The last thing I want to do in any club is make a scene. I'll politely challenge an ROB counting dances wrong, but otherwise, in this situation, you payup and learn your lesson. Hey, we've all made stupip decisions along the way to being such "experts" and acquiring our SC egos, haven't we?!
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